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terça-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2016

'Mihai Eminescu' Museum, Copou Park, 6600 Iassy

Founding a memorial museum in Iasi in Eminescu's honour was a matter of cultural conscience as from all the places where Eminescu lived and created, it was Iasi that remained engraved in the very being of the poet as a shining light. At the same time Iasi was the city where his artistic personality flourished and bore fruit. There he published the poem 'Venus and Madonna' in the review 'Literary Discussions'. In Iasi Eminescu joined Junimea society and embraced the new trend in Romanian culture that had originated in the 1848 revolution. Iasi city, the review and cultural society mentioned above made of him a public figure.

100 years after his death Iasi still lacked a house of Eminescu, although the poet lived there for a while. It had become imperative to do something about it. The choice was not to be a house or a room that once sheltered the poet, but the very place where his memory had always been cherished by Iasi. The one place where he seemed to be still alive, his presence felt daily and perpetually: Copou Park, a landmark of Iasi city, over two hundred year old, with centuries old trees, much loved by Eminescu. The lime-tree, his favourite tree, a motif of his poetry, still stands there; it is Eminescu's lime-tree - the sacred one - treasured by all who come today to meditate and recollect their memories next to it.

At the beginning in a building right in the centre of the park was opened a permanent exhibition 'Mihai Eminescu'. The initiative was largely applauded. At the same time it was suggested to design a new building whose architecture is supposed to be inspired by the very spirit of Eminescu's creation. Architect Virgil Onofrei is the one who will make it come into being. This special building was inaugurated in 1989 as a sign of deep gratitude and awe for the poet who had died 100 years before. Specialists and visitors from all over the country and from abroad agree on the Eminescu Museum being a true monument of architecture able to evoke by itself the dimensions of Eminescu's spirituality. The opening of the literary and artistic coffee house and of the great hall (under construction), as well as the audio-visual equipment will complete 'Mihai Eminescu' National Cultural Centre, where for the time being only the museum functions. The latter is convincing in its attempt to give full, various and profound knowledge of the personality and creation of the master genius of Romanian literature.

Data on the building and museum staff:
the museum is made up of three halls: two on the ground floor, the destiny hall, and the art hall, and one on the upper floor, the friendship hall;
the museum staff is made up of two graduate specialists and three undergraduate supervisors.

the book collection, comprising editions of Eminescu's works from the first issue (1884) up to the recent ones, monographs regarding the poet's life, critical surveys, and translations of Eminescu's poetry into foreign languages. Highly regarded volumes:
M. Eminescu - POEMS, Socec Publishing House, Bucharest, 1884
M. Eminescu - POEMS (in English), Grimm Publishing House, 1938
M. Eminescu - AUGSEWAHLTE GEDICHTE (poems in German), Timisoara, 1932.
M. Eminescu - POESIES (in French), Bucharest, 1931.
the collection of Eminescu photographs, including original as well as copies of all photographs related to the life and activity of the poet. Most treasured are:
M. Eminescu photo, 1884, Iasi, by Nestor Heck
the art collection, comprising painting, graphics and carvings related to Eminescu and his creation.

Relevant items:
The graphics collection inspired by Eminescu and his creation., 25 pieces. Authors: Ligia Macovei, Done Stan, C. Baciu and others.
    1. M. Eminescu, bust (bronze), by R. P. Hette, 1935.
  • Other relevant works:
    Piano, Fr. Ehrbar, Vienna, 1873 belonging to Aglaia - Drogli Eminovici, the poet's sister.

fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti


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