Acervo focado no mercado americano tem primeiro Civic e NSX - o esportivo que Senna ajudou a fazer.
Dentro de um condomínio de edifícios comerciais em Torrance, na Califórnia, fica um local paradisíaco para os fãs da Honda. Estamos no Honda Collection, um acervo com alguns dos veículos mais importantes que a marca japonesa comercializou no mercado norte-americano em quase seis décadas. Do primeiro modelo vendido por lá (o pequeno N600, exposto orgulhosamente na entrada do local) às criações mais emblemáticas da empresa fundada por Soichiro Honda - todos podem ser encontrados lá.
Os primeiros anos da Honda não foram fáceis no outro lado do Pacífico. Embora tenha se estabelecido nos EUA em 11 de junho de 1959, apenas 11 anos depois é que a marca começou a vender automóveis naquele país. Se os compactos N600 e Z600 não emplacaram, a história foi bem diferente com o Civic. Lançado em 1973, justamente o ano em que a Crise do Petróleo atingiu os Estados Unidos, o hatch (a única opção de carroceria disponível à época) fez sucesso pela economia de combustível. Nas décadas seguintes a Honda se firmaria como uma das montadoras preferidas dos americanos.
Teto alto e espaço de sobra: será que a Civic Wagon lembra algum SUV compacto da Honda atual? | Crédito: Vitor Matsubara
Pelos corredores do museu (na verdade, um galpão com diversos veículos em exposição) observamos três gerações do Accord, o modelo mais vendido da marca na terra do Tio Sam. Logo em seguida, as três gerações do belo Prelude, cupê que chegou a ser importado para cá em sua última geração nos anos 90. Mas a grande estrela tem um espaço especial: as cinco primeiras gerações do Civic estão bem representadas no acervo. Destaque para o primeiro Civic Si (de 1986) e a Civic Wagon 1984, que tinha o conceito de veículo familiar com teto alto e tração nas quatro rodas – qualquer semelhança com os SUVs atuais é mera coincidência...
A ala dos esportivos modernos tem o S2000. Fabricado por uma década (de 1999 a 2009), o modelo inicialmente veio ao mundo com um motor 2.0 VTEC de 240 cv, posteriormente substituído pelo 2.2 16V VTEC de mesma potência. O S2000 era um descendente direto do S600, que também marca presença no espaço em Torrance. Infelizmente, o roadster nunca foi vendido no Brasil.
Mas o principal destaque está em um canto do museu: o lendário NSX surgiu em 1990 com design inspirado nos caças F-16 e um motor 3.0 V6 naturalmente aspirado, entregando 273 cv a 7.100 rpm e torque máximo de 29 mkgf a 5.700 rpm. Com excelente aerodinâmica e apenas 1.370 kg, seu desempenho era impressionante para a época: 5,6 segundos para acelerar de 0 a 100 km/h e velocidade máxima de 270 km/h, números dignos de rivalizar com Ferrari e Porsche.
Nos Estados Unidos, foi ele o responsável por alavancar a Acura, marca de luxo criada pela Honda em 1986 com foco no mercado norte-americano. Para nós, brasileiros, o NSX se tornou conhecido pela participação de Ayrton Senna nas fases finais do desenvolvimento do veículo. O tricampeão mundial de F-1, aliás, aparece em um raro registro pilotando o NSX-R sem dó diante da imprensa japonesa, trajando seu inconfundível par de sapatos marrons com meias brancas. Dois NSX estão expostos no museu da Honda: um exemplar de 1991 e outro de 2005.
Há também espaço para modelos menos badalados, como o CR-X, um hatch esportivo fabricado de 1983 a 1991, e veículos de competição, como protótipos de provas de longa duração e, claro, a Fórmula Indy. Entre os vários bólidos, chama atenção a Penske-Honda da temporada 2000, pilotada por ninguém menos do que Gil de Ferran – bicampeão da Indy e um dos brasileiros mais bem sucedidos da história da categoria, ao lado de Emerson Fittipaldi, Tony Kanaan e Helio Castroneves.
A visita termina no mezanino, onde estão expostas algumas motocicletas antigas produzidas pela empresa, que viu suas vendas explodirem após dois fatos terem marcado a história da companhia nos anos 60: a veiculação de uma bem-sucedida campanha publicitária chamada “You Meet the Nicest People on a Honda” (algo como “Você Conhece as Pessoas Mais Legais numa Honda”) e o lançamento de “Little Honda”, uma música dos Beach Boys que falava sobre as emoções de pilotar uma moto da marca japonesa.
Se você já está programando sua visita, precisamos te dar uma má notícia: apenas convidados da Honda podem conhecer o local. Quem quiser conhecer melhor a história da marca precisará ir ao Honda Collection Hall, um acervo com 300 automóveis e motocicletas de várias épocas localizado em Motegi, no Japão. Pensando bem, até que não é uma má ideia...
