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terça-feira, 3 de março de 2020

We Think We Found the Most Beautiful City in Brazil. -- Achamos que encontramos a cidade mais bonita do Brasil. -- Wir glauben, wir haben die schönste Stadt Brasiliens gefunden. -- We Think We Found the Most Beautiful City in Brazil. -- 我们认为我们找到了巴西最美丽的城市。 -- نعتقد أننا وجدنا أجمل مدينة في البرازيل.

Charming homes surrounded by mountains and a truly magnificent church: it’s the kind of place dreams are made of.

When you hear the words mining camp, the phrase “most charming city” may not necessarily follow. But when it comes to Tiradentes, Brazil, they do.

Located at the bottom of the Serra de São José—a mountain range with a nearby trail that takes hikers through some stunning rock formations—Tiradentes is a part of Minas Gerais, a region known for its baroque architecture.

If you can, visit Tiradentes during the week (to avoid crowds) during a spring bloom. The surrounding wildflowers will only add to the fairytale scene you can encounter year-round. 

The city’s baroque architecture is a stark comparison to the natural landscape hovering around Tiradentes: bright palettes of yellows, ceruleans, and reds covering homes huddled underneath the blue Serra de São José mountains.

It has all of the elements of a charming city: colorful homes, cobblestone roads, horse-drawn buggies, more antique stores than you can visit in one trip. But it wasn’t always this way; in the early 18th century, Tiradentes wasn’t called Tiradentes.

It wasn’t until 1718 that the current-day Tiradentes was given a name: Vila São José, a move to honor the reigning Prince D. José I. In 1789, the area received a new (and lasting name), Tiradentes, this time dedicated to the martyr of the Inconfidência Mineira, according to Visit Brazil. Tiradentes mining activity soon after came to an end and the city dormant until it was rediscovered in 1970.

Lucky for all of us, Tiradentes and its architecture was in great condition thanks to its remote location among the mountains. Today, you can still drink water from the same source—the São José fountain—that locals drank from in 1749. And like the rest of the Minas Gerais, the city’s crown jewel is a religious gathering place: The Church of San Antonio, the second-largest amount of gold used to construct a building in Brazil, featuring a facade constructed by artist Aleijadinho and an organ from Portugal dating back to 1788.

If you find yourself planning a visit during the summer, aim for August, when you can experience the Tiradentes Culture and Gastronomy Festival, which brings chefs from Brazil and around the world together to teach cooking classes, host dinners, and take over restaurants.

If you’re looking for an off-the-beaten path destination to shop, eat really good, hike, and sight see in Brazil, do yourself a favor and do a quick image search of Tiradentes. You’ll be planning your trip before you know it.

by Edison Mariotti, 

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By Erika Owen on February 11, 2019

Achamos que encontramos a cidade mais bonita do Brasil.

Casas charmosas cercadas por montanhas e uma igreja verdadeiramente magnífica: o tipo de lugar em que os sonhos são feitos.

Quando você ouve as palavras campo de mineração, a frase "cidade mais charmosa" pode não necessariamente seguir. Mas quando se trata de Tiradentes, Brasil, eles fazem.

Localizado na parte inferior da Serra de São José - uma cordilheira com uma trilha próxima que leva os caminhantes por algumas formações rochosas impressionantes - Tiradentes faz parte de Minas Gerais, uma região conhecida por sua arquitetura barroca.

Se puder, visite Tiradentes durante a semana (para evitar multidões) durante uma florada da primavera. As flores silvestres ao redor serão adicionadas apenas à cena dos contos de fadas que você pode encontrar durante o ano todo.

A arquitetura barroca da cidade é uma comparação gritante com a paisagem natural que paira em torno de Tiradentes: paletas brilhantes de amarelos, cerúleos e vermelhos que cobrem casas amontoadas sob as montanhas azuis da Serra de São José.

Possui todos os elementos de uma cidade encantadora: casas coloridas, estradas de paralelepípedos, buggies puxados a cavalo, mais lojas de antiguidades do que você pode visitar em uma única viagem. Mas nem sempre parece assim; no início do século 18, Tiradentes continuou chamado Tiradentes.

