In the past, military museums were primarily exhibition halls for weapons technology and the brilliant representation of national armed forces. They were often called Army Museum and wanted to impress visitors by military industrial fairs, usually by using a chain of concatenated wars, almost detached from other historical events. Military history was limited to battles on victory parades and weapons technology developments.
Military history is represented in all its diversity. The exhibition confronts visitors with their own human potential for aggression and violence discussed as historical, cultural and anthropological phenomenon. Is aggression evolutionary biology might create in every person, it is as natural and inevitable as the need to sleep or to drink? Or the violence content is culturally in us especially and influences?
The focus of the new permanent exhibition is always the individual person who exerts violence or suffers. There are always two biographies of people faced living in the same time but with different lifestyles followed or were different in one and the same historical situation decision paths. Ambivalence is a key concept for the entire permanent exhibition of the Military History Museum.
Eleven themed tours and three chronologies are two museums in a basically and are seen in the permanent exhibition on 10,000m² of exhibition space, moreover, outside the building, two outdoor exhibitions to visit 3,000m².
The Military History Museum of the Bundeswehr
The Military History Museum of the Bundeswehr in Dresden Consists of two parts: an arsenal That was built in 1877 and a new extension designed by architect Daniel Libeskind US and completed in 2011. Shaped like a wedge, the extension cuts through the old arsenal. The Light and Shadow effects produced by The New wedge symbolize the eventful history of Germany military. Both the architecture and the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Military History seek to avoid biased presentations and to challenge traditional perspectives. The exhibition Confronts The Visitor with his or her own potential for aggression and violence shows as a historical, cultural, and anthropological phenomenon. The permanent exhibition encompasses a thematic exhibition in the new extension and a chronological exhibition in the original building. All in all, some 10,000 exhibits are presented in a exhibition area of 13,000 square meters.
Thematic Exhibition
The new extension designed by Daniel Libeskind houses a thematic exhibition did start with a view of Dresden on the Fourth Floor. It can be explored floor by floor from top to bottom Following the stairs in the extension and the historical staircase in the old building. The twelve areas of the thematic exhibition are not presented in chronological order, but instead focus on very different and sometimes surprising aspects of Military History. Characteristic features of the new extension are multi-storey shafts, some of Which can be crossed by bridges, Which contain exhibits associated with individual sections of the exhibition: such as "War and Memory", "War and Play" or "Animals and the Military ". Some Of These areas are designed to help visitors who are not familiar with the military find ways of approaching military history.
Chronological exhibition
A chronological journey through German military history awaits the visitor in the three wings of the old building. This journey Comprises three periods: the Late Middle Ages to 1914 (Ground Floor), The Age of World Wars (First Floor, West Wing), and in 1945 to the Present First Floor, East Wing). The chronological exhibition starts on the ground floor and ends in the present on the first floor of the old building. Cabinets branch off from the main path and address the Military History of Particular Eras in greater detail. Knowledge Chambers shed light on subjects: such as the economy of war, the military and society, and injury and death. The Path Through the Ages is marked by ten main Showcases did highlight critical turning points in German history: the Thirty Years' War, The Beginning and end of World War II, and the division and reunification of Germany.
fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti
In der Vergangenheit waren Militärmuseen vor allem Ausstellungshallen für Waffentechnik und für die glanzvolle Repräsentation nationaler Streitkräfte. Sie wurden oft Armeemuseum genannt und wollten die Besucher durch militärische Leistungsschauen beeindrucken, meist mithilfe einer Kette von aneinander gereihten Kriegen, fast losgelöst von anderen historischen Ereignissen. Militärgeschichte war beschränkt auf Schlachten, auf Siegesparaden und waffentechnische Entwicklungen.
Im Militärhistorischen Museum der Bundeswehr hingegen sind Krieg und Militär unlösbar mit der allgemeinen Geschichte verwoben und zeigt die Verästelung in die politik-, sozial-, mentalitäts- und kulturgeschichtliche Forschung.
