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sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015

Online Mineral Museum at AllMinerals / JohnBetts-FineMinerals

Since the inception of the original web site for John Betts-Fine Minerals over 33,800 mineral specimens were photographed, described, cataloged and sold. This is a virtual mineral museum of all of the sold mineral specimens that is updated annually. Hundreds of mineral species from thousands of mines and mineral localities can be found here. Many can be found nowhere else on the Internet. Allminerals.com and JohnBetts-FineMineral.com are two domains of the same company founded by John Betts. We are pleased to present this reference to mineral collectors, researchers and students.

The minerals can be searched by species, region, chemical group or locality. Additionally there are special galleries for themes such as pseudomorphs, fluorescent minerals, and for special localities of interest. All of the minerals in the museum sold. But links are provided to galleries of minerals for sale if you desire to purchase similar specimens or from similar localities.

I hope you find this Mineral Museum a valuable reference of mineral species photographs.

Search all 33,861 mineral specimens in the Mineral Museum
Many collectors and mineral dealers have noticed the higher prices of minerals recently. It was a common discussion topic at the recent East Coast Gem & Mineral Show. There are many causes that have all combined to escalate mineral prices. Many blame greedy or inexperienced dealers, novice buyers overpaying at mineral auctions, the internet allowing diggers in foreign countries to know the value of their rocks on a worldwide market.

But there is one cause that nobody has noticed: The minerals are better.

When I view mineral collections, I can recognize when a collection was assembled based on the quality of minerals in the collection. In the 1950s localities often consisted of just the country name; in the 1960s collectors tolerated damage and missing crystals; after 1980 and the widespread distribution of Mineralogical Record magazine localities became more specific; after 1985 connoisseur entered mineral collecting with high standards established by Dave Wilbur; in 1995 microabrasive cleaners started to become standard tools in prepping and trimming minerals; in 2000 trimming became more like sculpture in creating pleasing shapes; in 2010 restoration started to appear with missing terminations being completed with colored resins. This latter development is not necessarily a good thing.

But the minerals have gotten better as a result.

And the diggers in foreign countries have learned they can realize higher prices for their minerals if their locality information is accurate and if the take care during extraction and shipment to prevent damage. No longer do we see huge Chinese stibnite crystals with terribly chipped edges -- now they are individually wrapped and protected.

Not surprisingly the gem market still throws all of their rough crystals into plastic bags where the edges of the crystals become abraded. They do not care about the crystal condition because they only value the crystals for their cutting potential to make faceted gemstones.

As collectors, when we complain about prices, we should recognize we are comparing apples to oranges. The mineral specimens we paid $20 for 25 years ago were nicked, chipped and dinged. The comparable specimens today may sell for $500 are NOT ACTUALLY COMPARABLE -- they are much better quality. (If they are not better quality, then you are paying too much.)

John H. Betts, 8/18/2015

fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti http://www.johnbetts-fineminerals.com/

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