расположен на юге Москвы и включает в себя дворцовый ансамбль, оранжереи, исторический пейзажный парк с прудами и павильонами, а также новые парковые зоны с цветниками и светомузыкальным фонтаном. Вся территория музея-заповедника занимает 405 гектаров.
В центральной части парка расположен дворцовый комплекс конца XVIII века, который возводился как подмосковная резиденция императрицы Екатерины II. Его строительство началось в 1775 году по проекту архитектора В. И. Баженова. Композиционный центр комплекса — Большой дворец, построенный по проекту архитектора М. Ф. Казакова. После смерти Екатерины II все работы в Царицыне были прекращены.
В 1984 году был образован Музей декоративно-прикладного искусства народов СССР и началось постепенное восстановление архитектурного ансамбля. В 1992 году музей был преобразован в Историко-архитектурный художественный и ландшафтный музей-заповедник «Царицыно».
Выставочная деятельность музея началась в середине 1990-х годов. С 1994 года экспозиция размещалась в павильонах, построенных по проекту Баженова: сначала во Втором Кавалерском корпусе, позже — в Малом дворце и Оперном доме (Среднем дворце). После реконструкции 2005–2007 годов постоянные экспозиции разместились в залах Хлебного дома и Большого дворца. В 2011 году для широкой публики был открыт воссозданный по чертежам XIX века Оранжерейный комплекс. В 2014 году после двух лет рестарации реставрации вновь открылся Оперный дом (Средний дворец), в 2015-м должен снова распахнуть свои двери Малый дворец Екатерины II.
Первоначально центральное место в собрании музея занимали коллекции декоративно-прикладного искусства. Со временем политика комплектования фондов менялась, и в музей стали поступать предметы русского и западноевропейского художественного наследия XVIII — начала XX веков.
В настоящее время музей ведет активную выставочную деятельность, в том числе международную. С 2014 года реализуется проект «Музейные гастроли», дающий возможность музеям Москвы и регионов России представить в ГМЗ «Царицыно» свои коллекции и различные направления своей деятельности. В Оперном доме (Среднем дворце) разместилась выставка «Дворец во дворце», представляющая коллекцию скульптуры из останкинского дворца графа Н. П. Шереметева. В 2015 году обновилась и была дополнена новыми экспонатами постоянная экспозиция «Искусство шпалеры: две славные эпохи»; с помощью мультимедийных технологий совершенно по-новому показана история разрушения и реставрации Большого дворца.
Важное направление в работе музея-заповедника «Царицыно» — образовательные программы. Более 40 различных экскурсий и мастер-классов, обучающих и развлекательных программ для детей и взрослых проводятся в дворцовом и оранжерейном комплексах, а также на открытом воздухе.
В залах Большого дворца, а летом и на территории Царицынского парка проходят концерты классической и современной музыки, в атриуме Хлебного дома — органные вечера. Ежегодно «Царицыно» становится площадкой для проведения российских и международных музыкальных фестивалей.
Царицынский пейзажный парк — один из старейших в России. С июля 2014 года в павильонах под открытым небом устраиваются бесплатные баннерные выставки, которые знакомят посетителей с историей Царицына и с коллекциями музея-заповедника.
Передвигаться по парку можно не только пешком, но и на электромобилях, а по Царицынским прудам — на лодках и катамаранах. Весной 2014 года в парке открылась танцевальная площадка.
Музей «Царицыно» приспособлен для людей с ограниченными физическими возможностями и для посетителей с маленькими детьми: входы в экспозиционные здания и концертные залы оборудованы пандусами и лифтами, лестницы снабжены противоскользящими наклейками, рядом с музейными зданиями расположена стоянка для автомобилей. У стойки администратора на время пребывания в музее можно взять коляски, стульчик-ходунки и переноску для ребенка. Образовательные и экскурсионные программы адаптированы для посетителей с особенными потребностями, постоянные экспозиции снабжены этикетками с надписями, сделанными шрифтом Брайля.
