The heritage models that the Museum of Gorenjska collects, houses, researches and represents are intended for modern needs. They should support the formation and maintenance of regional and local identities and serve as an inspiration for and help with the search for solutions to the cultural problems faced by the people of the wider Gorenjska region. We built our mission on the basis of fundamental collections, such as the archaeological and ethnological collections of folk art and ancient, cultural and modern art history, as well as modernity, a cabinet of Slovenian photography, the creative art of Gorenjska and the so-called Prešereniana. The museum is focused on constant communication with the environment and we present our heritage through exhibitions, publications, workshops, study circles and lectures. The Gorenjska museum is a meeting place for people who know how to find those common elements that connect us to other nations and cultures in our preserved heritage and are also able to distinguish those treasures that are completely our own. Among our friends, we count children who enjoy our workshops and renowned experts that help us co-create the picture of Gorenjska’s past, as well, of course, as all the curious visitors in between these two extremes – you are also most welcome!
Ddr. Verena Vidrih Perko
Phone: +386 (0)4 201 39 63
Marija Ogrin
muzejska svetovalka
tel.: 04 201 39 52
Prvi kustos arheolog v Gorenjskem muzeju je bil Andrej Valič, ki je slovel kot izvrsten topograf in vodil raziskave številnih najdišč kot so npr. Drulovka, Bobovek, Rodine, Gradišče nad Pivko, Bled, Farna cerkev v Kranju, Ajdna nad Potoki in Tupaliče, če naštejemo le najpomembnejše. Gradivo naštetih raziskav je danes temelj arheološke zbirke v Gorenjskem muzeju, ki je bila v zadnjem desetletju in pol obogatena z gradivom številnih izkopavanj Zavoda za varstvo spomeniškega varstva v Kranju in drugih. Zbirka obsega artefakte iz mlajše kamene in zgodnje bakrene (Drulovka pri Kranju, Kranj, Gradišče nad Golnikom), starejše železne (Kranj, Bohinjski kot, Tupaliče pri Preddvoru) in rimske dobe (Bobovek pri Kranju, Rodine pri Radovljici, Ajdna nad Potoki, Khislstein v Kranju, Mošnje). Velikega pomena je gradivo iz časa preseljevanja ljudstev (Sv. Lovrenc in Gradišče nad Bašljem, Kranj Lajh), medtem ko so muzealije iz dobe naselitve Slovanov (Farna cerkev in Križišče Iskra v Kranju, Blejski grad, Moste itd.) temeljnega pomena za razumevanje nastanka in oblikovanja slovenske kulture. Bogato je tudi arheološko gradivo mlajših obdobij, npr. izdelki iz 16. stoletja iz lončarske peči iz Khislsteina.
Gorenjski muzej hrani tudi obsežno pripadajočo arheološko dokumentacijo z metapodatkovno bazo. Posebej ponosni smo na redno sodelovanje z Zavodom za spomeniško varstvo pri raziskavah, npr. arheološkega najdišča na Ajdni, in organizaciji rednih muzejskih večerov v sklopu vitrin meseca s predstavitvijo gradiva najnovejših arheoloških raziskav lokalni javnosti.
Strnjen prikaz arheoloških obdobij na Gorenjskem ter številne dragocene najdbe, ki jih hrani muzej, so obiskovalcem na ogled na stalni arheološki razstavi Železna nit v Mestni hiši v Kranju. Prikazan je tehnološki razvoj skozi čas, ki ga nazorno ilustrira izbrano arheološko gradivo. V Mestni hiši so avtentično predstavljeni tudi staroslovanski grobovi iz 9. in 10. stol. ter Arheološki spomenik ob farni cerkvi v Kranju in najdbe iz knežjega groba z Lajha.
Pomemben del proučevanja je visokogorska arheologija.
Marija Ogrin
Phone: +386 (0)4 201 39 52
There are many archeological sites in the Gorenjska region. Stone age and Bronze Age findings illustrate the temporary settlement of the region, while findings from the Iron Age show a concentrated and obviously permanent settlement of the region already. The Gorenjska museum cooperated in unearthing these sites over the last fifty years. Through numerous diggings, we managed to attain a valuable and unique collection, which is partly exhibited in the National museum of Slovenia in Ljubljana as well. The archaeological collection includes artefacts from the Early Stone and Early Bronze Ages (Drulovka near Kranj), the Late Iron Age (Kranj, Bohinjski kot, Tupaliče near Preddvor), Roman times (Bobovek near Kranj, Rodine near Radovljica, Ajdna over Potoki and Khislstein in Kranj), the time of migrations of nations (Sv. Lovrenc and Gradišče over Bašelj) and the settlement of the Slavs (Farna church in Križišče Iskra in Kranj and Bled castle).
The materials and documentation is being meticulously arranged and prepared so that we will be able to transfer it into a digital form, along with other museum artefacts, and make it viewable on our website. We are collaborating with the Institute for Heritage Protection in exploring the archaeological site on Ajdna, where we are also preparing the programme of museum presentation. Apart from researching the materials, the results of which usually appear in academic articles, we also organize archaeological evenings, where we present the results of new research conducted in the Gorenjska region and elsewhere to the broader public.
A condensed presentation of the archaeological eras in the Gorenjska region can be viewed in the permanent archaeological exhibition The Iron Thread in the Kranj City Hall, were the ancient history of Gorenjska is shown in a more contemporary way. The development of technology through the ages is also thoroughly covered by the extensive documentation on display. At the City Hall, the old-Slovenian graves of the 9th and 10th Centuries are also displayed, as is the Archaeological monument near the Parish church in Kranj.
fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti
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