Militärgeschichte wird so in ihrer ganzen Bandbreite dargestellt. Die Ausstellung konfrontiert die Besucherinnen und Besucher mit dem eigenen menschlichen Aggressionspotential und thematisiert Gewalt als historisches, kulturelles und anthropologisches Phänomen. Ist Aggressivität evolutionsbiologisch möglicherweise in jedem Menschen angelegt, ist sie so selbstverständlich und unvermeidbar wie das Bedürfnis zu schlafen oder zu trinken? Oder ist der Gewaltanteil in uns vor allem kulturell geprägt und beeinflusst?
Im Mittelpunkt der neuen Dauerausstellung steht immer wieder der einzelne Mensch, der Gewalt ausübt oder erleidet. Es werden immer zwei Biographien von Menschen gegenübergestellt, die in der selben Zeit lebten aber unterschiedlichen Lebensentwürfen folgten oder die in ein und derselben historischen Entscheidungssituation unterschiedliche Wege gingen. Ambivalenz ist ein Schlüsselbegriff für die gesamte Dauerausstellung des Militärhistorischen Museums.
Elf Themenparcours und drei Chronologien sind im Grunde zwei Museen in einem und sind in der Dauerausstellung auf 10.000m² Ausstellungsfläche zu sehen, darüber hinaus sind außerhalb des Gebäudes zwei Außenausstellungen auf 3.000m² zu besuchen.
The Militärhistorische Museum der Bundeswehr
The Militärhistorische Museum der Bundeswehr in Dresden consists of two parts: an arsenal that was built in 1877 and a new extension designed by U.S. architect Daniel Libeskind and completed in 2011. Shaped like a wedge, the extension cuts through the old arsenal. The light and shadow effects produced by the new wedge symbolise the eventful military history of Germany. Both the architecture and the permanent exhibition of the Militärhistorische Museum seek to avoid biased presentations and to challenge traditional perspectives. The exhibition confronts the visitor with his or her own potential for aggression and shows violence as a historical, cultural, and anthropological phenomenon. The permanent exhibition encompasses a thematic exhibition in the new extension and a chronological exhibition in the original building. All in all, some 10,000 exhibits are presented in an exhibition area of 13,000 square metres.
Thematic exhibition
The new extension designed by Daniel Libeskind houses a thematic exhibition that starts with a view of Dresden on the fourth floor. It can be explored floor by floor from top to bottom following the stairs in the extension and the historical staircase in the old building. The twelve areas of the thematic exhibition are not presented in chronological order, but instead focus on very different and sometimes surprising aspects of military history. Characteristic features of the new extension are multi-storey shafts, some of which can be crossed by bridges, which contain exhibits associated with individual sections of the exhibition such as "War and Memory", "War and Play", or "Animals and the Military". Some of these areas are designed to help visitors who are not familiar with the military find ways of approaching military history.
Chronological exhibition
A chronological journey through German military history awaits the visitor in the three wings of the old building. This journey comprises three periods: the Late Middle Ages to 1914 (ground floor), the Age of World Wars (first floor, west wing), and 1945 to the Present first floor, east wing). The chronological exhibition starts on the ground floor and ends in the present on the first floor of the old building. Cabinets branch off from the main path and address the military history of particular eras in greater detail. Knowledge chambers shed light on subjects such as the economy of war, the military and society, and injury and death. The path through the ages is marked by ten main showcases that highlight critical turning points in German history: the Thirty Years' War, the beginning and end of World War II, and the division and reunification of Germany.
No passado, os museus militares foram principalmente salas de exposições para a tecnologia de armas ea representação brilhante de forças armadas nacionais. Eles foram muitas vezes chamado de Museu do Exército e queria impressionar os visitantes pela feiras industriais militares, geralmente usando uma cadeia de guerras concatenadas, quase independente de outros eventos históricos. História militar foi limitado a batalhas em desfiles de vitória e desenvolvimentos de tecnologia de armas.
