Para onde caminha a matriz energética do país? Como fazer frente às mudanças que irão tirar o peso atual das hidrelétricas em um cenário de compromisso com redução de emissões de poluentes? Em busca dessas respostas, mais de 400 pessoas entre empresários, acadêmicos e representantes de diversos setores reuniram-se no Museu do Amanhã, no Rio de Janeiro, para debater e avaliar a questão energética no país.
A importância do manejo sustentável das reservas do pré-sal e o papel das fontes alternativas de energia foram assuntos amplamente discutidos no fórum “Perspectivas Inovadoras para o Mercado de Energia”, da série “Vida Inteligente”, oferecido pela Siemens no Brasil e realizado pelo jornal O GLOBO em parceria com a Editora Globo.
Na apresentação de abertura, Paulo Stark, CEO da Siemens no Brasil, afirmou que a humanidade enfrenta grandes e preocupantes desafios no setor energético. Hoje, se consome mais recursos do que o planeta pode oferecer – e o enriquecimento global acelera o problema.
Fenômenos como a urbanização e as mudanças climáticas exigem uma busca por novas formas de gerar riqueza sem esgotar os recursos naturais. Stark elencou uma série de desperdícios no Brasil. O país perde 40% de alimentos in natura e 17% da energia gerada e, além disso, 400 milhões de toneladas de biomassa não são aproveitadas, assim como todo o metano gerado pela pecuária. Esse desperdício pode ser mensurado também no cotidiano da população: o paulista e o carioca, por exemplo, perdem três horas diárias no transporte entre a casa e o trabalho, tempo que poderia ser aplicado em aumento de produtividade ou simplesmente no lazer ou repouso.
— O Brasil pode ser protagonista de uma revolução energética – enfatizou Stark, ao lembrar que o país se comprometeu a reduzir suas emissões de carbono em 43% durante a COP 21, realizada no ano passado, em Paris. Entre as sugestões de Stark estão a eletrificação de ferrovias de transporte de carga, o uso amplo da biomassa de reflorestamento e a digitalização acelerada da indústria.
Mercado de energia
Ao contrário do que se imagina, há um excesso de oferta de energia no país, que poderia atender quase 20% da demanda atual, o equivalente à geração de três usinas hidrelétricas de Belo Monte. A informação é do diretortécnico da consultoria PSR, Bernardo Bezerra. Segundo ele, 88% deste excesso deve-se ao comportamento errático da economia.
Bernardo Bezerra, da PSR: “O país é uma montanha-russa de sobra e falta de energia” - Marco Sobral
— O país é uma montanha-russa de sobra e falta de energia. A boa notícia do cenário atual é que se pode planejar o futuro com calma – disse. O Brasil, conforme afirmou Bezerra, tem abundância de fontes renováveis de energia como a hidrelétrica, a biomassa, a eólica e a solar que, no país, são complementares. O período em que há mais ventos, por exemplo, coincide com a menor vazão dos reservatórios das usinas. Um dos objetivos é alcançar a meta da COP 21 de oferecer 23% da matriz energética baseada em fontes não convencionais, sem contar com hidrelétricas.
Para Bezerra, ainda que as reservas do pré-sal estejam distantes da costa e a 10 mil metros de profundidade, o que traz grandes desafios técnicos, existe a alternativa de usar, além do petróleo, o gás natural que se encontra nos poços profundos, seja por meio de gasodutos, de termelétricas em plataformas no alto mar ou com o uso de tecnologias de liquefação do gás – que poderia seguir em navios para o Brasil ou ser exportado para outros países.
No campo, ele ressaltou que a biomassa tem alto potencial de geração de energia, mas ainda é subutilizada – a expansão de áreas de plantação de cana está estagnada desde 2011.
Painel 1 - Mega plataforma para o pré-sal
Desenvolvimento de tecnologias navais permite criação de superplataformas
No painel “Oil&Gas – Otimização de Tecnologias para o Pré-Sal”, Marcelo Souza, professor da CO PPE (Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia), da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Claudio Makarovsky, gerente de contas globais da Siemens no Brasil, e Armando Cavanha Filho, da Fundação Getulio Vargas, responderam perguntas do público sobre como explorar as grandes reservas brasileiras, estimadas em 12 bilhões de barris, de forma mais eficiente.
Novas tecnologias permitem implantar plataformas capazes de extrair 300 mil barris diários, reduzir a emissão de CO 2, liquefazer gases e gerar energia em estação flutuante. Segundo Souza, está em desenvolvimento a criação de plataformas de baixo custo, com estabilidade capaz de suportar materiais sensíveis ao movimento, como turbinas industriais, utilizadas no processo de geração de energia em usinas térmicas de ciclo combinado.
