Mãe Menininha do Gantois é homenageada no Carnaval 2017
A Mãe de Santo baiana Menininha do Gantois será a homenageada da Escola de Samba Vai Vai no carnaval paulistano do ano que vem. A escolha foi feita para marcar os 30 anos de morte da matriarca do candomblé, que representa a cultura e religiosidade de matriz africana na Bahia
Com enredo já definido – No Xirê do Anhembi, a Oxum mais bonita surgiu. Menininha Mãe da Bahia, Ialorixá do Brasil – e uma sinopse do desfile, representantes da escola foram à Bahia pedir oficialmente autorização à Mãe Carmem, filha da homenageada e atual ialorixá do Terreiro do Gantois, localizado no bairro da Federação, em Salvador.
“Este ano, exatamente por causa do aniversário de morte de Mãe Menininha, veio essa vontade do nosso presidente de fazer a homenagem a essa grande figura, para abordar todo o legado de amor, de paz, de união, de religiosidade que ela deixou. Dessa forma, fomos consultar a Mãe Carmem, lá no Gantois, e felizmente obtivemos isso [a autorização]. A nossa intenção é fazer um grande xirê [palavra iorubá que significa dança e evocação aos orixás] no palco do Anhembi e contar a trajetória de doçura dessa ialorixá mais famosa do mundo”, disse à Agência Brasil a diretora de Carnaval da Vai Vai, Janaína Decarli.
Janaína contou que a ideia de homenagear a matriarca baiana surgiu em um sonho do presidente da escola, Darli Silva (Neguitão). Segundo a diretora, Silva sonhou que a Vai Vai deveria homenagear a Mãe Menininha e propôs aos demais membros da agremiação, que acataram a sugestão.
“Vamos levar para a avenida o legado de amor, a doçura, a história de vida com os orixás, em vida e depois da morte. Quando se lembra de Mãe Menininha, lembra-se de amor. A gente vai falar dela, pelas veias do candomblé, por meio dos orixás. Vamos trazer essa bandeira de homenagem ao candomblé e às religiões de matriz africana. Vamos passar por cima de todo o preconceito e intolerância que existe contra algumas religiões, contra orientação sexual, de raça”, acrescentou a representante.
Integrantes da Vai Vai pedem autorização para homenagear Mãe Menininha
Integrantes da Vai Vai pedem autorização para homenagear Mãe MenininhaDivulgação
A proposta da homenagem foi levada diretamente aos envolvidos com o Terreiro do Gantois e aos familiares da Mãe Menininha, em Salvador. A filha caçula da homenageada, Mãe Carmem, é a atual ialorixá do terreiro. Hoje, com 88 anos, ela contou que recebeu com alegria a notícia do tema do desfile da Vai Vai. Mas o “sim” só pôde ser dado após uma consulta aos orixás.
“Depois que consultei os orixás, eles aceitaram que fizessem [a homenagem]. Eu fiquei muito feliz e agradecida, porque é uma grande homenagem a mamãe, então só tenho a agradecer. Por que não aceitar isso, com o consentimento dos orixás? Vai sair muita coisa do candomblé: muita cultura, de tudo um pouco, vai ser uma coisa linda. Eu não vou participar do desfile porque a homenagem será para mamãe, mas sei que vai ser muito bonito”, disse a mãe de santo.
Sobre a importância de combater a intolerância religiosa, a ialorixá é taxativa: “nem Deus e nem o Diabo quer [a intolerância]”.
“Eu fui criada totalmente no candomblé, minha mãe era do candomblé, mas tivemos muita vivência católica, por exemplo. Ela queria que fôssemos batizados e fizéssemos a primeira comunhão na Igreja Católica. Então, dentro do candomblé, não se proíbe nada que é bom. Não há justificativa [para a intolerância religiosa]. Por que essa intolerância? Só porque é de preto e pobre? Não pode ser”, afirmou a filha de Mãe Menininha, que ressalta a importância de mostrar o candomblé como uma religião que prega o bem e a igualdade.
Para o diretor do Centro de Estudos Afro Orientais da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), professor Lívio Sansone, ligado à área de antropologia, a importância de Mãe Menininha extrapola a religiosidade e reflete a luta que ela mesma teve em defesa do candomblé.
“O carnaval é feito de festa e celebração e é bom que sejam celebradas também as pessoas que tiveram o grande mérito de preservar as tradições africanas no Brasil e aprenderam a apresentá-la de maneira interessante a um público muito amplo. Mãe Menininha teve esse grande mérito, era uma mensageira entre dois mundos: o mundo da casa de santo e o mundo da sociedade mais ampla. Ela foi visitada por presidentes, políticos, sempre por pessoas importantes. Ela foi determinante na luta para tirar o candomblé da marginalidade e transformá-lo em uma das tantas religiões do Brasil”, disse o especialista.
Na opinião de Sansone, a escolha da homenageada é justa e merecida, inclusive como forma de mostrar à população a importância do respeito à religiosidade. Se o carnaval tem que homenagear alguém, nada melhor do que Mãe Menininha, sobretudo neste momento em que é necessário lutar para que a tolerância religiosa seja uma prática, não somente um lema. Ela é um símbolo grande e é justo que seja escolhida”, acrescentou.
