Le président de la République a accepté de faire partie de la collection de la célèbre institution parisienne dont Stéphane Bern dirige l'Académie. Il devrait pouvoir découvrir son double de cire d'ici l'an prochain. Son épouse pourrait être exposée à ses côtés dans la salle des chefs d'États.
Est-ce un bon présage? Le président Emmanuel Macron va entrer au musée Grévin. Chloé Belleret, journaliste au Parisien, l'a annoncé lors de l'émission La Curiosité Est Un Vilain Défaut sur RTL, présentée par Sidonie Bonnec et Thomas Hugues. Véronique Berecz, directrice des relations publiques du musée était également présente.
Emmanuel Macron va avoir droit à son double de cire dans
l'institution parisienne. Avant d'être chez Madame Tussauds? LUDOVIC MARIN/AFP
Prévue pour courant 2018, la statue du chef de l'État est en cours de fabrication.
Des temps de production plus longs qu'à l'accoutumée. Les sculpteurs et autres artistes travaillant sur le projet n'ont pas pu suivre le protocole habituel. Le chef de l'État n'a pas pu se rendre dans le laboratoire pour que ses mensurations soient prises et qu'un scanner facial soit réalisé. C'est donc à partir de photos et de vidéos que les sculpteurs vont devoir travailler pour essayer de rendre le double de cire plus vrai que nature.
Emmanuel Macron va ainsi pouvoir rejoindre ses prédécesseurs, Nicolas Sarkozy et François Hollande, toujours exposés dans la salle des chefs d'États, tout comme Angela Merkel, Barack Obama et Donald Trump.
Cultura não é o que entra pelos olhos e ouvidos,
mas o que modifica o jeito de olhar e ouvir.
A cultura e o amor devem estar juntos.
Vamos compartilhar.
Culture is not what enters the eyes and ears,
but what modifies the way of looking and hearing.
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Emmanuel e Brigitte Macron caminhando para o museu de Grévin.
O Presidente da República aceitou fazer parte da coleção da famosa instituição parisiense cujo Stéphane Bern dirige a Academia. Ele deve descobrir o seu duplo de cera no ano que vem. Sua esposa poderia ser exibida por seu lado no Salão dos Chefes de Estado.
Isso é um bom presságio? O presidente Emmanuel Macron entrará no Musée Grévin. Chloé Belleret, jornalista do Parisien, anunciou durante o show Curiosity East A Ugly Default na RTL, apresentado por Sidonie Bonnec e Thomas Hugues. Véronique Berecz, diretora de relações públicas do museu também esteve presente.
Emmanuel Macron terá direito à sua dupla cera na instituição parisiense.
Antes de estar na Madame Tussauds? LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP
Programado para a atual 2018, a estátua do chefe de estado está sendo fabricada.
Tempos de produção mais longos do que o habitual. Os escultores e outros artistas que trabalham no projeto não poderiam seguir o protocolo usual. O Chefe de Estado não poderia ir ao laboratório para ter suas medidas tomadas e um scanner facial feito. É, portanto, de fotos e vídeos que os escultores terão que trabalhar para tentar tornar o duplo de cera mais verdadeiro do que a natureza.
Emmanuel Macron poderá juntar-se aos seus predecessores, Nicolas Sarkozy e François Hollande, ainda expostos no Salão dos Chefes de Estado, como Angela Merkel, Barack Obama e Donald Trump.
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Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron walking towards the Grévin museum.
The President of the Republic has accepted to be part of the collection of the famous Parisian institution whose Stéphane Bern directs the Academy. He should be able to discover his double of wax by next year. His wife could be exhibited by his side in the Heads of State Hall.
Is this a good omen? President Emmanuel Macron will enter the Musée Grévin. Chloé Belleret, a journalist at the Parisien, announced it during the show Curiosity East A Ugly Default on RTL, presented by Sidonie Bonnec and Thomas Hugues. Véronique Berecz, director of public relations at the museum was also present.
Emmanuel Macron will be entitled to his double wax in the Paris institution. Before being at Madame Tussauds? LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP
Scheduled for current 2018, the statue of the head of state is being manufactured.
Production times longer than usual. The sculptors and other artists working on the project could not follow the usual protocol. The Head of State could not go to the laboratory to have his measurements taken and a facial scanner done. It is therefore from photos and videos that the sculptors will have to work to try to make the double of wax more true than nature.
Emmanuel Macron will be able to join his predecessors, Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande, still exposed in the Hall of Heads of State, as Angela Merkel, Barack Obama and Donald Trump.
--in via tradutor do google
Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron walking towards the Grévin museum.
The President of the Republic has accepted to be part of the collection of the famous Parisian institution whose Stéphane Bern directs the Academy. He should be able to discover his double of wax by next year. His wife could be exhibited by his side in the Heads of State Hall.
Is this a good omen? President Emmanuel Macron will enter the Musée Grévin. Chloé Belleret, a journalist at the Parisien, announced it during the show Curiosity East A Ugly Default on RTL, presented by Sidonie Bonnec and Thomas Hugues. Véronique Berecz, director of public relations at the museum was also present.
Emmanuel Macron will be entitled to his double wax in the Paris institution. Before being at Madame Tussauds? LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP
Scheduled for current 2018, the statue of the head of state is being manufactured.
Production times longer than usual. The sculptors and other artists working on the project could not follow the usual protocol. The Head of State could not go to the laboratory to have his measurements taken and a facial scanner done. It is therefore from photos and videos that the sculptors will have to work to try to make the double of wax more true than nature.
Emmanuel Macron will be able to join his predecessors, Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande, still exposed in the Hall of Heads of State, as Angela Merkel, Barack Obama and Donald Trump.
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