The Manchester Partnership and the Cumbria Museums Consortium are delivering a programme of Museum Development for North West Museums up to March 2022.
Visit the Arts Council website for regular updates and opportunities for regional museums:
A programme delivered by The Manchester Partnership and the Cumbria Museums Consortium.
We’re pleased to be hosting our 5th Annual Museums Funding Fair giving museums and arts professionals the opportunity to meet various funding organisations face-to-face.
Due to the success of last year we are pleased to also have a number of national museums in attendance to discuss potential partnership projects and loans.
The fair will also include a variety of workshops from the some of the organisations above and there will also be a workshop looking at how to write successful funding bids.
Organisations that will be present are:
Arts Council England
Association of Independent Museums
British Museum
Curious Minds
Heritage Lottery Fund
Museums Association
National Portrait Gallery
Purchase Grant Fund
In the interests of being Green we encourage:
- the use of car sharing and public transportation to participants in our events
- reductions in printing and photocopying by making materials available digitally
- ordering our catering responsibly and from local suppliers where possible
Please note we will film and take digital images at our events, if you object to your likeness being recorded, please notify an event organiser prior to the event. We will use film and images either online or in print to support the Museum Development Programme in the North West.
For more information and to book a 1:1 session with Arts Council England please contact Alex Bird, Sector Development Officer at
Thursday 21st September
Pyramid & Parr Hall, Warrington
11:00 – 15:00
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Feira de Financiamento do Organizador de Museus 2017. Desenvolvimento de Museus Noroeste. Warrington, INGLATERRA
Visit the Arts Council website for regular updates and opportunities for regional museums:
A programme delivered by The Manchester Partnership and the Cumbria Museums Consortium.
We’re pleased to be hosting our 5th Annual Museums Funding Fair giving museums and arts professionals the opportunity to meet various funding organisations face-to-face.
Due to the success of last year we are pleased to also have a number of national museums in attendance to discuss potential partnership projects and loans.
The fair will also include a variety of workshops from the some of the organisations above and there will also be a workshop looking at how to write successful funding bids.
Organisations that will be present are:
Arts Council England
Association of Independent Museums
British Museum
Curious Minds
Heritage Lottery Fund
Museums Association
National Portrait Gallery
Purchase Grant Fund
In the interests of being Green we encourage:
- the use of car sharing and public transportation to participants in our events
- reductions in printing and photocopying by making materials available digitally
- ordering our catering responsibly and from local suppliers where possible
Please note we will film and take digital images at our events, if you object to your likeness being recorded, please notify an event organiser prior to the event. We will use film and images either online or in print to support the Museum Development Programme in the North West.
For more information and to book a 1:1 session with Arts Council England please contact Alex Bird, Sector Development Officer at
Thursday 21st September
Pyramid & Parr Hall, Warrington
11:00 – 15:00
Cultura não é o que entra pelos olhos e ouvidos,
mas o que modifica o jeito de olhar e ouvir.
A cultura e o amor devem estar juntos.
Vamos compartilhar.
Culture is not what enters the eyes and ears,
but what modifies the way of looking and hearing.
--br via tradutor do google
Feira de Financiamento do Organizador de Museus 2017. Desenvolvimento de Museus Noroeste. Warrington, INGLATERRA
A Parceria de Manchester e o Consórcio de Museus de Cumbria estão entregando um programa de Desenvolvimento de Museus para Museus do Noroeste até março de 2022.
Visite o site do Conselho das Artes para atualizações e oportunidades regulares para museus regionais:
Um programa entregue pela The Manchester Partnership e o Cumbria Museums Consortium.
Temos o prazer de hospedar nossa 5 ª Feira Anual de Financiamento de Museus, dando aos museus e profissionais de artes a oportunidade de conhecer várias organizações de financiamento face a face.
Devido ao sucesso do ano passado, temos o prazer de também ter vários museus nacionais presentes para discutir potenciais projetos de parceria e empréstimos.
A feira também incluirá uma variedade de workshops de algumas das organizações acima e também haverá um workshop sobre como escrever lances de financiamento bem-sucedidos.
As organizações que estarão presentes são:
Conselho de Artes de Inglaterra
Associação de Museus Independentes
Museu Britânico
Mentes curiosas
Heritage Lottery Fund
Associação de Museus
Galeria nacional de retratos
Fundo de Subsídio de Compra
No interesse de ser verde, incentivamos:
- o uso do compartilhamento de carro e do transporte público para os participantes em nossos eventos
- reduções na impressão e fotocópia, disponibilizando digitalmente materiais
- encomendar a nossa restauração de forma responsável e de fornecedores locais sempre que possível
Por favor, note que vamos filmar e tirar imagens digitais em nossos eventos, se você se opuser a sua semelhança registrada, notifique um organizador de evento antes do evento. Usaremos filmes e imagens on-line ou impressos para apoiar o Programa de Desenvolvimento de Museus no Noroeste.
Para mais informações e para reservar uma sessão de 1: 1 com o Arts Council England, entre em contato com Alex Bird, Diretor de Desenvolvimento de Setor em
Quinta-feira, 21 de setembro
Pyramid & Parr Hall, Warrington
11:00 - 15:00
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