Modelos das marcas Honda e Acura estão no local | Crédito: divulgação
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Collection focused on the American market must first and Civic NSX - the sport that Senna helped make.
Collection has passenger cars, motorcycles, racing cars and prototypes | Credit: disclosure
Within a commercial building condominium in Torrance, California, is a heavenly place for fans of Honda. We are in the Honda Collection, a collection of some of the most important vehicles that the Japanese brand sold in the US market in nearly six decades. The first model sold there (the small N600, displayed proudly at the entrance) to the most emblematic creations of the company founded by Soichiro Honda - all can be found there.
The first generation Civic was successful through the Oil Crisis | Credit: Vitor Matsubara
The early years of the Honda were not easy on the other side of the Pacific. Although settled in the US on June 11, 1959, only 11 years later that the brand started selling cars in the country. If the N600 and Z600 compact emplacaram not, the story was quite different with the Civic. Launched in 1973, precisely the year in which the oil crisis hit the United States, the hatch (the only option available body at the time) was successful for fuel economy. In the following decades the Honda Wedge as a favorite of American automakers.
high ceilings and plenty of space: will the Civic Wagon resembles a compact SUV of the current Honda? | Credit: Vitor Matsubara
The halls of the museum (actually a shed with several vehicles on display) observed three generations of the Accord, the best-selling car brand in the land of Uncle Sam. Soon after, the three generations of the beautiful Prelude coupe that came to be imported here in its latest generation in the 90s but the star has a special space: the first five generations of the Civic are well represented in the collection. Featured for the first Civic Si (1986) and the Civic Wagon 1984 had the concept of family vehicle with high ceilings and four-wheel drive - any resemblance to the current SUVs is purely coincidental ...
Prelude: the beautiful coupe came to be sold in Brazil in 90 years | Credit: Vitor Matsubara
Two seats and power to spare: the S2000 was a roadster in its essence | Credit: Vitor Matsubara
The wing of modern sports has the S2000. Made for a decade (1999-2009), the model first came into the world with a 2.0 VTEC engine 240 hp, later replaced by the 2.2 16V VTEC same power. The S2000 was a direct descendant of the S600, which is also present in space in Torrance. Unfortunately, the roadster was never sold in Brazil.
NSX: legend has it that Senna would have helped in the development of sports | Credit: Vitor Matsubara
clean and bold lines inspired the second generation NSX, to be launched in 2016 | Credit: Vitor Matsubara
But the main emphasis is on a corner of the museum: the legendary NSX came in 1990 with design inspired by the F-16s and a V6 3.0 naturally aspirated engine, delivering 273 hp at 7,100 rpm and maximum torque of 29 mkgf 5,700 rpm. With excellent aerodynamics and only 1370 kg, its performance was impressive for the time: 5.6 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 100 km / h and a maximum speed of 270 km / h, numbers worthy rival Ferrari and Porsche.
In the United States, he was responsible for leveraging the Acura luxury brand created by Honda in 1986 focused on the North American market. For us Brazilians, the NSX became known by the participation of Ayrton Senna in the final stages of the vehicle development. The triple world champion of Formula 1, incidentally, appears in a rare record riding the NSX-R unmercifully before the Japanese media, wearing his unmistakable pair of brown shoes with white socks. Two NSX are exposed in the Honda museum: a copy of 1991 and another in 2005.
competition car wing has several fireballs American categories | Credit: disclosure
There is also room for less trendy models such as the CR-X, a sports hatch manufactured from 1983 to 1991, and vehicle competition, as prototypes of long term tests and, of course, Formula Indy. Among the many fireballs, calls attention to Penske-Honda's 2000 season, piloted by none other than Gil de Ferran - champion of Indy and one of the most successful Brazilian in the history of the category, alongside Emerson Fittipaldi, Tony Kanaan and Helio Castroneves.
Here is the Penske-Honda took Gil de Ferran to the title of the season 2000 IndyCar | Credit: disclosure
The visit ends on the mezzanine, where they are exposed some old motorcycles produced by the company, which saw its sales explode after two events have marked the years the company's history 60: the placement of a successful advertising campaign called "You Meet the Nicest People on a Honda "(something like" You know the people on a Honda More Legal ") and the release of" Little Honda "a Beach Boys song that talked about the emotions of riding a bike Japanese brand.
The bikes were not forgotten in the collection | Credit: disclosure
If you are already planning your visit, we need to give you bad news: only guests of Honda may know the place. Anyone who wants to learn more about the history of the brand will have to go to the Honda Collection Hall, a collection of 300 cars and motorcycles from various eras located in Motegi, Japan. On second thought, until it is not a bad idea ...