Não foi até 1718 que os atuais Tiradentes receberam um nome: Vila São José, e passaram a homenagear o atual príncipe D. José I. Em 1789, a área recebeu um novo (e duradouro nome), Tiradentes, dedicado ao Mártir da Inconfidência Mineira, de acordo com o Visit Brazil. A atividade de mineração de Tiradentes logo terminou e a cidade adormeceu até ser redescoberta em 1970.

Sorte para todos nós, Tiradentes e sua arquitetura estavam em ótimas condições, graças à sua localização remota entre as montanhas. Hoje, você ainda pode beber água da mesma fonte - a fonte de São José - de onde os habitantes beberam em 1749. E, como o resto de Minas Gerais, a jóia da coroa da cidade é um local de encontro religioso: a Igreja de San Antonio, a a segunda maior quantidade de ouro usada na construção de um edifício no Brasil, com uma fachada construída pelo artista Aleijadinho e um órgão de Portugal desde 1788.

Se você planeja uma visita durante o verão, aponte para agosto, quando poderá experimentar o Festival de Cultura e Gastronomia de Tiradentes, que reúne chefs do Brasil e do mundo todo para ministrar aulas de culinária, realizar jantares e assumir restaurantes.

Se você está procurando um destino fora do comum para fazer compras, comer muito bem, caminhar e visitar o Brasil, faça um favor a si mesmo e faça uma rápida pesquisa de imagens em Tiradentes. Você planejará sua viagem antes que você perceba.

--de via tradutor do google
Wir glauben, wir haben die schönste Stadt Brasiliens gefunden.

Charmante Häuser, umgeben von Bergen und einer wahrhaft prächtigen Kirche: Die Art von Ort, aus dem Träume gemacht sind.

Wenn Sie die Worte Bergbaulager hören, muss der Ausdruck "charmanteste Stadt" nicht unbedingt folgen. Aber wenn es um Tiradentes in Brasilien geht, tun sie es.

Tiradentes liegt am Fuße der Serra de São José - einer Bergkette mit einem nahe gelegenen Pfad, der Wanderer durch einige atemberaubende Felsformationen führt - und gehört zu Minas Gerais, einer Region, die für ihre Barockarchitektur bekannt ist.

Wenn Sie können, besuchen Sie Tiradentes während der Woche (um Menschenmassen zu vermeiden) während einer Frühlingsblüte. Die umliegenden Wildblumen ergänzen nur die Märchenszene, die Sie das ganze Jahr über erleben können.

Die Barockarchitektur der Stadt ist ein starker Vergleich mit der natürlichen Landschaft rund um die Tiradentes: helle Paletten aus Gelb, Cerulean und Rot, die Häuser bedecken, die sich unter den blauen Bergen der Serra de São José befinden.

Es hat alle Elemente einer bezaubernden Stadt: farbenfrohe Häuser, Kopfsteinpflasterstraßen, Pferdekutschen, mehr Antiquitätengeschäfte, als Sie auf einer Reise besuchen können. Aber es scheint nicht immer so; im frühen 18. Jahrhundert wurde Tiradentes weiterhin Tiradentes genannt.

Erst 1718 erhielt der heutige Tiradentes einen Namen: Vila São José, und zu Ehren des regierenden Prinzen D. José I. erhielt das Gebiet 1789 einen neuen (und dauerhaften) Namen, Tiradentes laut Visit Brazil dem Märtyrer der Inconfidência Mineira gewidmet. Die Bergbautätigkeit in Tiradentes ging bald zu Ende und die Stadt ruhte, bis sie 1970 wiederentdeckt wurde.