Painel 2 - Eletricidade até debaixo d’água
Os segredos e as conquistas da distribuição de energia no ambiente submarino, ou “subsea”
A vida média de um campo de petróleo é de 20 anos. É possível prolongar esse tempo e ampliar a rentabilidade com o uso de tecnologia? A discussão marcou o painel “Oil&Gas – Energia Distribuída no Subsea”. Um uso já cristalizado é o bombeamento e injeção de água nos poços. A técnica aumenta a longevidade de campos que anteriormente seriam considerados extintos, o que garante aumento de produtividade em locais onde se fez alto investimento. Maria Peralta, head e vice-presidente da Aker Solutions no Brasil e uma das debatedoras, ressaltou, no entanto, que a preocupação com o ambiente precisa estar presente na engenharia básica dos projetos.
Para Jonas Tavares, gerente-regional da Siemens no Brasil, as pessoas envolvidas em todo o processo precisam ter o “DNA da inovação”:
— A tecnologia permitirá o alcance a regiões que não eram viáveis devido às distâncias. A confiabilidade necessária para o ambiente subsea é próxima de um cenário espacial. Já o professor da Escola de Química da UFRJ e assessor da Agência Nacional de Petróleo Luiz Eduardo Duque Dutra, também um dos debatedores, completou:
— Os investimentos em pesquisa não são intensivos. Por isso, as evoluções caminham para soluções complementares ou articuladas – afirmou.
Painel 3 - A luz que chega com o vento
Em plena crise econômica, energia eólica cresceu 43% no ano passado
–O Brasil tem muitas opções para a expansão de sua matriz elétrica. A atual dependência das hidrelétricas vai mudar e fontes de energia, vistas antes como complementares, como a eólica, a solar e o gás natural, terão cada vez mais um papel fundamental na diversificação de nossa matriz elétrica – disse Luiz Barroso, presidente da Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE) durante o fórum Geração Renovável: Oportunidades e Desafios (Eólica).
A tese foi endossada por Elbia Gannoum, presidente-executiva da Associação Brasileira de Energia Eólica (AB EEólica), que aproveitou o evento para anunciar que os parques eólicos brasileiros, instalados principalmente no Nordeste e no Rio Grande do Sul, chegaram a 10 gigaWatts de capacidade instalada, um aumento de 2,8GW. Hoje, a energia gerada pelo vento, em momentos de pico, atende a 30% da demanda dos estados nordestinos e 10% da brasileira.
— O conteúdo local das turbinas eólicas já chega a 70%. E o melhor, o próximo passo da indústria nacional é atingir competitividade internacional – celebrou Eduardo Angelo, diretor da Divisão Wind Power da Siemens no Brasil.
Painel 4 - Energia da biomassa deve crescer em 15 anos
Setor visto com reservas pelas geradoras pode dobrar capacidade com modernização dos equipamentos
Se toda biomassa do setor sucroalcooleiro fosse utilizada para fins energéticos, seria gerado o equivalente a uma usina de Itaipu, com a vantagem de que a safra ocorre justamente na época de baixa dos reservatórios. A informação abriu os trabalhos do painel Biomassa: Gerando Energia e Valor de Forma Renovável, o último do evento. Vista como patinho feio das fontes renováveis, segundo Eduardo Azevedo, secretário de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Energético do Ministério de Minas e Energia, o setor pode dobrar a capacidade com a atualização de caldeiras e equipamentos mais eficientes. Existem no país 300 usinas com capacidade de produzir energia.
Para além da produção de açúcar e álcool, é possível usar áreas improdutivas e degradadas para capturar carbono e produzir energia ao mesmo tempo.
— A biomassa pode gerar energia a baixo custo a partir de florestas de eucalipto – disse Emílio Rietmann, da Futura Energy. Para Paulo Stark, falando agora como conselheiro da Associação da Indústria de Cogeração de Energia (CO GEN), a biomassa é a fronteira que fará diferença nos próximos 15 anos.
Cultura e conhecimento são ingredientes essenciais para a sociedade.
Cultura e conhecimento são ingredientes essenciais para a sociedade.
A cultura e o amor devem estar juntos.
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--in via tradutor do googler
Tomorrow Museum. Rio de janeiro Brazil. The main trends of renewable energy in Brazil were discussed at the event.
