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terça-feira, 17 de março de 2015

Mednarodni grafični likovni center je specializiran muzej in producent grafične in sodobne umetnosti, ki temelji na dediščini grafičnega bienala in na umetnosti tiska 20. stoletja. - The International Centre of Graphic Arts is a specialized museum and producer of printed and contemporary art, based on the heritage of the Biennial of Graphic Arts and 20th century art of printing.


Mednarodni grafični likovni center je specializiran muzej in producent grafične in sodobne umetnosti, ki temelji na dediščini grafičnega bienala in na umetnosti tiska 20. stoletja. Mesto Ljubljana ga je na pobudo dolgoletnega vodje ljubljanskega grafičnega bienala in direktorja MGLC dr. Zorana Kržišnika ustanovilo 25. decembra 1986. 

MGLC že od začetka opravlja številne dejavnosti, ki se med seboj prepletajo in dopolnjujejo. Hrani obsežno zbirko grafik in avtorskih knjig, nastalih po drugi svetovni vojni. Dela iz zbirke so na ogled v Študijskem kabinetu, na voljo je tudi javno dostopna knjižnica. 

Najprepoznavnejša dejavnost ustanove je grafični bienale, ki v svetu velja za najstarejšo grafično prireditev.


The International Centre of Graphic Arts is a specialized museum and producer of printed and contemporary art, based on the heritage of the Biennial of Graphic Arts and 20th century art of printing. MGLC was established on 25 December 1986 by the city of Ljubljana, upon the initiative of the longtime head of the Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Arts and director of MGLC, dr. Zoran Kržišnik.

It has been the job of MGLC from the outset to perform a number of activities that are interrelated and complementary in their nature. It takes care of the extensive collection of prints and artists’ books produced after the Second World War. Works from the collection are available to view in the Study Room and are accompanied by a library accessible to the public. 

The institution’s most recognizable activity is the Biennial of Graphic Arts, which is known as the world’s oldest graphic arts event.
fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti http://www.mglc-lj.si/o_mglc/predstavitev

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