No início da década de 1950, o inquieto médico da Marinha do Brasil Dr. Maury Pinto de Oliveira, deu início a uma pequena coleção de conchas, a partir de coletas nas praias das cidades do Rio de Janeiro e Niterói. Enriqueceu seu conhecimento na área de Zoologia e, mais especificamente, de Malacologia através de contatos com especialistas no Brasil e no exterior e uma aquisição frenética de bibliografia especializada.
Em 1966, a coleção que então contava com 8.000 conchas de todas as partes do mundo, foi doada à Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, com a condição de que a mesma permanecesse sob administração do doador enquanto este desejasse ou tivesse forças para tal. Mesmo apertada em um laboratório no antigo Departamento de Biologia, o acervo se multiplicou através de coletas, permutas e doações, até que o espaço passou a ser insuficiente para a sua grandiosidade.
Após tentativas de alocações em outros espaços, a Universidade, reconhecendo a importância da coleção, construiu em 1996, um prédio no Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, que abriga ainda hoje, a Malacologia e o Herbário.
Em 2002 foi criado o Núcleo de Maloacologia da UFJF, com estrutura própria, tendo como Curador vitalício o Prof. Maury Pinto de Oliveira. Depois de sua morte, em junho de 2004, o setor, com todas as suas dependências, passou a se chamar Museu de Malacologia Prof. Maury Pinto de Oliveira, em reconhecimento a sua obra e dedicação ao estudo da malacologia.
A finalidade primeira da coleção do Museu de Malacologia Prof. Maury Pinto de Oliveira é a contínua formação e preservação de um acervo que retrate a biodiversidade da malacofauna do Brasil. Este acervo constitui um patrimônio universal, servindo como referência nacional e internacional no estudo de moluscos. A existência desse acervo permite a realização de pesquisas, formação de recursos humanos e atendimento ao público por meio da realização de projetos de extensão e popularização da ciência. Nesse sentido, a coleção malacológica do MMPMPO atende a todas as funções atribuídas às coleções biológicas: guarda, conservação, estudo e difusão do conhecimento.
O Museu de Malacologia Prof. Maury Pinto de Oliveira desenvolve atividades de extensão com o objetivo de despertar nos visitantes o interesse pelas ciências naturais. Quem visita o Museu pode manusear o material exposto no ‘Museu Interativo’, assistir palestras, teatros de fantoches e outras atividades lúdicas e pedagógicas desenvolvidas pela equipe. O Museu recebe visitas de públicos diversos, incluindo crianças, jovens, adultos e grupos de terceira idade e faz parte do circuito turístico da cidade de Juiz de Fora. Anualmente, o Museu atende, em média, 1000 visitantes por ano.
O Museu de Malacologia vem atuando há mais de 10 anos junto à comunidade e as ações culturais e educativas são amplamente reconhecidas. A ação de popularização da ciência contribui para o reconhecimento por parte da comunidade da importância da coleção, de que esta representa um patrimônio da nação, que precisa ser preservado.
Atualmente, os esforços em pesquisa no Museu são direcionados para a consolidação de uma linha que prima por uma abordagem integrada permitindo a compreensão da complexidade das espécies em um contexto evolutivo e ecológico. O estudo dos animais vivos tem permitido acessar informações sobre a biologia, estratégias de história de vida; comportamento e interação com outros organismos. A criação em laboratório permite a utilização dos moluscos como modelos biológicos em estudos com uma perspectiva aplicada.
O conhecimento gerado pelos estudos sobre a morfologia de gastrópodes terrestres e límnicos têm contribuído significativamente para a compreensão da história evolutiva desses grupos de moluscos, além de fornecer o conhecimento necessário para a resolução de questões de natureza prática, que dependem da correta identificação das espécies.
A taxonomia clássica, baseada na morfologia é especialmente importante nos estudos sobre as espécies de gastrópodes que atuam em ciclos de parasitos, uma vez que a identificação dos hospedeiros intermediários é essencial para a identificação das áreas
de risco das doenças. Neste sentido, estudos morfoanatômicos, taxonômicos e parasitológicos são complementares. Entretanto, a taxonomia desses moluscos apresenta dificuldades, destacando-se a escassez de recursos humanos e bibliografias de referência
em morfologia. As pesquisas desenvolvidas no MMPMPO contribuem para o melhor conhecimento da morfoanatomia e consequentemente para uma melhor resolução da taxonomia e sistemática das espécies. Além disso, a coleta, identificação e estudo morfológico dos gastrópodes permite o a ampliação da coleção malacológica, onde os espécimes-testemunha são depositados.
fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti
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In the early 1950s, the restless doctor of the Navy of Brazil Dr. Maury Pinto de Oliveira, began a small collection of shells, from collections on the beaches of the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Niteroi. Enriched their knowledge in the area of Zoology and, more specifically, of Malacology through contacts with specialists in Brazil and abroad and a frenzied acquisition of professional literature.
In 1966, the collection which then had 8,000 shells from all over the world, was donated to the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, on the condition that it remain under the administration of donor while he wanted to or had the strength to do so. Even tight in a laboratory in the former Department of Biology, the collection has multiplied by collections, exchanges and donations, until the space became insufficient for its grandeur.
After attempts allocations in other areas, the University, recognizing the importance of the collection, built in 1996, a building at the Institute of Biological Sciences, which houses today, the Malacology and the Herbarium.
In 2002 he created the Center of UFJF Maloacologia, with its own structure, with the Curator lifelong Prof. Maury Pinto de Oliveira. After his death in June 2004, the sector, with all its dependencies, was renamed Malacology Museum Prof. Maury Pinto de Oliveira, in recognition of his work and dedication to the study of malacologia.