Where is the country's energy matrix? How to cope with the changes that will make the current weight of hydro in a compromise scenario with reduction of pollutant emissions? In search of these answers, more than 400 people including businessmen, academics and representatives from various sectors gathered at the Museum of Tomorrow, in Rio de Janeiro, to discuss and assess the energy issue in the country.
The importance of sustainable management of reserves in the subsalt and the role of alternative energy sources have been widely discussed topics on the forum "Innovative Prospects for Energy Market", the "Intelligent Life" series offered by Siemens in Brazil and performed by newspaper O Globo in partnership with Editora Globo.
In the opening presentation, Paul Stark, CEO of Siemens in Brazil, said that humanity faces major and troubling challenges in the energy sector. Today, it consumes more resources than the planet can offer - and the overall enrichment accelerates the problem.
Phenomena such as urbanization and climate change require a search for new ways to generate wealth without depleting natural resources. Stark has listed a number of waste in Brazil. The country lost 40% of fresh food and 17% of the energy generated and, in addition, 400 million tons of biomass are not taken advantage of, as well as all the methane generated by livestock. This waste can also be measured in the population's daily life: the São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, for example, lose three hours daily transportation between home and work, time that could be applied to increase productivity or simply leisure or rest.
- Brazil may be the protagonist of an energy revolution - Stark emphasized, recalling that the country has committed to reducing its carbon emissions by 43% during the COP 21, held last year in Paris. Among the Stark suggestions are the electrification of cargo transportation railways, the widespread use of biomass and reforestation accelerated scanning industry.
energy market
Contrary to what you think, there is an excess of energy supply in the country, which could meet almost 20% of current demand, equivalent to the generation of three hydroelectric plants of Belo Monte. Information is the PSR consulting diretortécnico, Bernardo Bezerra. According to him, this excess 88% due to the erratic behavior of the economy.
Bernardo Becerra, the PSR: "The country is a rollercoaster spare and lack of energy" - Marco Sobral
- The country is a rollercoaster spare and lack of energy. The good news of the current scenario is that you can plan for the future with calm - he said. The Brazil as Bezerra said, has plenty of renewable energy sources such as hydropower, biomass, wind and solar power in the country where they are complementary. The period in which there is more wind, for example, coincides with the lower flow of the plants' reservoirs. One goal is to reach the goal of COP 21 to provide 23% of the energy matrix based on non-conventional sources, not counting hydroelectric power.
For Bezerra, although the pre-salt reserves are far from the coast and 10 thousand meters of depth, which brings great technical challenges, there is the alternative of using, in addition to oil, natural gas that is found in deep wells, either through pipelines, power plants on platforms at sea or with the use of gas liquefaction technology - which could go on ships to Brazil or be exported to other countries.
In the field, he stressed that biomass has high potential for power generation, but it is still underutilized - the expansion of sugarcane plantation areas is stagnant since 2011.
Panel 1 - Mega platform pre-salt
Development of naval technology allows creation of superplataformas
On the "Oil & amp; Gas - Technology Optimization for the pre-salt," Marcelo Souza, professor of CO PPE (Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Engineering Research), the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Claudio Makarovsky, manager of Siemens' global accounts in Brazil, and Armando Cavanha Son, the Getulio Vargas Foundation, answered questions from the audience on how to explore the great Brazilian reserves, estimated at 12 billion barrels, more efficiently.
New technologies allow deploy platforms able to extract 300,000 barrels per day, reduce the emission of CO 2, liquefied gases and generate power floating station. According to Souza, is developing the creation of low cost platforms with stability capable of handling sensitive materials movement, as industrial turbines, used in the process of power generation in thermal power plants of combined cycle.
Panel 2 - Electricity even underwater
The secrets and the power distribution of achievements in the underwater environment, or "subsea"
The average life of an oil field is 20 years. You can extend this time and increase profitability through the use of technology? The discussion marked the panel "Oil & amp; Gas - Distributed Energy in Subsea". One use is already crystallized and pumping the water injection wells. The technique increases the longevity of fields that previously would be considered to be extinguished, which ensures increased productivity where high investment is made. Maria Peralta, head and vice president of Aker Solutions in Brazil and one of the debaters, pointed out, however, that concern for the environment must be present in the basic engineering of the project.
Jonas Tavares, Siemens' regional manager in Brazil, the people involved in the process need to have the "DNA of innovation":
- The technology allows the scope to areas which were not viable due to the distances. The reliability required for the subsea environment is close to a spatial setting. But Professor of the School of Chemistry of UFRJ and advisor to the National Petroleum Agency Luiz Eduardo Duque Dutra, also one of the debaters, added:
- Investments in research are not intensive. Therefore, the developments go to complementary or articulated solutions - said.