С 1 по 17 марта мы приглашаем гостей «Царицыно» в оранжереи, в которых зацвели весенние луковичные растения: тюльпаны, гиацинты, нарциссы, крокусы, мускари, фритиллярии, пролески. Экскурсоводы познакомят посетителей с историей распространения луковичных растений в Европе и России и искусством выгонки красивоцветущих растений в зимне-весенний период.
fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti
Cultura e conhecimento são ingredientes essenciais para a sociedade.
Cultura não é o que entra pelos olhos e ouvidos,
mas o que modifica o jeito de olhar e ouvir.
A cultura e o amor devem estar juntos.
Vamos compartilhar.
Culture is not what enters the eyes and ears,
but what modifies the way of looking and hearing.
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Museu do Estado-reserva histórico-arquitetônico, artístico e paisagístico "Tsaritsyno".
Localizado no sul de Moscou, e inclui um complexo do palácio, uma estufa, um parque de paisagem histórica com lagos e pavilhões, bem como novos parques e canteiros de flores com luz e fonte de música. Todo o território do museu-reserva cobre 405 hectares.
Na parte central do parque é um complexo do palácio do século XVIII, que foi construído como uma residência suburbana de Imperatriz Catarina II. Sua construção começou em 1775 pelo arquitecto Vasily Bazhenov. O centro de composição do complexo - o Grand Palace, construído pelo arquiteto M. Kazakov. Após a morte de Catherine II, todo o trabalho em Tsaritsin foram interrompidas.
Em 1984 estabeleceu-se o Museu de artes decorativas e aplicadas da URSS e uma recuperação gradual do conjunto arquitetônico. Em 1992, o museu foi transformado no "Tsaritsyno" Art Histórico e Arquitetônico e Paisagístico Museum-Reserve.
As atividades de exposições do museu começou em meados da década de 1990. Desde 1994, a exposição está localizada nos pavilhões construídos no projeto Bazhenova: em primeiro lugar no segundo edifício de Cavalaria, e mais tarde - no Palácio pequeno e da Opera House (palácio Médio). Após a reconstrução em 2005-2007 exposições permanentes alojados nos salões da Casa do pão e do Grande Palácio. Em 2011, o público em geral foi aberto recriado a partir de desenhos do complexo Greenhouse século XIX. Em 2014, após dois anos de restauração restaratsii reaberto Opera House (Palácio Médio) em 2015 deve voltar a escancarar as suas portas ao Palácio pequeno de Catarina II.
Inicialmente, o lugar central no museu ocupada coleção de artes e ofícios. Ao longo do tempo, a política de aquisição de ativos mudou, e o museu começou a receber itens do património artístico europeu russa e ocidental do XVIII - início do século XX.
O museu realiza atividade exposição activo, incluindo internacional. Desde 2014, o projeto "Museu tour", dando a oportunidade para os museus de Moscou e as regiões russas representados no Museu "Tsaritsyno" a sua coleção do estado, e várias áreas da sua actividade. A Opera House (palácio Médio) abrigava a exposição "Palácio no Palácio", o que representa uma coleção de esculturas do Palácio Ostankino do Conde NP Sheremetev. Em 2015, ele foi atualizado e foi complementada com novas exposições exposição permanente "A Arte da tapeçaria: dois gloriosa era"; com a ajuda de tecnologia de multimídia em uma forma completamente nova mostra a história da destruição e restauração do Grand Palace.
Uma tendência importante nas "Tsaritsyno" reserva museu - programas de educação. Mais de 40 programas de passeios e master classes diferentes, educacionais e recreativas para crianças e adultos são mantidos no palácio, e os complexos de efeito estufa, bem como ao ar livre.
Nos corredores do Grand Palace no verão e no território dos concertos Tsaritsyno Parque de música clássica e moderna no átrio do Pão House - recitais de órgão. Todos os anos, "Tsaritsyno" torna-se um local para festivais de música russas e internacionais.
Tsaritsyno paisagem parque - uma das mais antigas na Rússia. Desde julho de 2014, em uma pavilhões ao ar livre organizadas exposições bandeira livre que apresenta aos visitantes a história do museu Tsaritsyno e coleções de reserva.
Para mover ao redor do parque, você não só pode andar, mas também em veículos elétricos e, em Tsaritsin lagoa - em barcos e catamarãs. Na primavera de 2014 abriu uma pista de dança no parque.
