Esat Kaplan, proprietário do Museu do Dinheiro Mundial que fica na cidade de Gaziantep, na parte sudeste da Turquia, contou à Sputnik Turquia o seu desejo de oferecer ao presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, cédulas lançadas ainda em 1911 na Rússia tzarista.
Kaplan apontou que existe uma ligação estreita entre a Rússia e Turquia.
Esat Kaplan nota que no museu se encontram dezenas de cédulas tanto da Rússia tzarista, como da época soviética.
Kaplan apontou que existe uma ligação estreita entre a Rússia e Turquia.
"Durante a criação da base para uma Turquia republicana, Lenin ajudou muito Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, fundador da República turca. Queríamos entregar a Vladimir Putin estes cédulas, que estávamos guardando há 25 anos. Espero muito que consiga lhe dar estas notas através do presidente Recep Tayyip Erdogan".

Esat Kaplan nota que no museu se encontram dezenas de cédulas tanto da Rússia tzarista, como da época soviética.
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Cultura e conhecimento são ingredientes essenciais para a sociedade.
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A cultura e o amor devem estar juntos.
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Russian Empire time of the ballots at the Museum of World Money Gaziantep.
Esat Kaplan, owner of the World Money Museum which is in the city of Gaziantep, in southeastern Turkey, told Turkey Sputnik their desire to offer the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, ballots also launched in 1911 in Czarist Russia.
Kaplan pointed out that there is a close link between Russia and Turkey.
"When creating the basis for a republican Turkey, Lenin helped a lot Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Turkish Republic. We wanted to give Vladimir Putin these notes, we were keeping for 25 years. I hope very much that can give you these notes by the President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. "
Esat Kaplan notes that in the museum are dozens of ballots both Tsarist Russia and the Soviet era.
Esat Kaplan, owner of the World Money Museum which is in the city of Gaziantep, in southeastern Turkey, told Turkey Sputnik their desire to offer the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, ballots also launched in 1911 in Czarist Russia.
Kaplan pointed out that there is a close link between Russia and Turkey.
"When creating the basis for a republican Turkey, Lenin helped a lot Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Turkish Republic. We wanted to give Vladimir Putin these notes, we were keeping for 25 years. I hope very much that can give you these notes by the President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. "
Esat Kaplan notes that in the museum are dozens of ballots both Tsarist Russia and the Soviet era.
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