Panel 3 - The light that comes with the wind
In full economic crisis, wind power grew 43% last year
-The Brazil has many options for the expansion of its energy matrix. The current reliance on hydropower will change and energy sources, before seen as complementary, such as wind, solar and natural gas, will have an increasingly important role in the diversification of our energy matrix - said Luiz Barroso, President of the Company Energy research Company (EPE) during the Renewable Generation forum: Opportunities and Challenges (Wind).
The thesis was endorsed by Elbia Gannoum, chief executive of Wind Energy Brazilian Association (AB EEólica), which used the event to announce that the Brazilian wind farms installed mainly in the Northeast and in Rio Grande do Sul, reached 10 gigawatts of installed capacity, an increase of 2,8GW. Today, the energy generated by the wind, at peak times, meets 30% of demand from the northeastern states and 10% of Brazil.
- The local content of wind turbines already reaches 70%. And the best, the next step of the domestic industry is to achieve international competitiveness - celebrated Eduardo Angelo, director of Siemens Wind Power Division in Brazil.
Panel 4 - Biomass Energy is expected to grow in 15 years
Sector seen with reservations by generators can double capacity with equipment of modernization
If all biomass of this sector were used for energy purposes, it would be generated the equivalent of an Itaipu plant, with the advantage that the harvest occurs just at the time of low reservoir. Information opened the work of the panel Biomass: Generating Renewable Energy and Form value, the last event. Seen as the ugly duckling of renewable sources, according to Eduardo Azevedo, Secretary of Energy Planning and Development of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the industry can double the capacity by upgrading boilers and more efficient equipment. The country has 300 plants with capacity to produce energy.
In addition to the production of sugar and alcohol, you can use unproductive and degraded areas to capture carbon and produce energy at the same time.
- Biomass can generate power at low cost from eucalyptus forests - said Emilio Rietmann, the Future Energy. For Paul Stark, speaking now as a counselor of the Cogeneration Power Industry Association (CO GEN), biomass is the border that will make a difference in the next 15 years.
A cultura e o amor devem estar juntos.
Vamos compartilhar.
--in via tradutor do googler
Tomorrow Museum. Rio de janeiro Brazil. The main trends of renewable energy in Brazil were discussed at the event.
Where is the country's energy matrix? How to cope with the changes that will make the current weight of hydro in a compromise scenario with reduction of pollutant emissions? In search of these answers, more than 400 people including businessmen, academics and representatives from various sectors gathered at the Museum of Tomorrow, in Rio de Janeiro, to discuss and assess the energy issue in the country.
The importance of sustainable management of reserves in the subsalt and the role of alternative energy sources have been widely discussed topics on the forum "Innovative Prospects for Energy Market", the "Intelligent Life" series offered by Siemens in Brazil and performed by newspaper O Globo in partnership with Editora Globo.
In the opening presentation, Paul Stark, CEO of Siemens in Brazil, said that humanity faces major and troubling challenges in the energy sector. Today, it consumes more resources than the planet can offer - and the overall enrichment accelerates the problem.
Phenomena such as urbanization and climate change require a search for new ways to generate wealth without depleting natural resources. Stark has listed a number of waste in Brazil. The country lost 40% of fresh food and 17% of the energy generated and, in addition, 400 million tons of biomass are not taken advantage of, as well as all the methane generated by livestock. This waste can also be measured in the population's daily life: the São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, for example, lose three hours daily transportation between home and work, time that could be applied to increase productivity or simply leisure or rest.
- Brazil may be the protagonist of an energy revolution - Stark emphasized, recalling that the country has committed to reducing its carbon emissions by 43% during the COP 21, held last year in Paris. Among the Stark suggestions are the electrification of cargo transportation railways, the widespread use of biomass and reforestation accelerated scanning industry.
energy market
Contrary to what you think, there is an excess of energy supply in the country, which could meet almost 20% of current demand, equivalent to the generation of three hydroelectric plants of Belo Monte. Information is the PSR consulting diretortécnico, Bernardo Bezerra. According to him, this excess 88% due to the erratic behavior of the economy.
Bernardo Becerra, the PSR: "The country is a rollercoaster spare and lack of energy" - Marco Sobral
- The country is a rollercoaster spare and lack of energy. The good news of the current scenario is that you can plan for the future with calm - he said. The Brazil as Bezerra said, has plenty of renewable energy sources such as hydropower, biomass, wind and solar power in the country where they are complementary. The period in which there is more wind, for example, coincides with the lower flow of the plants' reservoirs. One goal is to reach the goal of COP 21 to provide 23% of the energy matrix based on non-conventional sources, not counting hydroelectric power.