The first purpose of the Malacology Prof. Museum collection Maury Pinto de Oliveira is the continuous formation and preservation of a collection that portrays biodiversity malacofauna Brazil. This collection is a universal heritage, serving as a national and international reference in the study of molluscs. The existence of this collection allows to conduct research, training of human resources and customer service through the implementation of outreach projects and popularization of science. In this sense, the malacological collection MMPMPO meets all functions of the biological collections: guard, conservation, study and dissemination of knowledge.
The Malacology Museum Prof. Maury Pinto de Oliveira develops outreach activities in order to awaken the visitors interest in the natural sciences. Those who visit the museum can handle the material exposed in the Interactive Museum ', attend lectures, puppet theaters and other recreational and educational activities developed by the team. The Museum receives several public visits, including children, youth, adults and seniors groups and is part of the tourist circuit of the city of Juiz de Fora. Annually, the Museum serves an average of 1,000 visitors a year.
The Malacology Museum has been operating for over 10 years in the community and cultural and educational activities are widely recognized. The action of popularization of science contributes to the recognition by the community of the importance of the collection, that this is a nation's heritage that must be preserved.
Currently, efforts in research at the Museum are directed to the consolidation of a line to press for an integrated approach enabling the understanding of the complexity of the species in an evolutionary and ecological context. The study of living animals has allowed access information on the biology, life history strategies; behavior and interaction with other organisms. The laboratory colony allows the use of molluscs as biological models for studies with an applied perspective.
The knowledge generated by studies of the morphology of terrestrial and limnic gastropods have contributed significantly to understanding the evolutionary history of these molluscs groups, as well as providing the knowledge necessary for the resolution of practical issues, which depend on correct identification of the species.
The classical taxonomy based on morphology is especially important in the studies of gastropod species that act on parasites cycles since the identification of the intermediate host is essential for the identification of areas
risk of disease. In this sense, morphoanatomic, taxonomic and parasitological studies are complementary. However, the taxonomy of these molluscs presents difficulties, especially the shortage of human resources and reference bibliographies in morphology. The research developed in MMPMPO contribute to a better understanding of morphoanatomy and consequently for better resolution of the taxonomy and systematics of species. In addition, the collection, identification and morphological study of gastropods allows the the expansion of the malacological collection, where the specimens witness are deposited.
In the early 1950s, the restless doctor of the Navy of Brazil Dr. Maury Pinto de Oliveira, began a small collection of shells, from collections on the beaches of the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Niteroi. Enriched their knowledge in the area of Zoology and, more specifically, of Malacology through contacts with specialists in Brazil and abroad and a frenzied acquisition of professional literature.
In 1966, the collection which then had 8,000 shells from all over the world, was donated to the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, on the condition that it remain under the administration of donor while he wanted to or had the strength to do so. Even tight in a laboratory in the former Department of Biology, the collection has multiplied by collections, exchanges and donations, until the space became insufficient for its grandeur.
After attempts allocations in other areas, the University, recognizing the importance of the collection, built in 1996, a building at the Institute of Biological Sciences, which houses today, the Malacology and the Herbarium.
In 2002 he created the Center of UFJF Maloacologia, with its own structure, with the Curator lifelong Prof. Maury Pinto de Oliveira. After his death in June 2004, the sector, with all its dependencies, was renamed Malacology Museum Prof. Maury Pinto de Oliveira, in recognition of his work and dedication to the study of malacologia.
The first purpose of the Malacology Prof. Museum collection Maury Pinto de Oliveira is the continuous formation and preservation of a collection that portrays biodiversity malacofauna Brazil. This collection is a universal heritage, serving as a national and international reference in the study of molluscs. The existence of this collection allows to conduct research, training of human resources and customer service through the implementation of outreach projects and popularization of science. In this sense, the malacological collection MMPMPO meets all functions of the biological collections: guard, conservation, study and dissemination of knowledge.
The Malacology Museum Prof. Maury Pinto de Oliveira develops outreach activities in order to awaken the visitors interest in the natural sciences. Those who visit the museum can handle the material exposed in the Interactive Museum ', attend lectures, puppet theaters and other recreational and educational activities developed by the team. The Museum receives several public visits, including children, youth, adults and seniors groups and is part of the tourist circuit of the city of Juiz de Fora. Annually, the Museum serves an average of 1,000 visitors a year.
The Malacology Museum has been operating for over 10 years in the community and cultural and educational activities are widely recognized. The action of popularization of science contributes to the recognition by the community of the importance of the collection, that this is a nation's heritage that must be preserved.
Currently, efforts in research at the Museum are directed to the consolidation of a line to press for an integrated approach enabling the understanding of the complexity of the species in an evolutionary and ecological context. The study of living animals has allowed access information on the biology, life history strategies; behavior and interaction with other organisms. The laboratory colony allows the use of molluscs as biological models for studies with an applied perspective.
The knowledge generated by studies of the morphology of terrestrial and limnic gastropods have contributed significantly to understanding the evolutionary history of these molluscs groups, as well as providing the knowledge necessary for the resolution of practical issues, which depend on correct identification of the species.
The classical taxonomy based on morphology is especially important in the studies of gastropod species that act on parasites cycles since the identification of the intermediate host is essential for the identification of areas
risk of disease. In this sense, morphoanatomic, taxonomic and parasitological studies are complementary. However, the taxonomy of these molluscs presents difficulties, especially the shortage of human resources and reference bibliographies in morphology. The research developed in MMPMPO contribute to a better understanding of morphoanatomy and consequently for better resolution of the taxonomy and systematics of species. In addition, the collection, identification and morphological study of gastropods allows the the expansion of the malacological collection, where the specimens witness are deposited.
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