MAP ROUTE OF THE SLAVE internationally. About 12 million slaves were taken from Africa and moved to the Americas for nearly 4 centuries. Zaña (Peru) was on the Slave Route since the 16th century.
Now UNESCO recognizes Zaña Memory Site of Slavery and thus Zana becomes visible on the world map of slave trade. To achieve this Zana has carried out a national and international campaign. There are 1741 adherents in the world to the campaign to achieve the recognition of Zana.
! HAPPY HOLIDAY PARTIES WITH PANCHO FIERRO ... Our artist painted Afro-descendants,
Andes, mestizos and descendants of Europeans. About 1,200 watercolors.
Now our message is that we are Peruvians and we are Latin Americans.
We fight for the brotherhood of all ethnicities and cultures.
The struggle for freedom and justice still continues ....
We should not be divided by the color of the skin ... we are all human beings.
In the national and international support to Zaña collecting signatures participated: Maribel Arrelucea Barrantes Jesús Cosamalón (131 signatures of Peru and other countries). They made a letter of solidarity. Also a valuable list of adhesions got Tamara Hale (37 firms from the United States and England) Isabel Talledo (14 firms from Europe). There was collection of signatures in Zaña with the participation of Luz Carmen Cossio Aguilar, Hildebrando Briones Vela and Amelia Cabanillas Muro, (Zaña waits for you). The Arteaga Muñoz family that among many other people obtained 1569 signatures in the north of Peru.
All of them supported the file presented by the Afro-Peruvian Museum of Zana to the national and international authorities. In this campaign participated the Museum Afroperuano de Zaña and the Municipality District of Zaña due to an Inter-Institutional Agreement. (Sources: On the international campaign See Volume II of the Zaña File Slavery Memory Site (2014) containing additional documents and submitted to the Ministry of Culture.) There are the names and surnames of all adherents to the fight Zaña at national and international level). Map credit y
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
On the night of August 22-23, 1791, a group of men and women, torn from Africa and sold as slaves, rebelled against the system in Saint-Domingue (now Haiti) for freedom and independence. The uprising triggered events that eventually led to the abolition of the slave trade.
In 1997, UNESCO established August 23 as the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition to pay homage to all those who fought for freedom and to continue teaching about their history and values. The success of this rebellion, led by the slaves themselves, is a profound source of inspiration today for the struggle against all forms of servitude, racism, prejudice, racial discrimination and social injustice that are a legacy of slavery.
The Slave Route, launched by UNESCO in 1994, examines the causes and modalities of functioning of slavery and the slave trade, as well as the problems and consequences of slavery in the world.
Through research, development of teaching materials, preservation of archives, documentaries and oral traditions and places of memory related to slavery, the initiative aims to contribute to a better understanding of the impact of this history on our world Modern, highlight global transformations and cultural interactions, and contribute to intercultural dialogue.
Mélodie Zafitsimihira Paubert who was born in Madagascar,
a province in southeastern Africa. He arrived in Zaña-Peru.
The first young African to arrive at zana in times of freedom. It is Mélodie Zafitsimihira Paubert who was born in Madagascar-Island to the southeast of Africa - He arrived in Peru with a delegation of young people who study in the USA, with the direction of the teacher Monica Rojas. She decided to travel to Zana in the last week of July this year and met the Afro-Peruvian museum and toured the old farms where there were slaves as in the other band and cayali. He was very interested in knowing the history and the memory of the slave of Zana. We had much to say about the "Malgaxes" or "Mangaches" that were called the slaves who came from madaqascar to the north coast of Peru ... Many stories on their journey to the north. One of the major is the one related to your cell phone ... on this subject will probably publish some chronicle the great reporter from the north Lolo Ayasta Tenorio. Only he knows the details of this story that happened in chiclayo and is the best person to tell it. Thank you Monica, thank you melodie .... thank you lolo for your feat ... incredible. (Credit of the first photo is from fb of melodie and the second is the map of the internet appears the island of Madagascar red) ... soon more photos of melodie. A valuable record of images of the trip of melodie, was realized by Fiorella Olano Sampertegui, volunteer, translator and guide of the Afroperuano museum ....
Cultura não é o que entra pelos olhos e ouvidos,
mas o que modifica o jeito de olhar e ouvir.
A cultura e o amor devem estar juntos.
Vamos compartilhar.
Culture is not what enters the eyes and ears,
but what modifies the way of looking and hearing.
Museo Afroperuano. Peru.
MAPA RUTA DEL ESCLAVO a nivel internacional. Cerca de 12 millones de esclavizados fueron sacados de África y trasladados a las Américas durante cerca de 4 siglos. Zaña (Perú) estuvo en la Ruta del Esclavo desde el siglo XVI. Ahora la UNESCO reconoce a Zaña Sitio de Memoria de la Esclavitud y así Zaña se hace visible en el mapa mundial de la trata esclavista. Para lograr ello Zaña ha realizado una campaña nacional e internacional. Hay 1741 adherentes en el mundo a la campaña para lograr el reconocimiento de Zaña.
tela 1
! FELIZ FIESTAS CON PANCHO FIERRO ... Nuestro artista pintó afrodescendientes,
Andes, mestizos y descendientes de europeos. Aproximadamente 1.200 acuarelas.
