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segunda-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2015

NARODNA GALERIJA --- National Gallery of Slovenia

Društvo prijateljev Narodne galerije je zaživelo leta 1995, čeprav zamisel ni bila povsem nova in so bile podobne ideje navzoče že ob ustanovitvi društva Narodna galerija leta 1918. Prijatelji Narodne galerije so spodbuda našim prizadevanjem, da bi organizirali aktivnejše jedro kulturne javnosti in da bi Narodna galerija skupaj s podporniki bogatila svoj umetnostni fond, z nakupi reševala umetnine pred propadom ali odtujitvijo iz našega okolja in ozaveščala javnost o pomenu naše kulturne dediščine. Podjetja in ljudje, ki so jih družili skupni interesi, so skozi desetletja pomagali uresničevati vizijo, da bi Narodna galerija prerasla v hram slovenske umetnosti in kulture.

Danes prijatelje Narodne galerije povezuje in druži ne samo zanimanje za umetnost in za zgodovino, temveč tudi želja po novih spoznanjih, po raziskovanju manj znanih predelov naše dežele in po druženju s podobno mislečimi. Zavedamo se, da so poleg glavne muzejsko-galerijske dejavnosti – zbiranje, hranjenje in raziskovanje umetnostnega fonda kot sestavnega dela likovne ustvarjalnosti v slovenskem prostoru – pomembne tudi zunaj galerijske aktivnosti. Na terenu se namreč prijatelji intenzivneje seznanjajo z delom Narodne galerije in z njenim pomenom v našem nacionalnem prostoru. Pridružite se nam, stopimo skupaj umetnosti in naši kulturni dediščini naproti!
Kakšne ugodnosti pridobim s plačilom članarine?
  • Člansko izkaznico 
  • Prost vstop do stalnih zbirk in na občasne razstave
  • Prost vstop na strokovna predavanja in vodstva
  • Udeležbo in srečanje z avtorji na internih predvodstvih novih razstav 
  • Udeležbo na posebnih strokovnih ekskurzijah po Sloveniji in tujini
  • Prejemanje programa prireditev 
  • Prejemanje vabil na odprtja razstav
  • 30 % popust pri nakupu publikacij Narodne galerije 
  • 40 % popust pri nakupu vstopnic za koncerte Sozvočja svetov 
  • 20 % popust pri delavnicah in tečajih v NG
Članarina velja za tekoče leto. Prijavnica je dostopna na spodnji povezavi:

Friends of the National Gallery of Slovenia are a club established in 1995 although the idea was not completely new. Similar initiatives were present during the foundation of the Society of the National Gallery of Slovenia in 1918. The Friends encourage the gallery's efforts to organize a more active core of the general public and try, together with the gallery's patrons, to enrich its art collection and save works of art from destruction or removal from the country through acquisition and informing the public of the importance of our cultural heritage. Businesses and individuals, brought together by common interests, have throughout decades helped bring us closer to the vision of the National Gallery of Slovenia as a temple of Slovene art and culture.
Today Friends of the National Gallery of Slovenia are connected not just by the interest in art and history but also by the desire to learn something new, to explore less known parts of our country and to mingle with the like-minded people. We are aware that besides the main activity of the gallery – collecting, storing and researching the art collection that is an integral part of the fine art creativity in Slovene milieu – there are other activities that are important as well. The Friends familiarize themselves with the work of the gallery and its meaning in the national milieu also outside the institution. Join us and let us travel through art and common cultural heritage together!
What are the benefits of the membership?
  • Membership card
  • Free entrance to permanent collections and temporary exhibitions
  • Free expert lectures and tours
  • Participation in private tours of new exhibitions and in events with their authors
  • Participation in special expert field trips in Slovenia and abroad
  • Programme of events
  • Invitation to different openings
  • 30% discount for publications of the National Gallery of Slovenia
  • 40% discount for the tickets to the concert cycle Harmony of the Spheres
  • 20% discount for the workshops and courses in the National Gallery of Slovenia
  • Membership is valid for the current calendar year. Apply form is available here.
Please note that tours and lectures are conducted in Slovene.

Dear visitors,
most of the public activities in the National Gallery of Slovenia are conducted in the Slovene language. You can follow our news section in Slovene.
We are happy to organise tours, workshops and birthdays in foreign languages. Please note that in such a case bookings should be made at least 14 days in advance. Please contact the Department for Education for details.

fonte: edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti http://www.ng-slo.si/si/ 

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