Museu "Tsaritsyno" adaptados para pessoas com deficiência e para os visitantes com crianças pequenas: as entradas dos edifícios de exposição e salas de concerto estão equipados com rampas e elevadores, escadas estão equipados com adesivos anti-derrapante, ao lado do edifício do museu é um estacionamento. Na recepção durante a sua estadia no museu você pode tomar um carrinho de bebé, cadeira de bebé, andador e carregando uma criança. programas educacionais e excursões são adaptados para os visitantes com necessidades especiais, exposições permanentes são marcadas com as palavras feitas em Braille.
De 1 a 17 de março de Convidamos os nossos clientes "Tsaritsyno" na estufa, no que floresceu bulbos da mola: tulipas, jacintos, narcisos, açafrão, muscari, fritillyarii, Proleski. Os guias apresentar aos visitantes a história da propagação de plantas bulbosas na Europa e na Rússia e a arte da destilação de plantas floridas no período de inverno-primavera.
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State historical-architectural, artistic and landscaping museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno".
It positions the south of Moscow and includes a palace complex, a greenhouse, a historic landscape park with ponds and pavilions, as well as new parks and flower beds with light and music fountain. All museum-reserve territory covers 405 hectares.
In the central part of the park is a palace complex of the XVIII century, which was built as a suburban residence of Empress Catherine II. Its construction began in 1775 by the architect Vasily Bazhenov. The compositional center of the complex - The Grand Palace, built by architect M. Kazakov. After the death of Catherine II, all work in Tsaritsyn were discontinued.
In 1984 it was established the Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts of the USSR and a gradual recovery of the architectural ensemble. In 1992 the museum was transformed into the "Tsaritsyno" Historical and Architectural Art and Landscape Museum-Reserve.
The exhibition activities of the museum began in the mid-1990s. Since 1994, the exhibition is located in the pavilions built on the project Bazhenova: first in the Second Cavalry Building, and later - in the Small Palace and the Opera House (Middle palace). After reconstruction in 2005-2007 permanent exhibitions housed in the halls of Bread House and the Grand Palace. In 2011, the general public has been opened recreated from drawings of the XIX century Greenhouse complex. In 2014, after two years of restoration restaratsii reopened Opera House (Middle Palace) in 2015 should again throw open its doors to the Small Palace of Catherine II.
Initially, the central place in the museum occupied collection of arts and crafts. Over time, the policy of acquisition of assets has changed, and the museum began to receive items of Russian and Western European art heritage of XVIII - early XX centuries.
The museum conducts active exhibition activity, including international. Since 2014, the project "Museum tour", giving the opportunity to the museums of Moscow and the Russian regions represented in the State Museum "Tsaritsyno" his collection, and various areas of its activity. The Opera House (Middle palace) housed the exhibition "Palace in the Palace", representing a collection of sculptures from the Ostankino Palace of Count NP Sheremetev. In 2015, it was updated and has been supplemented with new exhibits permanent exhibition "The Art of tapestry: two glorious era"; with the help of multimedia technology in a completely new way shows the history of the destruction and restoration of the Grand Palace.
An important trend in the "Tsaritsyno" museum reserve - education programs. More than 40 different tours and master classes, educational and recreational programs for children and adults are held in the palace, and the greenhouse complexes, as well as outdoors.
In the halls of the Grand Palace in the summer and in the territory of the Tsaritsyno Park concerts of classical and modern music in the atrium of the Bread House - organ recitals. Every year, "Tsaritsyno" becomes a venue for Russian and international music festivals.
Tsaritsyno landscape park - one of the oldest in Russia. Since July 2014 in an open-air pavilions arranged free banner exhibition that introduces visitors to the history of Tsaritsyno museum and reserve collections.
To move around the park, you can not only walk, but also in electric vehicles, and in Tsaritsyn pond - on boats and catamarans. In the spring of 2014 opened a dance floor in the park.
Museum "Tsaritsyno" adapted for people with disabilities and for visitors with small children: the entrances to the exposition buildings and concert halls are equipped with ramps and elevators, stairs are provided with anti-slip stickers, next to the museum building is a parking lot. At the reception desk during your stay in the museum you can take a stroller, high chair, walker and carrying a child. Educational and excursion programs are adapted for visitors with special needs, permanent exhibits are labeled with the words made in Braille.
