Instituição promoverá entre os dias 18 e 22 três atividades especiais.
no Centro Histórico em Santos, São Paulo, Brasil.
O Museu do Café promoverá entre os dias 18 e 22 de agosto três atividades especiais com foco na diversidade cultural do Brasil: uma oficina de xilogravura, uma intervenção cênica na cafeteria do museu e o curso ‘Sabor Caipira’. Toda a programação é gratuita.
No primeiro dia da programação acontece o curso Sabor Caipira, ministrado por estudantes e professores do curso de Gastronomia da Unimonte. Na ocasião, os participantes vão aprender a preparar pão de queijo caseiro, comum nas cidades do interior do Brasil. Os alunos também terão a oportunidade de harmonizá-lo com diferentes tipos de café. O curso aconteceu no dia 18, às 14h e possui 20 vagas. As inscrições devem ser feitas por meio do e-mail
Já a oficina de xilogravura, do artista plástico Valdeck de Garanhuns, acontece no dia 21, também às 14h, e os inscritos terão a oportunidade de aprender o passo a passo do processo de reprodução mais antigo que existe. A oficina conta com a parte teórica, que aborda a origem e história da xilogravura, as madeiras ideais para a técnica, as ferramentas e tintas a serem usadas e, por fim, a parte prática, com os participantes fazendo o entalhe. As inscrições são gratuitas e podem ser feitas pelo e-mail:, com limite de 20 pessoas.
Completando a programação, o Museu do Café recebe no Dia do Folclore, 22, às 11h30, artistas para uma intervenção cênica na Cafeteria do Museu. Os visitantes da instituição que estiverem tomando café serão abordados com crenças e superstições do folclore caipira para temas como casamento, sorte, tratamentos, entre outros.
O Museu do Café fica na Rua XV de Novembro, 95, no Centro Histórico de Santos. O museu funciona de terça-feira a sábado das 9h às 17h, e aos domingos entre 10h e 17h. Os ingressos para visitação custam R$ 6, estudantes e pessoas acima de 60 anos pagam meia-entrada. Aos sábados, a visitação é gratuita. Já a Cafeteria do Museu funciona de segunda a sábado das 9h às 18h, e aos domingos entre 10h e 18h. Outras informações estão disponíveis no site.
Fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti
Cultura e conhecimento são ingredientes essenciais para a sociedade.
Cultura e conhecimento são ingredientes essenciais para a sociedade.
A cultura e o amor devem estar juntos.
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Coffee Museum promotes activities on Brazilian folklore in August
Promote institution between April 18 to 22 three special activities.
Coffee Museum is located at Rua XV de Novembro, 95, in the Historic Center in Santos, São Paulo, Brazil.
The Coffee Museum will promote between 18 and August 22 three special activities focusing on cultural diversity of Brazil: a woodcut workshop, a scenic intervention in the cafeteria of the museum and the course 'Taste Grit'. All programming is free.
On the first day of the schedule happens the course Sabor Caipira, taught by students and teachers of the Gastronomy course of Unimonte. At the time, the participants will learn how to prepare homemade cheese bread, common in the inner cities of Brazil. Students also have the opportunity to align it with different types of coffee. The course took place on the 18th, at 14h and has 20 vacancies. Entries must be made through the email
Already the woodcut workshop, the artist Valdeck Garanhuns, takes place on 21, also at 14h, and subscribers will be able to learn step by step the oldest reproduction process that exists. The workshop has the theoretical part, which covers the origin and history of engraving, the ideal timber for the technique, tools and dies to be used and, finally, the practical part, with participants making the notch. Registration is free and can be made by e-mail:, with a limit of 20 people.
Rounding out the program, the Coffee Museum receives on the Day of Folklore, 22, at 11:30 am, artists for a scenic intervention in Cafeteria Museum. Visitors to the institution are taking coffee will be dealt with beliefs and superstitions of hillbilly folklore to topics such as marriage, luck, treatments, among others.
The Coffee Museum is located at Rua XV de Novembro, 95, in the historic center of Santos. The museum is open from Tuesday-Saturday from 9h to 17h and on Sundays between 10h and 17h. Tickets for visitation cost R $ 6, students and people over 60 years old pay half price. On Saturdays, the visit is free. Already Cafeteria Museum is open Monday to Saturday from 9h to 18h, and on Sundays between 10h and 18h. More information is available on the site.
A cultura e o amor devem estar juntos.
Vamos compartilhar.
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Coffee Museum promotes activities on Brazilian folklore in August
Promote institution between April 18 to 22 three special activities.
Coffee Museum is located at Rua XV de Novembro, 95, in the Historic Center in Santos, São Paulo, Brazil.
The Coffee Museum will promote between 18 and August 22 three special activities focusing on cultural diversity of Brazil: a woodcut workshop, a scenic intervention in the cafeteria of the museum and the course 'Taste Grit'. All programming is free.
On the first day of the schedule happens the course Sabor Caipira, taught by students and teachers of the Gastronomy course of Unimonte. At the time, the participants will learn how to prepare homemade cheese bread, common in the inner cities of Brazil. Students also have the opportunity to align it with different types of coffee. The course took place on the 18th, at 14h and has 20 vacancies. Entries must be made through the email
Already the woodcut workshop, the artist Valdeck Garanhuns, takes place on 21, also at 14h, and subscribers will be able to learn step by step the oldest reproduction process that exists. The workshop has the theoretical part, which covers the origin and history of engraving, the ideal timber for the technique, tools and dies to be used and, finally, the practical part, with participants making the notch. Registration is free and can be made by e-mail:, with a limit of 20 people.
Rounding out the program, the Coffee Museum receives on the Day of Folklore, 22, at 11:30 am, artists for a scenic intervention in Cafeteria Museum. Visitors to the institution are taking coffee will be dealt with beliefs and superstitions of hillbilly folklore to topics such as marriage, luck, treatments, among others.
The Coffee Museum is located at Rua XV de Novembro, 95, in the historic center of Santos. The museum is open from Tuesday-Saturday from 9h to 17h and on Sundays between 10h and 17h. Tickets for visitation cost R $ 6, students and people over 60 years old pay half price. On Saturdays, the visit is free. Already Cafeteria Museum is open Monday to Saturday from 9h to 18h, and on Sundays between 10h and 18h. More information is available on the site.
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