Em 1976, dez anos antes de morrer, Mãe Menininha do Gantois foi homenageada pela Escola de samba carioca Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel. Ela nasceu em Salvador, em 1894, e morreu em 1986, aos 92 anos, de causas naturais. Descendente de pessoas trazidas da Nigéria para serem escravizadas, a mãe de santo foi escolhida para ser ialorixá do Terreiro da avó, ainda criança. Passou, oficialmente, a matriarca do local, aos 28 anos.
Edição: Graça Adjuto
Cultura e conhecimento são ingredientes essenciais para a sociedade.
A cultura é o único antídoto que existe contra a ausência de amor
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Mother Menininha Gantois will be the subject of Vai Vai next year's Carnival
Mother Menininha Gantois is honored Carnival 2017
The Mother of Bahia Santo Menininha Gantois is the honoree of the samba school Vai Vai in the São Paulo carnival next year. The choice was made to mark the 30th anniversary of the death of the matriarch of Candomblé, which represents the culture and religion of African origin in Bahia
With plot already defined - In Xirê Anhembi, the most beautiful Oshun came. Menininha Mother of Bahia, Ialorixá of Brazil - and a synopsis of the show, school representatives were to Bahia officially request permission to Mother Carmen, daughter of the honoree and current ialorixá Terreiro do Gantois, located in the neighborhood of the Federation, in Salvador.
"This year, just because of the anniversary of the death of Mother Menininha came this will of our president to do homage to this great figure, to address the entire legacy of love, peace, unity, religiosity she left. Thus, we see Mother Carmen, there in the Gantois, and fortunately we got it [the permit]. Our intention is to make a great xirê [Yoruba word meaning dance and recall the orishas] at the Anhembi stage and tell the trajectory of sweetness that most famous ialorixá the world, "said the Agency Brazil the director of Carnival Go Go, Janaina Decarli.
Janaina said that the idea of honoring the Bahian matriarch appeared in a dream of the president of the school, Darly Silva (Neguitão). According to the director, Silva dreamed that Vai Vai should honor the Mother Menininha and proposed to the other members of the club, who have embraced the suggestion.
"We will take to the avenue the legacy of love, sweetness, the story of life with the orishas, in life and after death. When you remember Mother Menininha, remembers love. We'll talk about it, the Candomblé veins through the orishas. Let's bring this flag tribute to Candomblé and religions of African origin. Let's go over all prejudice and intolerance that exists against some religions against sexual orientation, race, "added the representative.
Members of Vai Vai ask permission to honor Mother Menininha
Members of Vai Vai ask permission to honor Mother MenininhaDivulgação
The proposal of honor was taken directly to those involved in the Terreiro do Gantois and the family of Mother Menininha in Salvador. The youngest daughter of the honoree, Mother Carmen, is the current ialorixá the yard. Today, with 88 years, she said she received with joy the parade theme news Vai Vai. But the "yes" could only be given after consultation with the orishas.
"After I consulted the orishas, they agreed to do [the tribute]. I was very happy and grateful because it is a great tribute to Mom, then I have to thank. Why not accept that, with the consent of the Orishas? It will leave a lot of Candomblé: a lot of culture, a bit of everything, will be a beautiful thing. I will not participate in the parade because the honor is for Mom, but I know it will be very beautiful, "said the saint's mother.
On the importance of combating religious intolerance, ialorixá is adamant: "neither God nor the devil either [intolerance]."
"I was totally created in Candomblé, my mother was the Candomblé, but we had a lot of Catholic experience, for example. She wanted to be baptized and we did the first communion in the Catholic Church. Then, in the Candomblé, not prohibiting anything that is good. There is no justification [for religious intolerance]. Why this intolerance? Just because you're black and poor? It can not be, "said the daughter of Mother Menininha, which underscores the importance of showing Candomblé as a religion that preaches good and equality.
For the director of the Center for African East of Federal University of Bahia Studies (UFBA), Professor Livio Sansone, on the anthropology area, the importance of Mother Menininha extrapolates religiosity and reflects the struggle that she had in defense of Candomblé.
"Carnival is made of party and celebration and it's good to be also celebrated people who have had the great merit of preserving African traditions in Brazil and learned how to present it in an interesting way to a very wide audience. Mother Menininha had this great merit, was a messenger between two worlds: the world of the holy house and the world of the wider society. She was visited by presidents, politicians, always important people. She was instrumental in the fight to take Candomblé of marginality and turn it into one of the many religions of Brazil, "said the expert.
In the view of Sansone, the choice of honoree is fair and deserved, even as a way to show the people the importance of respect for religion. If the carnival has to honor someone, nothing better than Mother Menininha, especially at this time when it is necessary to fight for religious tolerance is a practice, not just a slogan. It is a great symbol and it is fair to be chosen, "he added.