Zum Glück für uns alle war Tiradentes und seine Architektur dank seiner abgelegenen Lage inmitten der Berge in einem hervorragenden Zustand. Noch heute können Sie Wasser aus derselben Quelle trinken - dem São José-Brunnen -, aus dem die Einheimischen 1749 tranken. Und wie der Rest von Minas Gerais ist das Kronjuwel der Stadt ein religiöser Treffpunkt: Die Kirche von San Antonio, die Die zweitgrößte Menge Gold, die für den Bau eines Gebäudes in Brasilien verwendet wurde, mit einer Fassade des Künstlers Aleijadinho und einer Orgel aus Portugal aus dem Jahr 1788.

Wenn Sie im Sommer einen Besuch planen, sollten Sie im August das Tiradentes Kultur- und Gastronomiefestival erleben, bei dem Köche aus Brasilien und der ganzen Welt zusammenkommen, um Kochkurse zu unterrichten, Abendessen zu veranstalten und Restaurants zu übernehmen.

Wenn Sie nach einem abgelegenen Ziel suchen, um einzukaufen, richtig gut zu essen, zu wandern und Sehenswürdigkeiten in Brasilien zu besichtigen, tun Sie sich selbst einen Gefallen und machen Sie eine schnelle Bildersuche nach Tiradentes. Sie werden Ihre Reise planen, bevor Sie es wissen.

--ru via tradutor do google
We Think We Found the Most Beautiful City in Brazil.

Charming homes surrounded by mountains and a truly magnificent church: it's the kind of place dreams are made of.

When you hear the words mining camp, the phrase "most charming city" may not necessarily follow. But when it comes to Tiradentes, Brazil, they do.

Located at the bottom of the Serra de São José-a mountain range with a nearby trail that takes hikers through some stunning rock formations-Tiradentes is a part of Minas Gerais, a region known for its baroque architecture.

If you can, visit Tiradentes during the week (to avoid crowds) during a spring bloom. The surrounding wildflowers will only add to the fairytale scene you can encounter year-round.

The city's baroque architecture is a stark comparison to the natural landscape hovering around Tiradentes: bright palettes of yellows, ceruleans, and reds covering homes huddled underneath the blue Serra de São José mountains.

It has all of the elements of a charming city: colorful homes, cobblestone roads, horse-drawn buggies, more antique stores than you can visit in one trip. But it was not always this way; in the early 18th century, Tiradentes was not called Tiradentes.

It was not until 1718 that the current-day Tiradentes was given a name: Vila São José, a move to honor the reigning Prince D. José I. In 1789, the area received a new (and lasting name), Tiradentes, this time dedicated to the martyr of the Inconfidência Mineira, according to Visit Brazil. Tiradentes mining activity soon after came to an end and the city dormant until it was rediscovered in 1970.

Lucky for all of us, Tiradentes and its architecture was in great condition thanks to its remote location among the mountains. Today, you can still drink water from the same source-the São José fountain-that locals drank from in 1749. And like the rest of the Minas Gerais, the city's crown jewel is a religious gathering place: The Church of San Antonio, the second-largest amount of gold used to construct a building in Brazil, featuring a facade constructed by artist Aleijadinho and an organ from Portugal dating back to 1788.

If you find yourself planning a visit during the summer, aim for August, when you can experience the Tiradentes Culture and Gastronomy Festival, which brings chefs from Brazil and around the world together to teach cooking classes, host dinners, and take over restaurants.

If you're looking for an off-the-beaten path destination to shop, eat really good, hike, and sight see in Brazil, do yourself a favor and do a quick image search of Tiradentes. You'll be planning your trip before you know it.

--chines simplificado via tradutor do google



蒂拉登特斯位于圣何塞山脉(Serra deSãoJosé)的底部,附近有一条小径,带徒步旅行者穿越一些令人惊叹的岩层-Tiradentes是Minas Gerais的一部分,该地区以巴洛克式建筑而闻名。




直到1718年,才将现今的蒂拉登特斯(Tiradentes)命名为:VilaSãoJosé,并向在位的亲王D.JoséI致敬。1789年,该地区获得了一个新的(并且是永久性的名字)蒂拉登特斯,据巴西旅游局(Visit Brazil)称,这是献给InconfidênciaMineira的烈士。蒂拉登特斯(Tiradentes)的采矿活动很快结束,这座城市处于休眠状态,直到1970年重新发现为止。




--ae via tradutor do google
نعتقد أننا وجدنا أجمل مدينة في البرازيل.

