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sexta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2015

Institution of the Galerija-Muzej Lendava (GML)

From the beginning, the art and artistic field play an important role among the activities of the Institution of the Galerija-Muzej Lendava (GML). The International Fine Arts Colony Lendava is organized since 1973, where every year many unique works are made.

Since 2005, the GML aquired its own mobile foundry, that has a major role inside the International Fine Arts Colony Lendava. With the help of this foundry, the institution is trying to keep ancient technics and knowledge of casting sculptures in bronze for future generations.

The results of the particular initiatives are now on display in the Attic Gallery of Lendava Castle, where the visitor can admire the unique creations. The bronze sculptures are created within these colonies in Lendava by Central European modern artists.

Gallery-Museum Lendava
Banffyjev trg 1
9220 Lendava-Lendva
Slovenia (EU)

Mansardni razstavni prostor lendavskega gradu – Padlásgaléria – Attic gallery

fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti http://www.gml.si/en/zbirka-male-plastike-v-bronu-mednarodna-likovna-kolonija-lendava/

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