For Bezerra, although the pre-salt reserves are far from the coast and 10 thousand meters of depth, which brings great technical challenges, there is the alternative of using, in addition to oil, natural gas that is found in deep wells, either through pipelines, power plants on platforms at sea or with the use of gas liquefaction technology - which could go on ships to Brazil or be exported to other countries.
In the field, he stressed that biomass has high potential for power generation, but it is still underutilized - the expansion of sugarcane plantation areas is stagnant since 2011.
Panel 1 - Mega platform pre-salt
Development of naval technology allows creation of superplataformas
On the "Oil & amp; Gas - Technology Optimization for the pre-salt," Marcelo Souza, professor of CO PPE (Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Engineering Research), the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Claudio Makarovsky, manager of Siemens' global accounts in Brazil, and Armando Cavanha Son, the Getulio Vargas Foundation, answered questions from the audience on how to explore the great Brazilian reserves, estimated at 12 billion barrels, more efficiently.
New technologies allow deploy platforms able to extract 300,000 barrels per day, reduce the emission of CO 2, liquefied gases and generate power floating station. According to Souza, is developing the creation of low cost platforms with stability capable of handling sensitive materials movement, as industrial turbines, used in the process of power generation in thermal power plants of combined cycle.
Panel 2 - Electricity even underwater
The secrets and the power distribution of achievements in the underwater environment, or "subsea"
The average life of an oil field is 20 years. You can extend this time and increase profitability through the use of technology? The discussion marked the panel "Oil & amp; Gas - Distributed Energy in Subsea". One use is already crystallized and pumping the water injection wells. The technique increases the longevity of fields that previously would be considered to be extinguished, which ensures increased productivity where high investment is made. Maria Peralta, head and vice president of Aker Solutions in Brazil and one of the debaters, pointed out, however, that concern for the environment must be present in the basic engineering of the project.
Jonas Tavares, Siemens' regional manager in Brazil, the people involved in the process need to have the "DNA of innovation":
- The technology allows the scope to areas which were not viable due to the distances. The reliability required for the subsea environment is close to a spatial setting. But Professor of the School of Chemistry of UFRJ and advisor to the National Petroleum Agency Luiz Eduardo Duque Dutra, also one of the debaters, added:
- Investments in research are not intensive. Therefore, the developments go to complementary or articulated solutions - said.
Panel 3 - The light that comes with the wind
In full economic crisis, wind power grew 43% last year
-The Brazil has many options for the expansion of its energy matrix. The current reliance on hydropower will change and energy sources, before seen as complementary, such as wind, solar and natural gas, will have an increasingly important role in the diversification of our energy matrix - said Luiz Barroso, President of the Company Energy research Company (EPE) during the Renewable Generation forum: Opportunities and Challenges (Wind).
The thesis was endorsed by Elbia Gannoum, chief executive of Wind Energy Brazilian Association (AB EEólica), which used the event to announce that the Brazilian wind farms installed mainly in the Northeast and in Rio Grande do Sul, reached 10 gigawatts of installed capacity, an increase of 2,8GW. Today, the energy generated by the wind, at peak times, meets 30% of demand from the northeastern states and 10% of Brazil.
- The local content of wind turbines already reaches 70%. And the best, the next step of the domestic industry is to achieve international competitiveness - celebrated Eduardo Angelo, director of Siemens Wind Power Division in Brazil.
Panel 4 - Biomass Energy is expected to grow in 15 years
Sector seen with reservations by generators can double capacity with equipment of modernization
If all biomass of this sector were used for energy purposes, it would be generated the equivalent of an Itaipu plant, with the advantage that the harvest occurs just at the time of low reservoir. Information opened the work of the panel Biomass: Generating Renewable Energy and Form value, the last event. Seen as the ugly duckling of renewable sources, according to Eduardo Azevedo, Secretary of Energy Planning and Development of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the industry can double the capacity by upgrading boilers and more efficient equipment. The country has 300 plants with capacity to produce energy.
In addition to the production of sugar and alcohol, you can use unproductive and degraded areas to capture carbon and produce energy at the same time.
- Biomass can generate power at low cost from eucalyptus forests - said Emilio Rietmann, the Future Energy. For Paul Stark, speaking now as a counselor of the Cogeneration Power Industry Association (CO GEN), biomass is the border that will make a difference in the next 15 years.
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