A Secretaria de Cultura do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, informou nesta terça-feira, 21, de junho de 2016, que Marcelo Araujo vai deixar o cargo de secretário da pasta para assumir, em julho, a presidência do Instituto Brasileiro de Museus (Ibram), órgão do Ministério da Cultura.
“Em São Paulo, inaugurou cinco Fábricas de Cultura, bem como a Biblioteca Parque Villa-Lobos em 2014, que recebeu 190 mil visitantes em seu primeiro ano de funcionamento. Também reinaugurou os museus da Imigração e Casa de Portinari, em Brodowski”, destacou o comunicado. Não há informações sobre seu substituto na pasta.
Advogado, museólogo e doutor pela Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da USP, Marcelo Araujo assumiu a Secretaria de Estado da Cultura em 2012. Antes do cargo, Araujo foi diretor da Pinacoteca do Estado (2002-2012) e do Museu Lasar Segall (1997-2002).
O atual presidente do Ibram, Carlos Roberto Brandão, encabeça a única chapa inscrita para a eleição, no dia 30/6, da direção do Museu de Arte Contemporânea (MAC) da USP. A vice diretora da inscrição de Brandão, segundo a instituição, é a professora e curadora do MAC, Ana Magalhães.
“São Paulo é de longe o Estado que mais investe em cultura no país e a experiência de gerenciar essa infraestrutura foi um marco em minha vida profissional. Quero expressar minha imensa gratidão pela confiança do governador Geraldo Alckmin e destacar a competência da equipe que encontrei na Secretaria”, afirmou Araujo na nota de imprensa.
Cultura e conhecimento são ingredientes essenciais para a sociedade.
A cultura é o único antídoto que existe contra a ausência de amor
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Marcelo Araujo will assume the presidency of the Brazilian Institute of Museums
The Secretariat of São Paulo State Culture said on Tuesday, 21, Marcelo Araujo will leave the folder secretary position to assume in July, the president of the Brazilian Institute of Museums (Ibram), Ministry of Culture of the organ .
"In São Paulo, opened five factories Culture and the Library Villa-Lobos Park in 2014, which received 190,000 visitors in its first year of operation. Also reopened museums and Immigration House of Portinari in Brodowski, "said the statement. No information about his replacement in the folder.
Lawyer, museologist and PhD from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of USP, Marcelo Araujo took the Secretary of State of Culture in 2012. Before the office, Araujo was director of the State Art Gallery (2002-2012) and Lasar Segall (1997- 2002).
The current president of Ibram, Carlos Roberto Brandão, tops the single plate registered for the election, on 30/6, the direction of the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC), USP. The vice director of Brandão of registration, according to the institution, is a professor and curator of the MAC, Ana Magalhaes.
"São Paulo is by far the state that invests most in culture in the country and the experience of managing this infrastructure was a milestone in my professional life. I express my profound gratitude for the confidence of the governor Geraldo Alckmin and highlight the expertise of the team that found in the Secretariat, "said Araujo in the news release.
Cultura e conhecimento são ingredientes essenciais para a sociedade.
A cultura é o único antídoto que existe contra a ausência de amor
Vamos compartilhar.
--in via tradutor do google
Marcelo Araujo will assume the presidency of the Brazilian Institute of Museums
The Secretariat of São Paulo State Culture said on Tuesday, 21, Marcelo Araujo will leave the folder secretary position to assume in July, the president of the Brazilian Institute of Museums (Ibram), Ministry of Culture of the organ .
"In São Paulo, opened five factories Culture and the Library Villa-Lobos Park in 2014, which received 190,000 visitors in its first year of operation. Also reopened museums and Immigration House of Portinari in Brodowski, "said the statement. No information about his replacement in the folder.
Lawyer, museologist and PhD from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of USP, Marcelo Araujo took the Secretary of State of Culture in 2012. Before the office, Araujo was director of the State Art Gallery (2002-2012) and Lasar Segall (1997- 2002).
The current president of Ibram, Carlos Roberto Brandão, tops the single plate registered for the election, on 30/6, the direction of the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC), USP. The vice director of Brandão of registration, according to the institution, is a professor and curator of the MAC, Ana Magalhaes.
"São Paulo is by far the state that invests most in culture in the country and the experience of managing this infrastructure was a milestone in my professional life. I express my profound gratitude for the confidence of the governor Geraldo Alckmin and highlight the expertise of the team that found in the Secretariat, "said Araujo in the news release.
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