Ahora nuestro mensaje es que somos peruanos y somos latinoamericanos.
Luchamos por la hermandad de todas las etnias y culturas.
La lucha por la libertad y la justicia continúa ...
No deberíamos estar divididos por el color de la piel ... todos somos seres humanos.
En el respaldo nacional e internacional a Zaña recolectando firmas participaron: Maribel Arrelucea Barrantes Jesús Cosamalón (131 firmas de Perú y otros países). Ellos hicieron una carta de solidaridad . También valiosa lista de adhesiones consiguieron Tamara Hale (37 firmas de Estados Unidos e Inglaterra) Isabel Talledo (14 firmas de Europa). Hubo recolección de firmas en Zaña con participación de Luz Carmen Cossio Aguilar, Hildebrando Briones Vela y Amelia Cabanillas Muro,(Zaña te Espera). la familia Arteaga Muñoz que entre muchas otras personas lograron 1569 firmas en el norte del Perú. Todos ellos respaldaron el expediente que presentó el Museo Afroperuano de Zaña a las autoridades nacionales e internacionales.
En esta campaña participaron el Museo Afroperuano de Zaña y la Municipalidad Distrital de Zaña debido a un Convenio Inter-Institucional. (Fuentes: Sobre la campaña internacional Ver volumen II del Expediente Zaña Sitio de memoria de la Esclavitud (2014) que contiene documentos adicionales y que fuera presentado al Ministerio de Cultura. Allí se encuentran los nombres y apellidos de todos los adherentes a la lucha de Zaña a nivel nacional e internacional ). Crédito del mapa…/…/africandescentdecade/slave-trade.shtml y
Día Internacional del Recuerdo de la Trata de Esclavos y de su Abolición
En la noche del 22 al 23 de agosto de 1791, un grupo de hombres y mujeres, arrancados de África y vendidos como esclavos, se rebelaron contra el sistema en Saint-Domingue (hoy Haití) para obtener la libertad y la independencia. El levantamiento desencadenó acontecimientos que finalmente condujeron a la abolición de la trata de esclavos.
En 1997, la UNESCO estableció el 23 de agosto como Día Internacional del Recuerdo de la Trata de Esclavos y de su Abolición para rendir homenaje a todos los que lucharon por la libertad, y para continuar la enseñanza acerca de su historia y sus valores. El éxito de esta rebelión, dirigida por los propios esclavos, es una profunda fuente de inspiración hoy para la lucha contra todas las formas de servidumbre, el racismo, el prejuicio, la discriminación racial y la injusticia social que son un legado de la esclavitud.
La Ruta del Esclavo, puesta en marcha por la UNESCO en 1994, examina las causas y modalidades de funcionamiento de la esclavitud y la trata negrera, así como de las problemáticas y consecuencias de la esclavitud en el mundo. A través de la investigación, el desarrollo de materiales didácticos, la preservación de archivos, documentales y tradiciones orales y los lugares de la memoria relacionada con la esclavitud, la iniciativa tiene por objeto contribuir a una mejor comprensión del impacto de esta historia en nuestro mundo moderno, resaltar las transformaciones globales y las interacciones culturales, y contribuir al diálogo intercultural.
Mélodie Zafitsimihira Paubert quien nació en Madagascar -isla al sureste de África- . Llegó a Zaña-Perú.
A primeira jovem africana a chegar a zana em tempos de liberdade. Trata-se de Mélodie Zafitsimihira Paubert quem nasceu em Madagáscar-Ilha ao sudeste de África - Chegou ao peru com uma delegação de jovens que estudam nos EUA, com a direção da professora Monica Rojas. Ela decidiu viajar para zana na última semana de julho deste ano e conheceu o museu afroperuano e percorreu as antigas fazendas onde havia escravos como na outra banda e cayaltí. Ficou muito interessado em conhecer a história e a memória da escravatura de Zana. Detivemo muito sobre os " Malgaxes " ou " Mangaches " que assim se chamavam aos escravizados que chegaram de madaqascar à costa norte do Peru... Muitas histórias na sua viagem ao norte. Uma das principais é a relacionada com o seu celular... sobre este assunto provavelmente irá publicar alguma crônica o grande repórter do norte Lolo Ayasta Tenorio. Só ele sabe os detalhes desta história que aconteceu em chiclayo e é a pessoa mais indicada para narrarla. Obrigada Monica, obrigada melodie.... obrigado lolo pela tua proeza... incrível. (Crédito da primeira foto é do fb de melodie e a segunda é o mapa da internet aparece a ilha de Madagascar de cor vermelha)... em breve mais fotos de melodie. Um valioso registro de imagens da viagem de melodie, foi realizado por Fiorella Olano Sampertegui, voluntária, tradutora e guia do museu afroperuano....
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