Fashion month might be over across most of the cities such as New York, London, Milan, Paris and now Delhi but some of the looks spotted off the runway just makes us feel that fashion week is never over.
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
After following all our favourite stars and celebrities on the streets of New York recently, we are now onto what went down off the runway during Amazon Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 2017. This time we thought it would be interesting to compare how around the same time and at the same type of event, the street style differs in the two cities.
That’s right, we are comparing New York street style with Delhi street style and it has been a lot of fun for us.
The biggest difference that you will notice and something you have to keep in mind is the weather in the two cities were completely different, it was still very cold in New York and in Delhi summer pretty much just started for us.
The comparison is was a little difficult as most of the looks from New York street style were covered under everyone’s big jackets, fur coats, leather jackets, trench coats and sweatshirts! However it is fashion and you always spot either a pair of shoe, fringe, detail, color or cut that you can compare because after all everyone wants to be a street style star.
It’s nice to see how everyone around the world are on the same page when it comes to following the fashion trends but at the same time very amusing when you see one trend done in two extremely different ways and when one is just completely off.
We have put together a gallery of New York street style vs. Delhi street style of all the similar looks we found from the streets during fashion week.
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
by Mansi Tuli
Cultura não é o que entra pelos olhos e ouvidos,
mas o que modifica o jeito de olhar e ouvir.
A cultura e o amor devem estar juntos.
Vamos compartilhar.
Culture is not what enters the eyes and ears,
but what modifies the way of looking and hearing.
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
--br via tradutor do google
Estilo da rua de Delhi e New York durante a semana 2017.
Moda mês pode ser mais em toda a maioria das cidades como Nova York, Londres, Milão, Paris e agora Delhi, mas alguns dos olhares manchados fora da pista só nos faz sentir que a semana da moda nunca acaba.
Depois de seguir todas as nossas estrelas e celebridades favoritas nas ruas de Nova York recentemente, estamos agora no que desceu da pista durante a Amazon Fashion Week Outono / Inverno de 2017. Desta vez, pensamos que seria interessante comparar como ao mesmo tempo E no mesmo tipo de evento, o estilo de rua difere nas duas cidades.
Isso mesmo, estamos comparando estilo de rua de Nova York com o estilo de rua de Deli e tem sido muito divertido para nós.

(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
A maior diferença que você vai notar e algo que você tem que manter em mente é o tempo nas duas cidades foram completamente diferentes, ainda estava muito frio em Nova York e em Delhi verão praticamente só começou para nós.
A comparação foi um pouco difícil como a maioria dos parece do New York street estilo foram coberto sob todos jackets, casacos de pele, jaquetas de couro, trench coats e sweatshirts! No entanto, é moda e você sempre local ou um par de sapato, franja, detalhe, cor ou corte que você pode comparar, porque afinal de contas todos querem ser uma estrela de estilo de rua.
É bom ver como todos ao redor do mundo estão na mesma página quando se trata de seguir as tendências da moda, mas ao mesmo tempo muito divertido quando você vê uma tendência feita de duas maneiras extremamente diferentes e quando um é apenas completamente fora.
Reunimos uma galeria de estilo de rua de Nova York versus estilo de rua de Delhi de todos os olhares semelhantes que encontramos das ruas durante a semana de moda.
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
(You will find the Delhi look on the right hand side and the New York look on the left)
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