Dealul Bucium (jud. Iași) – străjuie cu peste 300 m altitudine orașul Iași și împrejurimile acestuia, făcând parte din Platoul Repedea. Platoul acestui deal este calcaros cu grote, abrupturi, doline fiind declarat rezervație geologică. Partea înaltă a dealului este împădurită dar spre poale sunt celebrele și întinsele podgorii de Bucium. De pe platoul somital avem cea mai frumoasă priveliște a Iașiului și a celor “7 coline”. Situat la 6 Km de Iași, în Comuna Bârnova, dealul Bucium cunoaște un puternic flux turistic în perioada sezonului cald. Acces: șoseaua națională ce leagă Iașiul de Vaslui urcă aproape de zona online casinos înaltă a dealului.
Pisania mânăstirii
Din punct de vedere geografic, Dealul Bucium se află la limita îintre Câmpia Moldovei și Podișul Central Moldovenesc, făcând parte din Podișul Jijiei inferioare și al Bahluiului, alcătuit dintr-un relief aplatizat, cu văi largi ( lunci, terase) care au frecvent versantul drept cu caracter structural, cu văi obsecvente ș cueste ( asa cum este coasta Iașilor ). Climatul este continentalizat puternic, asigurând trecerea de la silvostepă la stepă.
În această zonă se află Mânăstirea Bucium
Începuturile acestei mănăstiri îşi au obârşia legată de întemeierea schitului românesc “Prodromul” din Sfântul Munte Athos în secolul al XIX - lea. În anul 1853, ieroschimonahii Nifon şi Nectarie, după ce au pus bazele întemeierii schitului athonit, au întemeiat la Bucium o mică sihăstrie cu rânduială de obşte asemănătoare celeia din Sfântul Munte, scopul acesteia fiind atât duhovnicesc cât şi misionar filantropic, pentru ajutorarea călugărilor români aflaţi în Sfântul Munte. Întemeierea schitului din Bucium a fost posibilă datorită donaţiei făcute de Grigore Alexandru Ghica Al II - lea, constituită din 3000 de galbeni şi o suprafaţă de teren de 4,1 hectare. Prima bisericuţă era încadrată într-o clădire patrulateră, nu avea turlă, având înfăţişarea unui paraclis, care a fost sfinţit în anul 1871.
Acest aşezământ monahal numit până în anul 1918 “Metoc” sau “Conacul Bucium”, a dezvoltat în zona Iaşului un centru de spiritualitate şi linişte duhovnicească, fiind de-a lungul timpului şi loc de tihnă pentru mitropoliţii Moldovei.
Schitul Bucium s-a dezvoltat considerabil după anul 1942, în urma cumpărării a 22 de hectare de teren de la Prinţesa Ioana Rosetti Roznovanu, care includea şi câteva construcţii printre care “Palatul Roznovanu”, “Casa de oaspeţi” şi “Atelierul de olane şi conducte din lut pentru aducţiuni”. Între anii 1950 - 1977, în timpul arhipăstoririi mitropoliţilor Sebastian Rusan ( 1950 - 1956 ) şi Iustin Moisescu ( 1957 - 1977 ) şi în timpul vrednicului de pomenire stareţ Hrisostom Apostolache, biserica schitului a fost extinsă şi împodobită cu pictură de către pictorul Vasile Pascu, într-un stil tradiţional autohton de inspiraţie bizantină, fiind resfinţită în anul 1967, odată cu finalizarea picturii. Ridicarea schitului la rangul de mănăstire are loc în anul 1993, cu binecuvântarea Preafericitului Părinte Patriarh Daniel, pe atunci Mitropolit al Moldovei şi Bucovinei şi prin hotărârea Sf. Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române.
Hramul mânăstirii este Sfinții Români
Harta Zonala Dealul Bucium – Iasi
fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti
Gabriela Mangirov
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Hill Bucium
Bucium Hill (jud. Iasi) - guards over 300 m altitude city of Iasi and its surroundings as part of the plateau quickly. Plateau this hill is limestone caves, slopes, was declared geological sinkholes. The high of the hill is wooded but to hem and vast vineyards are famous Bucium. The plateau celebrities have the most beautiful view of Iasi and the "seven hills". Located 6 km from Iasi, in the village Bârnova, Bucium hill knows a strong tourist flow during the hot season. Access: national road linking Vaslui City benefits of online casinos climbs close to the high of the hill.
Hill Zoning Map Bucium - Iasi
From geographically Hill Bucium is limited îintre Moldova and Central Moldavian Plain, part of Plateau and lower Jijiei Bahluiului, consisting of a flat relief, with broad valleys (floodplains and terraces) who frequent the right side structural nature, with valleys obsecvente et marbles (as Iaşilor coast). Continentalizat climate is strong, ensuring the transition from steppe to steppe.
