Chef Alex Atala se retira da concorrência para centro de gastronomia que pode desalojar o Museu da Casa das 11 Janelas
Segundo o fotógrafo Rogério Assis, o despejamento do museu é apenas uma parte de um longo processo que visa afastar a população pobre do centro de Belém
Casa das Onze Janelas, em Belém. Foto: Luiz Braga
No Pará, há cerca de um museu para cada 173 mil habitantes. Segundo pesquisa do Ibram (Instituto Brasileiro de Museus), o Estado tem a segunda pior média nacional de museus por pessoa, perdendo apenas para o Maranhão. Este índice pode se agravar, com a remoção do Museu de Arte Contemporânea do espaço da Casa das Onze Janelas, anunciada em um decreto do governo estadual, no dia 17/6.
Segundo o comunicado, o museu será deslocado para outro espaço, para que a Casa das Onze Janelas abrigue o Polo Gastronômico da Amazônia. O Instituto ATÁ, pertencente ao chef de cozinha Alex Atala. é uma das instituições que iria concorrer à administração do polo gastronômico. A decisão oficial provocou respostas contrárias de diversos setores da sociedade civil. Organizou-se uma aula pública na qual pesquisadores e artistas alegaram que não há nenhuma garantia de que o museu será realocado. No último dia 30, Alex Atala comunicou que decidiu se afastar da iniciativa, por não compactuar com “um projeto que valoriza a cultura culinária do Pará desabrigando demais expressões de arte, como as que tinham como morada o Museu Casa das Onze Janelas”.
Construída no século XVIII, a Casa das Sete Janelas é um edifício colonial que serviu de residência ao senhor de engenho Domingos da Costa Bacelar. Adquirida pelo governo do Pará, abrigou até 1870 o Hospital Real e depois passou aos militares. Em 2001, o imóvel foi retomado pelo Estado, que o transformou em museu no ano seguinte. A instituição é um dos poucos espaços destinados à arte contemporânea na Amazônia. Em seu acervo há obras de artistas como Cildo Meireles e Emmanuel Nassar, além de um grande acervo de fotografia, com trabalhos de Miguel Rio Branco e Rosangela Rennó. Segundo o fotógrafo paraense Luiz Braga: “O museu tem limitações espaciais. Por ser um prédio tombado, não é possível receber instalações de grandes dimensões de artistas como Ernesto Neto e Tunga. Na verdade, Belém merece um espaço maior dedicado à arte contemporânea. Mas é óbvio que não faz sentido nenhum destituir uma instituição, para construir outra”, afirma.
Espaço interno do Museu da Casa das Onze Janelas. Foto: Divulgação
A superintendente do Iphan no Pará, Maria Dorotéa de Lima, também se posiciona contra o projeto: “É uma decisão equivocada. Com tantos prédios abandonados no centro de Belém, por que escolher justamente esse edifício no qual o museu já funciona tão bem?”, indaga. Dorotéa afirma que a medida é um exemplo “da inabilidade do Poder Executivo em dialogar com a população e ser transparente”. Liderado por Simão Jatene, do PSDB, o governo nem chegou a notificar o Iphan da decisão. Os funcionários ficaram sabendo que o museu seria despejado pela imprensa. No entanto, o órgão precisa ficar atento às movimentações, pois, como o prédio é tombado, qualquer alteração em sua arquitetura precisa ser aprovada. “É inviável hoje que qualquer projeto de impacto social seja feito sem consulta à população. O governador deveria estar aberto a repensar essa medida e ouvir a sociedade”, afirma Dorotéa.
Para o fotógrafo paraense Rogério Assis, o despejamento do museu é apenas uma parte de um longo processo que visa afastar a população pobre do centro de Belém. “A proposta do Centro de Gastronomia faz parte de um projeto maior de gourmetização da capital, empreendido desde que o PSDB assumiu o governo estadual. A cidade começa a ser voltada apenas aos turistas e não ao povo que mora lá. Isso aconteceu com o tradicional Mercado Bolonha de Belém, que foi reformado, e agora está com os preços muito elevados. As pessoas não têm mais dinheiro para comprar no lugar que freqüentaram a vida inteira”, afirma.
O governo estadual ainda não se pronunciou diante das manifestações e da decisão de Alex Atala de deixar de concorrer ao projeto. Enquanto isso, setores da sociedade civil continuam organizados, pressionando para que o museu permaneça na Casa das Onze Janelas.
Cultura e conhecimento são ingredientes essenciais para a sociedade.
A cultura é o único antídoto que existe contra a ausência de amor
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In Pará, Brazil, about a museum for every 173,000 inhabitants.
Chef Alex Atala withdraws from the competition for food center that can dislodge the Museum of the House of Windows 11
According to the photographer Rogério Assis, the museum's pouring is only part of a long process that seeks to exclude the poor from the center of Bethlehem
House of Eleven Windows in Bethlehem. Photo: Luiz Braga
In Pará, about a museum for every 173,000 inhabitants. According to research by Ibram (Brazilian Institute of Museums), the state has the second worst national average of museums per person, second only to Maranhao. This index can worsen with the removal of the Museum of Contemporary Art Space of the House of Eleven Windows, announced in a decree of the state government, on 17/6.
According to the statement, the museum will be moved to another room, so that the House of Eleven Windows houses the Polo Gastronomic Amazon. Ata Institute, owned by chef Alex Atala. It is one of the institutions that would run the administration of the gastronomic center. The official decision provoked opposite responses of different sectors of civil society. a public lecture was organized in which researchers and artists claimed that there is no guarantee that the museum will be relocated. On the last day 30, Alex Atala announced that decided to move away from the initiative, not condone "a project that values the culinary culture of Pará displacing other expressions of art, as they had to address the House Museum of the Eleven Windows".