No Museu de História da Bundeswehr no outro lado da guerra e os militares Militar estão inextricavelmente entrelaçada com a história geral e mostra as ramificações na mentalidade de pesquisa política, social e histórico-cultural.
História militar está representada em toda a sua diversidade. A exposição confronta os visitantes com o seu próprio potencial humano para a agressão e violência discutido como fenômeno histórico, cultural e antropológico. É a biologia evolutiva agressão pode criar em cada pessoa, é tão natural e inevitável como a necessidade de dormir ou para beber? Ou o conteúdo violência é culturalmente em nós e especialmente influências?
O foco da nova exposição permanente é sempre o indivíduo que exerce violência ou sofre. Há sempre duas biografias de pessoas que enfrentam vivendo no mesmo tempo, mas com estilos de vida diferentes, seguida ou eram diferentes em um e os mesmos caminhos de decisão situação históricos. Ambivalência é um conceito-chave para toda a exposição permanente do Museu de História Militar.
Onze tours temáticos e três cronologias são dois museus em um, basicamente, e são vistos na exposição permanente sobre 10.000 m² de espaço de exposição, além disso, no exterior do edifício, duas exposições ao ar livre para visitar 3.000m².
O Museu de História Militar da Bundeswehr
O Museu de História Militar da Bundeswehr em Dresden Consiste em duas partes: um arsenal que foi construído em 1877 e uma nova extensão projetado pelo arquiteto Daniel Libeskind EUA e concluída em 2011. Com a forma de uma cunha, os cortes de extensão por meio do antigo arsenal. Os efeitos Luz e Sombra produzidas pela nova cunha simbolizar a conturbada história da Alemanha militar. Tanto a arquitetura e da exposição permanente do Museu de História Militar procuram evitar apresentações tendenciosas e desafiar perspectivas tradicionais. A exposição confronta o visitante com seu próprio potencial de agressão e violência mostra como um fenômeno histórico, cultural e antropológico. A exposição permanente inclui uma exposição temática no novo ramal e uma exposição cronológica no edifício original. Ao todo, cerca de 10.000 exposições são apresentadas em uma área de exposição de 13.000 metros quadrados.
Exposição temática
A nova extensão projetada por Daniel Libeskind abriga uma exposição temática começou com uma vista de Dresden no quarto andar. Ele pode ser explorado andar por andar de cima para baixo Seguindo as escadas na extensão ea escadaria histórica no antigo edifício. Os doze áreas da exposição temática não são apresentados em ordem cronológica, mas em vez disso se concentrar em aspectos muito diferentes e por vezes surpreendentes de História Militar. Características da nova extensão são eixos de vários andares, alguns dos quais podem ser atravessados por pontes, que contêm exposições associados com seções individuais da exposição: como "Guerra e Memória", "War and Play" ou "Animals eo Militar ". Algumas dessas áreas são projetados para ajudar os visitantes que não estão familiarizados com os militares encontrar formas de abordar a história militar.
Exposição cronológica
Uma viagem cronológica através da história militar alemão aguarda o visitante nas três alas do antigo edifício. Esta viagem é composto por três períodos: a Idade Média tardia até 1914 (Térreo), The Age of Guerras Mundiais (First Floor, West Wing), e em 1945 to the Present First Floor, East Wing). A exposição cronológica começa no piso térreo e termina no presente no primeiro andar do antigo edifício. Armários ramificam a partir do caminho principal e tratar da História Militar de particulares Eras em maior detalhe. Chambers conhecimento lançar luz sobre temas: como a economia de guerra, os militares ea sociedade, e ferimentos e morte. O trajeto através das Idades é marcado por dez Showcases principais fez destacar pontos de inflexão críticos na história da Alemanha: as Guerra dos Trinta Anos, o início eo fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, e da divisão e reunificação da Alemanha.
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