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sexta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2015

Das Kunstmuseum Pablo Picasso Münster ist das erste und bisher einzige Picasso-Museum Deutschlan

The history of the building

The Bull, 17th January 1946, 11th and last state, lithograph

The Picasso Museum is in the Königsstrasse, once the most fashionable street in the Old Town with ten aristocratic estates in the vicinity. The exhibition rooms are in two historic buildings made available by the Sparkasse. 

The "Druffel'sche Hof", built between 1784 and 1788, is one of the most important classicist buildings in Münster. Fortunately it proved possible to preserve and restore the facade of this former aristocratic estate in the post-war years. Built with the combination of bricks and sandstone typical of Münster, the house was attached to the neighbouring Hensenbau building when it was being converted into a museum at the end of the 1990s by the renowned architects Hilmer & Sattler & Albrecht. 

Today a spacious and architecturally sophisticated building complex is concealed behind the two extravagantly renovated façades.

The 1999 conversion – only the protected façade remained standing.

The Museum today

At regular intervals, the Museum presents various presentations connected with Picasso, his contemporaries and his artist friends on its approximately 600 square metres of exhibition space.

Interior view – Stairway

Interior view, 2nd floor – exhibition:Antiquity in the 20th century

Interior view, 3rd floor: Braque, Miró, Picasso – The protagonists of Modernism

Interior view, 3rd floor: [Meeting | Together] Ulrich Mack meets Françoise Gilot

fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti http://www.kunstmuseum-picasso-muenster.de/museum/das-museum-heute/

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