In this area is Bucium Monastery
The inscription monastery
The beginnings of the monastery have their origin linked to the foundation of Romanian hermitage "prodrome" of Mount Athos in the nineteenth
- Century. In 1853, Nectarios and Niphon ieroschimonahii after athonit hermitage founded foundation, founded a small hermitage Bucium with similar communal order of the Holy Mountain, its aim being both spiritual and philanthropic missionary, to help Romanian monks are the Holy Mountain. The foundation of Bucium hermitage was possible due to the donation of Grigore Alexandru Ghica II - consisting of 3,000 gold coins and a land area of 4.1 hectares. The first church building was framed in a quadrangular tower was not having the appearance of a chapel, which was consecrated in 1871.
This monastic settlement called until 1918 "subdued" or "Bucium Mansion" has developed in Iasi area a center of spirituality and spiritual tranquility, is the time and place of rest for the Metropolitans Moldova.
Hermitage Bucium developed considerably after 1942, following the purchase of 22 hectares of land at Princess Ioana Rosetti Roznovanu, which included several buildings including "Roznovanu Palace", "guest house" and "Workshop tiles and pipes Supplied clay. " Between 1950 - 1977, during arhipăstoririi Metropolitans Sebastian Rusan (1950 - 1956) and lustin (1957 - 1977) and during the commemoration worthy Abbot Chrysostomos Apostolache hermitage church was enlarged and adorned with paintings by painter Vasile Pascu, in a traditional local style of Byzantine inspiration, it is reconsecrated in 1967, with the completion of the painting. Raising the rank hermitage monastery takes place in 1993, with the blessing of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, the then Metropolitan of Moldavia and Bucovina and judgment St. Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
Romanian monastery is patron saints
Hill Bucium
Bucium Hill (jud. Iasi) - guards over 300 m altitude city of Iasi and its surroundings as part of the plateau quickly. Plateau this hill is limestone caves, slopes, was declared geological sinkholes. The high of the hill is wooded but to hem and vast vineyards are famous Bucium. The plateau celebrities have the most beautiful view of Iasi and the "seven hills". Located 6 km from Iasi, in the village Bârnova, Bucium hill knows a strong tourist flow during the hot season. Access: national road linking Vaslui City benefits of online casinos climbs close to the high of the hill.
Hill Zoning Map Bucium - Iasi
From geographically Hill Bucium is limited îintre Moldova and Central Moldavian Plain, part of Plateau and lower Jijiei Bahluiului, consisting of a flat relief, with broad valleys (floodplains and terraces) who frequent the right side structural nature, with valleys obsecvente et marbles (as Iaşilor coast). Continentalizat climate is strong, ensuring the transition from steppe to steppe.
In this area is Bucium Monastery
The inscription monastery
The beginnings of the monastery have their origin linked to the foundation of Romanian hermitage "prodrome" of Mount Athos in the nineteenth
- Century. In 1853, Nectarios and Niphon ieroschimonahii after athonit hermitage founded foundation, founded a small hermitage Bucium with similar communal order of the Holy Mountain, its aim being both spiritual and philanthropic missionary, to help Romanian monks are the Holy Mountain. The foundation of Bucium hermitage was possible due to the donation of Grigore Alexandru Ghica II - consisting of 3,000 gold coins and a land area of 4.1 hectares. The first church building was framed in a quadrangular tower was not having the appearance of a chapel, which was consecrated in 1871.
This monastic settlement called until 1918 "subdued" or "Bucium Mansion" has developed in Iasi area a center of spirituality and spiritual tranquility, is the time and place of rest for the Metropolitans Moldova.
Hermitage Bucium developed considerably after 1942, following the purchase of 22 hectares of land at Princess Ioana Rosetti Roznovanu, which included several buildings including "Roznovanu Palace", "guest house" and "Workshop tiles and pipes Supplied clay. " Between 1950 - 1977, during arhipăstoririi Metropolitans Sebastian Rusan (1950 - 1956) and lustin (1957 - 1977) and during the commemoration worthy Abbot Chrysostomos Apostolache hermitage church was enlarged and adorned with paintings by painter Vasile Pascu, in a traditional local style of Byzantine inspiration, it is reconsecrated in 1967, with the completion of the painting. Raising the rank hermitage monastery takes place in 1993, with the blessing of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, the then Metropolitan of Moldavia and Bucovina and judgment St. Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
Romanian monastery is patron saints
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