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sexta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2023

Expressionism was a current of painting that valued impression, that is, a movement from the outside to the inside, a subjective way of perceiving reality.

Expressionism was a current of painting that valued impression, that is, a movement from the outside to the inside, a subjective way of perceiving reality.

At the beginning of the 20th century, in France and especially in Germany, groups of artists emerged who wanted to change the focus, taking the opposite path, that is, starting from subjectivity to the outside world.

This current sought to express emotions, feelings and inner visions through distorted shapes, vibrant colors and techniques that emphasized drama and emotional intensity.

In expressionist painting, artists often distorted figures and colors to convey feelings of anguish, anxiety, or emotional exaltation. One of the best-known groups within this movement was Die Brücke (The Bridge), formed by artists such as Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Erich Heckel.

In addition to painting, Expressionism had an impact on literature, theater, cinema and other forms of art. In cinema, for example, works such as "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" are striking examples of the use of expressionist techniques in the construction of scenarios and atmospheres that reflected the emotional states of the characters.



O Expressionismo era uma  corrente  da pintura que valorizava a impressão, isto é, um movimento do exterior para o interior, forma subjetiva de perceber a realidade.

No começo do século XX, na França e especialmente na Alemanha, surgem grupos de artistas que desejam alterar o enfoque, percorrendo o caminho contrário, isto é, partindo da subjetividade para o mundo exterior.

Essa corrente buscava expressar emoções, sentimentos e visões internas por meio de formas distorcidas, cores vibrantes e técnicas que enfatizavam o drama e a intensidade emocional.

Na pintura expressionista, os artistas muitas vezes distorciam as figuras e as cores para transmitir sentimentos de angústia, ansiedade ou exaltação emocional. Um dos grupos mais conhecidos dentro desse movimento foi o Die Brücke (A Ponte), formado por artistas como Ernst Ludwig Kirchner e Erich Heckel.

Além da pintura, o Expressionismo teve impacto na literatura, teatro, cinema e outras formas de arte. No cinema, por exemplo, obras como "O Gabinete do Dr. Caligari" são exemplos marcantes do uso das técnicas expressionistas na construção de cenários e atmosferas que refletiam os estados emocionais dos personagens.


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