Unfortunately, the site can be visited only by guests | Credit: disclosure
Models of the Honda and Acura brands are on site | Credit: disclosure
Collection focused on the American market must first and Civic NSX - the sport that Senna helped make.
Collection has passenger cars, motorcycles, racing cars and prototypes | Credit: disclosure
Within a commercial building condominium in Torrance, California, is a heavenly place for fans of Honda. We are in the Honda Collection, a collection of some of the most important vehicles that the Japanese brand sold in the US market in nearly six decades. The first model sold there (the small N600, displayed proudly at the entrance) to the most emblematic creations of the company founded by Soichiro Honda - all can be found there.
The first generation Civic was successful through the Oil Crisis | Credit: Vitor Matsubara
The early years of the Honda were not easy on the other side of the Pacific. Although settled in the US on June 11, 1959, only 11 years later that the brand started selling cars in the country. If the N600 and Z600 compact emplacaram not, the story was quite different with the Civic. Launched in 1973, precisely the year in which the oil crisis hit the United States, the hatch (the only option available body at the time) was successful for fuel economy. In the following decades the Honda Wedge as a favorite of American automakers.
high ceilings and plenty of space: will the Civic Wagon resembles a compact SUV of the current Honda? | Credit: Vitor Matsubara
The halls of the museum (actually a shed with several vehicles on display) observed three generations of the Accord, the best-selling car brand in the land of Uncle Sam. Soon after, the three generations of the beautiful Prelude coupe that came to be imported here in its latest generation in the 90s but the star has a special space: the first five generations of the Civic are well represented in the collection. Featured for the first Civic Si (1986) and the Civic Wagon 1984 had the concept of family vehicle with high ceilings and four-wheel drive - any resemblance to the current SUVs is purely coincidental ...
Prelude: the beautiful coupe came to be sold in Brazil in 90 years | Credit: Vitor Matsubara
Two seats and power to spare: the S2000 was a roadster in its essence | Credit: Vitor Matsubara
The wing of modern sports has the S2000. Made for a decade (1999-2009), the model first came into the world with a 2.0 VTEC engine 240 hp, later replaced by the 2.2 16V VTEC same power. The S2000 was a direct descendant of the S600, which is also present in space in Torrance. Unfortunately, the roadster was never sold in Brazil.
NSX: legend has it that Senna would have helped in the development of sports | Credit: Vitor Matsubara
clean and bold lines inspired the second generation NSX, to be launched in 2016 | Credit: Vitor Matsubara
But the main emphasis is on a corner of the museum: the legendary NSX came in 1990 with design inspired by the F-16s and a V6 3.0 naturally aspirated engine, delivering 273 hp at 7,100 rpm and maximum torque of 29 mkgf 5,700 rpm. With excellent aerodynamics and only 1370 kg, its performance was impressive for the time: 5.6 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 100 km / h and a maximum speed of 270 km / h, numbers worthy rival Ferrari and Porsche.
In the United States, he was responsible for leveraging the Acura luxury brand created by Honda in 1986 focused on the North American market. For us Brazilians, the NSX became known by the participation of Ayrton Senna in the final stages of the vehicle development. The triple world champion of Formula 1, incidentally, appears in a rare record riding the NSX-R unmercifully before the Japanese media, wearing his unmistakable pair of brown shoes with white socks. Two NSX are exposed in the Honda museum: a copy of 1991 and another in 2005.
competition car wing has several fireballs American categories | Credit: disclosure
There is also room for less trendy models such as the CR-X, a sports hatch manufactured from 1983 to 1991, and vehicle competition, as prototypes of long term tests and, of course, Formula Indy. Among the many fireballs, calls attention to Penske-Honda's 2000 season, piloted by none other than Gil de Ferran - champion of Indy and one of the most successful Brazilian in the history of the category, alongside Emerson Fittipaldi, Tony Kanaan and Helio Castroneves.
Here is the Penske-Honda took Gil de Ferran to the title of the season 2000 IndyCar | Credit: disclosure
The visit ends on the mezzanine, where they are exposed some old motorcycles produced by the company, which saw its sales explode after two events have marked the years the company's history 60: the placement of a successful advertising campaign called "You Meet the Nicest People on a Honda "(something like" You know the people on a Honda More Legal ") and the release of" Little Honda "a Beach Boys song that talked about the emotions of riding a bike Japanese brand.
The bikes were not forgotten in the collection | Credit: disclosure
If you are already planning your visit, we need to give you bad news: only guests of Honda may know the place. Anyone who wants to learn more about the history of the brand will have to go to the Honda Collection Hall, a collection of 300 cars and motorcycles from various eras located in Motegi, Japan. On second thought, until it is not a bad idea ...
Unfortunately, the site can be visited only by guests | Credit: disclosure
Models of the Honda and Acura brands are on site | Credit: disclosure
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