Built in the eighteenth century, the House of the Seven Windows is a colonial building that served as the residence of Mr. Domingos da Costa mill Bacelar. Acquired by the government of Pará, until 1870 housed the Royal Hospital and then went to the military. In 2001, the property was taken over by the state, which transformed it into a museum the following year. The institution is one of the few spaces for contemporary art in the Amazon. In its collection there are works by artists such as Meireles and Emmanuel Nassar, plus a large photo collection, with works by Miguel Rio Branco and Rosangela Renno. According to Para photographer Luiz Braga: "The museum has space limitations. Being a fallen building, you can not receive large installations of artists like Ernesto Neto and Tunga. In fact, Belém deserves more space dedicated to contemporary art. But it is obvious that it makes no sense to dismiss an institution, to build another, "he says.
internal space of the House of Eleven Windows Museum. Photo: Disclosure
The superintendent of IPHAN in Para Maria Dorotéa of Lima, also stands against the project: "It is a wrong decision. With so many abandoned buildings in the center of Bethlehem, just why choose this building in which the museum already works so well? "He asks. Dorotéa says the move is an example "of the executive branch inability to dialogue with the public and be transparent." Led by Simon Jatene, the PSDB, the government did not even notify the Iphan the decision. The staff learned that the museum would be dumped by the press. However, the agency needs to be aware of the movements because, as the building is listed, any change in its architecture must be approved. "It is not feasible today that any social impact of the project is done without consulting the population. The governor should be open to reconsider this measure and listen to society, "says Dorotéa.
For paraense photographer Rogério Assis, the museum's pouring is only part of a long process that seeks to exclude the poor from the center of Bethlehem. "The proposal of the Food Centre is part of a larger project gourmetização the capital, undertaken since the PSDB took over the state government. The city begins to be directed only to tourists and not the people that live there. This happened to the traditional Bologna Market Bethlehem, which has been renovated, and is now with the very high prices. People have more money to buy the place frequented a lifetime, "he says.
The state government has not yet ruled on the demonstrations and Alex Atala decision not to bid on the project. Meanwhile, sectors of civil society organized continue pressing for the museum to remain in the House of Eleven Windows.
Cultura e conhecimento são ingredientes essenciais para a sociedade.
A cultura é o único antídoto que existe contra a ausência de amor
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In Pará, Brazil, about a museum for every 173,000 inhabitants.
Chef Alex Atala withdraws from the competition for food center that can dislodge the Museum of the House of Windows 11
According to the photographer Rogério Assis, the museum's pouring is only part of a long process that seeks to exclude the poor from the center of Bethlehem
House of Eleven Windows in Bethlehem. Photo: Luiz Braga
In Pará, about a museum for every 173,000 inhabitants. According to research by Ibram (Brazilian Institute of Museums), the state has the second worst national average of museums per person, second only to Maranhao. This index can worsen with the removal of the Museum of Contemporary Art Space of the House of Eleven Windows, announced in a decree of the state government, on 17/6.
According to the statement, the museum will be moved to another room, so that the House of Eleven Windows houses the Polo Gastronomic Amazon. Ata Institute, owned by chef Alex Atala. It is one of the institutions that would run the administration of the gastronomic center. The official decision provoked opposite responses of different sectors of civil society. a public lecture was organized in which researchers and artists claimed that there is no guarantee that the museum will be relocated. On the last day 30, Alex Atala announced that decided to move away from the initiative, not condone "a project that values the culinary culture of Pará displacing other expressions of art, as they had to address the House Museum of the Eleven Windows".
Built in the eighteenth century, the House of the Seven Windows is a colonial building that served as the residence of Mr. Domingos da Costa mill Bacelar. Acquired by the government of Pará, until 1870 housed the Royal Hospital and then went to the military. In 2001, the property was taken over by the state, which transformed it into a museum the following year. The institution is one of the few spaces for contemporary art in the Amazon. In its collection there are works by artists such as Meireles and Emmanuel Nassar, plus a large photo collection, with works by Miguel Rio Branco and Rosangela Renno. According to Para photographer Luiz Braga: "The museum has space limitations. Being a fallen building, you can not receive large installations of artists like Ernesto Neto and Tunga. In fact, Belém deserves more space dedicated to contemporary art. But it is obvious that it makes no sense to dismiss an institution, to build another, "he says.
internal space of the House of Eleven Windows Museum. Photo: Disclosure
The superintendent of IPHAN in Para Maria Dorotéa of Lima, also stands against the project: "It is a wrong decision. With so many abandoned buildings in the center of Bethlehem, just why choose this building in which the museum already works so well? "He asks. Dorotéa says the move is an example "of the executive branch inability to dialogue with the public and be transparent." Led by Simon Jatene, the PSDB, the government did not even notify the Iphan the decision. The staff learned that the museum would be dumped by the press. However, the agency needs to be aware of the movements because, as the building is listed, any change in its architecture must be approved. "It is not feasible today that any social impact of the project is done without consulting the population. The governor should be open to reconsider this measure and listen to society, "says Dorotéa.
For paraense photographer Rogério Assis, the museum's pouring is only part of a long process that seeks to exclude the poor from the center of Bethlehem. "The proposal of the Food Centre is part of a larger project gourmetização the capital, undertaken since the PSDB took over the state government. The city begins to be directed only to tourists and not the people that live there. This happened to the traditional Bologna Market Bethlehem, which has been renovated, and is now with the very high prices. People have more money to buy the place frequented a lifetime, "he says.
The state government has not yet ruled on the demonstrations and Alex Atala decision not to bid on the project. Meanwhile, sectors of civil society organized continue pressing for the museum to remain in the House of Eleven Windows.
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