The Zermatt Museum Zermatlantis has become an important pillar of Zermatt's Alpine history and culture, with about 1,000 visitors meeting in the underground world of the museum in a few days.
The concept of setting up a village with original and ancient buildings of Zermatt as a showplace for historical affairs has been extremely successful. For its guests, the museum has become an integral feature of Zermatt's overall experience. Even the locals frequently come and look around.
Multitudes of people
On average, about 40,000 people visit the museum every year. It can happen that up to 1,000 people descend the stairs to the underground past of Zermatt in a single day. The successful concept originated from the Steiner museum concept company in Sarnen, which includes the Glasi Hergiswil (museum of glass works), the Port Museum in Hamburg and the Swiss National Museum (Landesmuseum) among its clients.
Zermatlantis is the fusion of the words Zermatt and Atlantis, and is a metaphor for the historically designed archipelago of the museum. The stories are told of the Horu and the small village with its inhabitants, who have now become globally respected tourism protagonists as a result of "first ascension mountaineering."
Village square "as the center
"From time to time we realize that our visitors in the village square of the museum behave as if they had behaved in a village square. They talk to each other, sit on the benches near the tree or even take a nap "says Edy Schmid, president of the Alpine Museum Zermatt Association. You reach the cobblestone plaza's sidewalk buildings: the Mountain Guide House, the local Shepherd's House, the Little Tea House, and the stables with farm animals, including mules, black-necked goats, and black-nosed sheep. There are also wildlife, however: marmot, chamois and an ibis that is still smelling today.
The drama of the first climb
Visitors are mainly drawn to the home of the mountain guide and to the house in which the first ascent of the Matterhorn of Edward Whymper in the year 1865 is shown. The drama of the three survivors (Whimper and father and son Taugwalder, the mountain guides) and the four men who fell (Michel Croz, a mountain guide from Chamonix and the guests Francis Douglas, Robert Hadow and Charles Hudson) . In addition to the broken rope, which is covered by a red velvet cushion, you can also see the remains of the victims' outfits and clothes, as well as the portraits of the stern-looking participants. In 2007, using a replica of the original rope, it was discovered that, contrary to rumors, the rope was not cut for self-survival. The research commissioned by the museum proved that the rope could only hold 300 kg,
But the following is also being shown: the ascending routes in the Hore. The records of the year 2011 that show the last conquerors of the Matterhorn. The stories of the ascensions of the North Wall of the Matterhorn and the female climber Yvette Vaucher. And, of course, the legendary mountain guide of Zermatt Ulrich Inderbinden (1900-2004) can be seen more than once.
Questions, questions ...
The museum encourages questions, and the museum's two employees, Edy Schmid and Peter Graf, are happy to provide information. They know many stories that are not shown. "We've learned a lot from visitors," says Edy Schmid. The museum lives on, and even the locals tell the museum staff, who mainly work voluntarily, that they still experience a few moments of "A-ha" despite their advantage as locals.
The Museum therefore not only shows how mountaineering has been experienced in the past but also offers the opportunity to discover how mountain climbing in Zermatt is still developing today using the latest facts and images.
The concept of setting up a village with original and ancient buildings of Zermatt as a showplace for historical affairs has been extremely successful. For its guests, the museum has become an integral feature of Zermatt's overall experience. Even the locals frequently come and look around.
Multitudes of people
On average, about 40,000 people visit the museum every year. It can happen that up to 1,000 people descend the stairs to the underground past of Zermatt in a single day. The successful concept originated from the Steiner museum concept company in Sarnen, which includes the Glasi Hergiswil (museum of glass works), the Port Museum in Hamburg and the Swiss National Museum (Landesmuseum) among its clients.
Zermatlantis is the fusion of the words Zermatt and Atlantis, and is a metaphor for the historically designed archipelago of the museum. The stories are told of the Horu and the small village with its inhabitants, who have now become globally respected tourism protagonists as a result of "first ascension mountaineering."
Village square "as the center
"From time to time we realize that our visitors in the village square of the museum behave as if they had behaved in a village square. They talk to each other, sit on the benches near the tree or even take a nap "says Edy Schmid, president of the Alpine Museum Zermatt Association. You reach the cobblestone plaza's sidewalk buildings: the Mountain Guide House, the local Shepherd's House, the Little Tea House, and the stables with farm animals, including mules, black-necked goats, and black-nosed sheep. There are also wildlife, however: marmot, chamois and an ibis that is still smelling today.
The drama of the first climb
Visitors are mainly drawn to the home of the mountain guide and to the house in which the first ascent of the Matterhorn of Edward Whymper in the year 1865 is shown. The drama of the three survivors (Whimper and father and son Taugwalder, the mountain guides) and the four men who fell (Michel Croz, a mountain guide from Chamonix and the guests Francis Douglas, Robert Hadow and Charles Hudson) . In addition to the broken rope, which is covered by a red velvet cushion, you can also see the remains of the victims' outfits and clothes, as well as the portraits of the stern-looking participants. In 2007, using a replica of the original rope, it was discovered that, contrary to rumors, the rope was not cut for self-survival. The research commissioned by the museum proved that the rope could only hold 300 kg,
But the following is also being shown: the ascending routes in the Hore. The records of the year 2011 that show the last conquerors of the Matterhorn. The stories of the ascensions of the North Wall of the Matterhorn and the female climber Yvette Vaucher. And, of course, the legendary mountain guide of Zermatt Ulrich Inderbinden (1900-2004) can be seen more than once.