From 1 to 17 March, we invite guests "Tsaritsyno" in the greenhouse, in which bloomed spring bulbs: tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, crocus, muscari, fritillyarii, Proleski. The guides introduce visitors to the history of the spread of bulbous plants in Europe and Russia and the art of distillation of flowering plants in the winter-spring period.
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State historical-architectural, artistic and landscaping museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno".
It positions the south of Moscow and includes a palace complex, a greenhouse, a historic landscape park with ponds and pavilions, as well as new parks and flower beds with light and music fountain. All museum-reserve territory covers 405 hectares.
In the central part of the park is a palace complex of the XVIII century, which was built as a suburban residence of Empress Catherine II. Its construction began in 1775 by the architect Vasily Bazhenov. The compositional center of the complex - The Grand Palace, built by architect M. Kazakov. After the death of Catherine II, all work in Tsaritsyn were discontinued.
In 1984 it was established the Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts of the USSR and a gradual recovery of the architectural ensemble. In 1992 the museum was transformed into the "Tsaritsyno" Historical and Architectural Art and Landscape Museum-Reserve.
The exhibition activities of the museum began in the mid-1990s. Since 1994, the exhibition is located in the pavilions built on the project Bazhenova: first in the Second Cavalry Building, and later - in the Small Palace and the Opera House (Middle palace). After reconstruction in 2005-2007 permanent exhibitions housed in the halls of Bread House and the Grand Palace. In 2011, the general public has been opened recreated from drawings of the XIX century Greenhouse complex. In 2014, after two years of restoration restaratsii reopened Opera House (Middle Palace) in 2015 should again throw open its doors to the Small Palace of Catherine II.
Initially, the central place in the museum occupied collection of arts and crafts. Over time, the policy of acquisition of assets has changed, and the museum began to receive items of Russian and Western European art heritage of XVIII - early XX centuries.
The museum conducts active exhibition activity, including international. Since 2014, the project "Museum tour", giving the opportunity to the museums of Moscow and the Russian regions represented in the State Museum "Tsaritsyno" his collection, and various areas of its activity. The Opera House (Middle palace) housed the exhibition "Palace in the Palace", representing a collection of sculptures from the Ostankino Palace of Count NP Sheremetev. In 2015, it was updated and has been supplemented with new exhibits permanent exhibition "The Art of tapestry: two glorious era"; with the help of multimedia technology in a completely new way shows the history of the destruction and restoration of the Grand Palace.
An important trend in the "Tsaritsyno" museum reserve - education programs. More than 40 different tours and master classes, educational and recreational programs for children and adults are held in the palace, and the greenhouse complexes, as well as outdoors.
In the halls of the Grand Palace in the summer and in the territory of the Tsaritsyno Park concerts of classical and modern music in the atrium of the Bread House - organ recitals. Every year, "Tsaritsyno" becomes a venue for Russian and international music festivals.
Tsaritsyno landscape park - one of the oldest in Russia. Since July 2014 in an open-air pavilions arranged free banner exhibition that introduces visitors to the history of Tsaritsyno museum and reserve collections.
To move around the park, you can not only walk, but also in electric vehicles, and in Tsaritsyn pond - on boats and catamarans. In the spring of 2014 opened a dance floor in the park.
Museum "Tsaritsyno" adapted for people with disabilities and for visitors with small children: the entrances to the exposition buildings and concert halls are equipped with ramps and elevators, stairs are provided with anti-slip stickers, next to the museum building is a parking lot. At the reception desk during your stay in the museum you can take a stroller, high chair, walker and carrying a child. Educational and excursion programs are adapted for visitors with special needs, permanent exhibits are labeled with the words made in Braille.
From 1 to 17 March, we invite guests "Tsaritsyno" in the greenhouse, in which bloomed spring bulbs: tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, crocus, muscari, fritillyarii, Proleski. The guides introduce visitors to the history of the spread of bulbous plants in Europe and Russia and the art of distillation of flowering plants in the winter-spring period.
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