In 1976, ten years before she died, Mother Menininha Gantois was honored by the samba school Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel. She was born in Salvador in 1894 and died in 1986 at age 92 of natural causes. Descendant of people brought from Nigeria to be enslaved, the holy mother was chosen to be ialorixá Grandma Terreiro as a child. Now, officially, the matriarch of the place, at age 28.
Edition: Grace Adjuto
Cultura e conhecimento são ingredientes essenciais para a sociedade.
A cultura é o único antídoto que existe contra a ausência de amor
Vamos compartilhar.
-- in via tradutor do google
Mother Menininha Gantois will be the subject of Vai Vai next year's Carnival
Mother Menininha Gantois is honored Carnival 2017
The Mother of Bahia Santo Menininha Gantois is the honoree of the samba school Vai Vai in the São Paulo carnival next year. The choice was made to mark the 30th anniversary of the death of the matriarch of Candomblé, which represents the culture and religion of African origin in Bahia
With plot already defined - In Xirê Anhembi, the most beautiful Oshun came. Menininha Mother of Bahia, Ialorixá of Brazil - and a synopsis of the show, school representatives were to Bahia officially request permission to Mother Carmen, daughter of the honoree and current ialorixá Terreiro do Gantois, located in the neighborhood of the Federation, in Salvador.
"This year, just because of the anniversary of the death of Mother Menininha came this will of our president to do homage to this great figure, to address the entire legacy of love, peace, unity, religiosity she left. Thus, we see Mother Carmen, there in the Gantois, and fortunately we got it [the permit]. Our intention is to make a great xirê [Yoruba word meaning dance and recall the orishas] at the Anhembi stage and tell the trajectory of sweetness that most famous ialorixá the world, "said the Agency Brazil the director of Carnival Go Go, Janaina Decarli.
Janaina said that the idea of honoring the Bahian matriarch appeared in a dream of the president of the school, Darly Silva (Neguitão). According to the director, Silva dreamed that Vai Vai should honor the Mother Menininha and proposed to the other members of the club, who have embraced the suggestion.
"We will take to the avenue the legacy of love, sweetness, the story of life with the orishas, in life and after death. When you remember Mother Menininha, remembers love. We'll talk about it, the Candomblé veins through the orishas. Let's bring this flag tribute to Candomblé and religions of African origin. Let's go over all prejudice and intolerance that exists against some religions against sexual orientation, race, "added the representative.
Members of Vai Vai ask permission to honor Mother Menininha
Members of Vai Vai ask permission to honor Mother MenininhaDivulgação
The proposal of honor was taken directly to those involved in the Terreiro do Gantois and the family of Mother Menininha in Salvador. The youngest daughter of the honoree, Mother Carmen, is the current ialorixá the yard. Today, with 88 years, she said she received with joy the parade theme news Vai Vai. But the "yes" could only be given after consultation with the orishas.
"After I consulted the orishas, they agreed to do [the tribute]. I was very happy and grateful because it is a great tribute to Mom, then I have to thank. Why not accept that, with the consent of the Orishas? It will leave a lot of Candomblé: a lot of culture, a bit of everything, will be a beautiful thing. I will not participate in the parade because the honor is for Mom, but I know it will be very beautiful, "said the saint's mother.
On the importance of combating religious intolerance, ialorixá is adamant: "neither God nor the devil either [intolerance]."
"I was totally created in Candomblé, my mother was the Candomblé, but we had a lot of Catholic experience, for example. She wanted to be baptized and we did the first communion in the Catholic Church. Then, in the Candomblé, not prohibiting anything that is good. There is no justification [for religious intolerance]. Why this intolerance? Just because you're black and poor? It can not be, "said the daughter of Mother Menininha, which underscores the importance of showing Candomblé as a religion that preaches good and equality.
For the director of the Center for African East of Federal University of Bahia Studies (UFBA), Professor Livio Sansone, on the anthropology area, the importance of Mother Menininha extrapolates religiosity and reflects the struggle that she had in defense of Candomblé.
"Carnival is made of party and celebration and it's good to be also celebrated people who have had the great merit of preserving African traditions in Brazil and learned how to present it in an interesting way to a very wide audience. Mother Menininha had this great merit, was a messenger between two worlds: the world of the holy house and the world of the wider society. She was visited by presidents, politicians, always important people. She was instrumental in the fight to take Candomblé of marginality and turn it into one of the many religions of Brazil, "said the expert.
In the view of Sansone, the choice of honoree is fair and deserved, even as a way to show the people the importance of respect for religion. If the carnival has to honor someone, nothing better than Mother Menininha, especially at this time when it is necessary to fight for religious tolerance is a practice, not just a slogan. It is a great symbol and it is fair to be chosen, "he added.
In 1976, ten years before she died, Mother Menininha Gantois was honored by the samba school Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel. She was born in Salvador in 1894 and died in 1986 at age 92 of natural causes. Descendant of people brought from Nigeria to be enslaved, the holy mother was chosen to be ialorixá Grandma Terreiro as a child. Now, officially, the matriarch of the place, at age 28.
Edition: Grace Adjuto
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