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quinta-feira, 11 de abril de 2024

This book discusses the evolution of Nubian culture and history through the Bronze Age and the Napatan-Meroitic Period.

This book discusses the evolution of Nubian culture and history through the Bronze Age and the Napatan-Meroitic Period. 

It was written to coincide with an exhibition at the University Museum at Pennsylvania, and the unrivalled Nubian collection of that museum and of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, provides some striking illustrations. 

Maps, chronological tables and a clearly-written text make this an excellent introduction to Nubian civilisation, while well-illustrated discussions of Nubian art and architecture will make this catalogue a valuable source for Egyptian scholars.

"The Nubian and Egyptian civilizations are the two oldest known in Africa. 

They shared the same river, the Nile, and a common border over which contact and interaction ebbed and flowed for thousands of years. Inevitably, Nubian and Egyptian history Egyptian civilizations are closely intertwined, but ultimately the two civilizations were very different from each other.

Both the Nubian worldview and modes of cultural expression have always been unique, even as Egyptian art, language, and concepts became part of the cultural vocabulary used by the Nubians. 

Furthermore, Nubia was typically rival, not dependent, on Egypt, as the two powers incessantly competed for territory and trade routes in the... 'Lower Nile' river system."

#edisonmariotti @edison


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Texto de origem

This book discusses the evolution of Nubian culture and history through the Bronze Age and the Napatan-Meroitic Period. 

It was written to coincide with an exhibition at the University Museum at Pennsylvania, and the unrivalled Nubian collection of that museum and of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, provides some striking illustrations. 

Maps, chronological tables and a clearly-written text make this an excellent introduction to Nubian civilisation, while well-illustrated discussions of Nubian art and architecture will make this catalogue a valuable source for Egyptian scholars.

"The Nubian and Egyptian civilizations are the two oldest known in Africa. 

They shared the same river, the Nile, and a common border over which contact and interaction ebbed and flowed for thousands of years. Inevitably, Nubian and Egyptian history Egyptian civilizations are closely intertwined, but ultimately the two civilizations were very different from each other.

Both the Nubian worldview and modes of cultural expression have always been unique, even as Egyptian art, language, and concepts became part of the cultural vocabulary used by the Nubians. 

Furthermore, Nubia was typically rival, not dependent, on Egypt, as the two powers incessantly competed for territory and trade routes in the... 'Lower Nile' river system."

#edisonmariotti @edison


1.359 / 5.000

Resultados de tradução

Resultado da tradução

Este livro discute a evolução da cultura e da história núbia durante a Idade do Bronze e o Período Napatano-Meroítico.

Foi escrito para coincidir com uma exposição no Museu Universitário da Pensilvânia, e a incomparável coleção núbia desse museu e do Museu de Belas Artes de Boston oferece algumas ilustrações impressionantes.

Mapas, tabelas cronológicas e um texto claramente escrito fazem deste catálogo uma excelente introdução à civilização núbia, enquanto discussões bem ilustradas sobre a arte e a arquitetura núbia farão deste catálogo uma fonte valiosa para estudiosos egípcios.

“As civilizações núbia e egípcia são as duas mais antigas conhecidas na África.

Eles compartilharam o mesmo rio, o Nilo, e uma fronteira comum através da qual o contato e a interação fluíram e refluíram durante milhares de anos. Inevitavelmente, na história núbia e egípcia, as civilizações egípcias estão intimamente interligadas, mas, em última análise, as duas civilizações eram muito diferentes uma da outra.

Tanto a visão de mundo núbia quanto os modos de expressão cultural sempre foram únicos, mesmo quando a arte, a linguagem e os conceitos egípcios se tornaram parte do vocabulário cultural usado pelos núbios.

Além disso, a Núbia era tipicamente rival, e não dependente, do Egito, já que as duas potências competiam incessantemente por território e rotas comerciais no... sistema fluvial do 'Baixo Nilo'."

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