The Museum can be visited individually or in groups. The texts and captions of the exhibitions are in four languages: Slovenian, Italian, German and English. Available for visitors who do not understand any of the four languages is a short summary in several other languages which is delivered at the ticket purchase.
For groups announced in advance guided tours are available, which are free of charge for a group of more than 15 persons. Individual guided tours are charged according to the price list. The guides can give tours in Slovenian, Italian, German, English, Croatian, French and Spanish. A guided tour through the Museum usually takes an hour and a half, including a 20-minute documentary film which can be released in Slovenian, Italian, German, English, French, Spanish, Czech, Hungarian and subititled in Russian, Hebrew and Croatian. A guided tour through the Museum can also be adapted to the wishes and requests of visitors. For groups announced in advance the Museum is open also out of office hours. The Museum is open every day throughout the year. Please find below some useful information related to a visit to the Museum.
The Museum organizes guided tours along the Kobarid History Walk, through outdoor museums and along the sites with the Isonzo Front remains. The guiding is charged according to the price list.
The Kobarid Museum developed from a museum collection which was set up by the locals in 1990. It first operated within the frame of the Tourist Society of Kobarid. Five years later, in agreement with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, the founders transferred the management to a non-profit company of limited liability which still manages the Museum. In the year 2011, the Kobarid Museum was put in the official register of Slovenian museums.
It was awarded for its activities the highest Slovenian award in the museum sphere – the Valvasor Prize. It was nominated for the European Museum of the Year Award (EMYA) and was awarded the Council of Europe Museum Prize.
Many notable persons have visited the Museum: from monarchs, three presidents of the EU Parliament, numerous presidents of states, prime ministers, ministers, presidents of various world associations, superiors of different churches, all to Nobel Prize winners.
Since its establishment the Museum has organized more than forty exhibitions both at home and abroad, of which a series of presentations of the European nations participating in the Kobarid Battle should be extra emphasized. Likewise, a number of exhibitions organized in European capitals (Vienna, Rome, Paris, Ljubljana, Zagreb) during the Slovenian EU presidency were met with wide response. There were also more than 200 different cultural events in the cycle of the so-called Museum Evenings.
zgodovina muzeja
Kobariški muzej se je razvil iz muzejske zbirke, ki so jo leta 1990 uredili domačini. Sprva je deloval v okviru Turističnega društva Kobarid. Po petih letih so ustanovitelji, v soglasju z Ministrstvom za kulturo, prenesli upravljanje na neprofitno družbo z omejeno odgovornostjo, ki z muzejem upravlja še danes. V letu 2011 se je Kobariški muzej vpisal v razvid slovenskih muzejev.
Portal muzejaKobariški muzej
Za svoje delovanje je prejel najvišjo državno priznanje v muzealstvu – Valvasorjevo nagrado. Bil je nominiran za EMYA in prejel nagrado Sveta Evrope.
Doslej so ga obiskale številne visoke osebnosti od monarhov, treh predsednikov Evropskega parlamenta, številnih predsednikov držav, vlad, ministrov, predsednikov raznih svetovnih združenj, cerkva vse do Nobelovih nagrajencev.
3 predsednikiProdi
V času svojega delovanja je organiziral več kot 40 razstav doma in v tujini, pri čemer kaže posebej izdvojiti cikel predstavitve evropskih narodov v kobariški bitki, do odmevnih razstav v evropskih prestolnicah (Dunaj, Rim, Pariz, London, Ljubljana, Zagreb) v času predsedovanja Slovenije EU, ter več kot 200 različnih kulturnih dogodkov v ciklu muzejskih večerov.
fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti
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