Questions, questions ...
The museum encourages questions, and the museum's two employees, Edy Schmid and Peter Graf, are happy to provide information. They know many stories that are not shown. "We've learned a lot from visitors," says Edy Schmid. The museum lives on, and even the locals tell the museum staff, who mainly work voluntarily, that they still experience a few moments of "A-ha" despite their advantage as locals.
The Museum therefore not only shows how mountaineering has been experienced in the past but also offers the opportunity to discover how mountain climbing in Zermatt is still developing today using the latest facts and images.
fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti
Cultura não é o que entra pelos olhos e ouvidos,
mas o que modifica o jeito de olhar e ouvir.
A cultura e o amor devem estar juntos.
Vamos compartilhar.
Culture is not what enters the eyes and ears,
but what modifies the way of looking and hearing.
Museu Zermatt: o passado como uma experiência.
O Museu Zermatt Zermatlantis tornou-se um importante pilar da história e da cultura alpinas de Zermatt, com cerca de 1.000 visitantes que se reúnem no mundo subterrâneo do museu em alguns dias.
O conceito de criação de uma vila com edifícios originais e antigos de Zermatt como um showplace para os assuntos históricos tem sido extremamente bem sucedido. Para os seus hóspedes, o museu tornou-se uma característica integral da experiência geral da Zermatt. Mesmo os moradores freqüentemente vêm e olham ao redor.
Multidões de pessoas
Em média, cerca de 40 mil pessoas visitam o museu todos os anos. Pode acontecer que até 1.000 pessoas descem as escadas para o passado subterrâneo de Zermatt em um único dia. O conceito bem sucedido originou-se da empresa de conceito de museu Steiner em Sarnen, que contam com o Glasi Hergiswil (museu de obras de vidro), o Museu do Porto em Hamburgo e o Museu Nacional Suíço (Landesmuseum) entre seus clientes.
Zermatlantis é a fusão das palavras Zermatt e Atlantis, e é uma metáfora para o arquipélago do museu historicamente desenhado. As histórias são contadas do Horu e da pequena aldeia com seus habitantes, que agora se tornaram protagonistas do turismo respeitados globalmente como resultado do "alpinismo de primeira ascensão".
Praça da aldeia" como o centro
"De vez em quando, percebemos que nossos visitantes no quadrado da aldeia do museu se comportam como se tivessem se comportado em uma praça de aldeia real. Eles falam uns com os outros, sentem-se nos bancos perto da árvore ou até tirem uma soneca ", diz Edy Schmid, presidente da Associação Alpine Museum Zermatt. Você alcança os edifícios de passeio da praça de paralelepípedos: a casa do guia da montanha, a casa do pastor local, a pequena casa de chá e os estábulos com animais de fazenda, incluindo mulas, cabras de pescoço preto e ovelhas de nariz preto. Há também animais selvagens, no entanto: marmota, camurça e um íbis que ainda está cheirosa hoje.
O drama da primeira subida
Os visitantes são principalmente atraídos para a casa do guia de montanha e para a casa em que a primeira ascensão do Matterhorn de Edward Whymper no ano de 1865 é mostrada. O drama dos três sobreviventes (Whimper e pai e filho Taugwalder, os guias da montanha) e os quatro homens que caíram (Michel Croz, um guia de montanha de Chamonix e os convidados Francis Douglas, Robert Hadow e Charles Hudson) realmente se sobem pele. Além da corda quebrada, que é coberta por uma almofada de veludo vermelho, você também pode ver os restos de equipamentos e roupas das vítimas, bem como os retratos dos participantes de aparência severa. Em 2007, usando uma réplica da corda original, descobriu-se que, ao contrário dos rumores, a corda não foi cortada para a auto-sobrevivência. A investigação encomendada pelo museu provou que a corda só poderia armazenar 300 kg,
Mas o seguinte também está sendo mostrado: as rotas de ascensão no Hore. Os registros do ano de 2011 que mostram os últimos conquistadores do Matterhorn. As histórias das ascensões do Muro Norte do Cervino e da alpinista feminina Yvette Vaucher. E, claro, o lendário guia de montanha de Zermatt Ulrich Inderbinden (1900-2004) pode ser visto mais de uma vez.
Perguntas, perguntas ...
O museu encoraja as perguntas, e os dois funcionários do museu, Edy Schmid e Peter Graf, estão felizes em fornecer informações. Eles conhecem muitas histórias que não são mostradas. "Nós aprendemos muitas coisas dos visitantes", diz Edy Schmid. O museu vive, e até os locais dizem aos funcionários do museu, que trabalham principalmente voluntariamente, que eles ainda experimentam alguns momentos de "A-ha", apesar de sua vantagem como locais.
O Museu, portanto, não só mostra como o alpinismo foi experimentado no passado, mas também oferece a oportunidade de descobrir como o alpinismo em Zermatt ainda está se desenvolvendo hoje, usando os fatos e imagens mais recentes.
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