منازل ساحرة محاطة بالجبال وكنيسة رائعة حقًا: نوع المكان الذي تحلم به الأحلام.

عندما تسمع عبارة "معسكر التعدين" ، فإن عبارة "المدينة الساحرة" قد لا تتبع بالضرورة. ولكن عندما يتعلق الأمر ب Tiradentes ، البرازيل ، فإنهم يفعلون ذلك.

يقع Tiradentes في Minas Gerais ، وهي منطقة تشتهر بالهندسة المعمارية الباروكية ، وتقع في الجزء السفلي من Serra de São José - سلسلة جبال بها ممر قريب يأخذ المتنزهين عبر بعض التكوينات الصخرية المذهلة.

إذا كنت تستطيع ، يمكنك زيارة Tiradentes خلال الأسبوع (لتجنب الحشود) أثناء إزهار الربيع. لن تضيف الأزهار البرية المحيطة إلا إلى مشهد القصص الخيالية الذي يمكنك مواجهته على مدار السنة.

تُعتبر الهندسة المعمارية الباروكية في المدينة مقارنة صارخة بالمناظر الطبيعية التي تحوم حول Tiradentes: لوحات مشرقة من الأصفر ، والخزف ، والأحمر تغطي المنازل المتجمعة تحت جبال Serra de São José الزرقاء.

تضم جميع عناصر المدينة الساحرة: المنازل الملونة والطرق المرصوفة بالحصى والعربات التي تجرها الخيول والمتاجر العتيقة التي يمكنك زيارتها في رحلة واحدة. لكن هذا لا يبدو دائمًا بهذه الطريقة ؛ في أوائل القرن الثامن عشر ، واصل Tiradentes دعا Tiradentes.

لم يكن حتى عام 1718 عندما أعطيت تيرادينتس الحالية اسم: فيلا ساو خوسيه ، والانتقال لتكريم الأمير الحاكم خوسيه الأول في عام 1789 ، تلقت المنطقة اسم جديد (ودائم) ، تيرادينتيس ، مخصصة لشهداء Inconfidência Mineira ، وفقا لزيارة البرازيل. سرعان ما انتهى نشاط تعدين Tiradentes وكانت المدينة نائمة حتى تم اكتشافها في عام 1970.

كان محظوظًا بالنسبة لنا جميعًا ، كانت Tiradentes والهندسة المعمارية في حالة ممتازة بفضل موقعها البعيد بين الجبال. اليوم ، لا يزال بإمكانك شرب الماء من نفس المصدر - نافورة ساو جوزيه - التي شربها السكان المحليون في عام 1749. ومثل بقية ميناس جيرايس ، تعد جوهرة التاج في المدينة مكانًا للتجمع الديني: كنيسة سان أنطونيو ، و ثاني أكبر كمية من الذهب تستخدم لبناء مبنى في البرازيل ، وتتميز بواجهة من تصميم الفنان Aleijadinho وعضو من البرتغال يعود إلى عام 1788.

إذا وجدت نفسك تخطط للقيام بزيارة خلال فصل الصيف ، فاستهدف شهر أغسطس ، حيث يمكنك تجربة مهرجان Tiradentes للثقافة وفن الطهو ، والذي يجمع الطهاة من البرازيل ومن جميع أنحاء العالم معًا لتدريس دروس الطبخ واستضافة العشاء والاستيلاء على المطاعم.

إذا كنت تبحث عن وجهة تسوق غير مسبوقة للتسوق ، وتناول طعامًا رائعًا حقًا ، ورياضة المشي لمسافات طويلة ، ومشاهدة المعالم في البرازيل ، فافعل مصلحتك وقم بالبحث السريع عن الصور في Tiradentes. سوف تخطط لرحلتك قبل أن تعرف ذلك.

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