Muzeul Universității "Al. I. Cuza" din Iaşi a fost conceput prin raportare la o dublă tradiție. Prima dintre acestea se referă la inițiativa savantului Orest Tafrali, privind constituirea Muzeului de Antichităti, inaugurat în anul 1916. Acesta a asigurat conservarea obiectelor istorice deținute de Universitatea din Iaşi, devenind totodată un spațiu destinat cursurilor practice.
A doua tradiție datează dintr-o perioadă mai recentă. În 1960, la Centenarul Universității, a fost organizată o expoziție în "Palatul Vechi", iar în 1985, cand s-au împlinit 125 de ani de la fondarea primei instituții moderne de învătământ superior din țară, a fost deschis un mic muzeu în spațiul Rectoratului. Menirea acestuia era să conserve principalele piese cu valoare simbolică pentru istoria instituției.
Actualul muzeu al Universității "Alex. I. Cuza" valorifică, în cadrul Muzeului Civilizației Cucuteni, obiecte descoperite în cercetările arheologice, dar și materiale reprezentative pentru istoria vieții universitare, în cadrul Muzeului Academic.
Muzeul Academic deţine un spaţiu adecvat, organizat atât după criterii tematice, cât şi prin raportare la diversele etape istorice prin care a trecut învăţământul superior ieşean. Astfel, a fost posibilă amenajarea unei replici a cabinetului rectoral, unde, pe lângă piesele de mobilier, pot fi admirate câteva dintre simbolurile Universităţii, precum ciocanul şi mistria folosite pe 23 mai 1893, la solemnitatea aşezării pietrei fundamentale a palatului universitar din Copou, primele decoraţii şi diverse sigilii.
Un spaţiu consistent este alocat evoluţiei istorice a instituţiei, fiind marcate, cu ajutorul unor exponate reprezentative (steagurile primelor facultăţi, tablouri cu personalităţi, documente oficiale, medalii, fotografii, publicaţii), momentul inaugural şi aniversările din 1910/1911, 1960, 1985 şi 2010. Cea mai mare parte a spaţiului este dedicată evoluţiei disciplinelor academice, urmărindu-se ilustrarea realizărilor în planul cunoaşterii şi parcursul ştiinţific al personalităţilor emblematice. Diversele laboratoare, Muzeul de Istorie Naturală, Grădina Botanică şi Biblioteca Centrală Universitară beneficiază de o expunere adecvată, fiind marcată importanţa în planul cercetării a fiecăreia dintre aceste componente ale spaţiului academic.
Un loc aparte este rezervat celor care de-a lungul timpului au fost studenţi ai acestei Universităţi, aceştia fiind înfăţişaţi atât din perspectiva activităţilor circumscrise formării academice, cât şi prin manifestările care au excedat cadrul formal. De asemenea, relaţiile internaţionale ale celei mai vechi instituţii româneşti de învăţământ superior sunt evocate într-un cadru distinct. Pe lângă elementele de mobilier, menite să creeze o ambianţă academică, atmosfera este întreţinută din punct de vedere audio-vizual de filme care înfăţişează în română şi engleză istoria instituţiei.
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” (UAIC) sau Universitatea din Iași, este o universitate de stat de cercetare avansată și educație din Iași, România. Este prima universitate modernă din România.
În 2011, a fost clasificată de Ministerul Educației, Cercetării, Tineretului și Sportului și Asociația Universităților Europene în prima categorie cea a universităților de cercetare avansată și educație.
Universitatea din Iași, ca instituție modernă de învățământ, a fost fondată la data de 26 octombrie 1860. Universitatea este continuatoarea simbolică a vechii Academii Vasiliene, înființată de Vasile Lupu, în 1640, urmată, la 1707, de Academia Domnească, fondată de Antioh Cantemir.
În mod direct, Universitatea din Iași se trage din Academia Mihăileană, fondată în 1834 de Gheorghe Asachi. În noua sa formă, ea a fost inaugurată la 7 noiembrie 1860 (26 octombrie stil vechi), în prezența domnitorului Alexandru Ioan Cuza, al cărui nume îl poartă din 1960.
La înființare avea trei facultăți: drept, filosofie (litere) și teologie. Facultatea de Drept fusese înființată încă de la 24 februarie / 7 martie 1856. În 1864, universitatea era formată din Facultatea de Litere și Filosofie, Facultatea de Drept, Facultatea de Științe fizice, matematice și naturale, iar în 1879, a apărut Facultatea de Medicină. În anii 1890-1900, s-a dezvoltat Facultatea de Științe: în 1892, a apărut catedra de Chimie, în 1906, cea de Chimie Agricolă, iar în 1910, a apărut Școala de Electricitate.
Actualul corp A al universității, Palatul Universității, a fost construit între anii 1893 și 1897 (și extins in perioada interbelică) după planurile arhitectului Louis Blanc și inaugurat în prezența regelui Carol I și a reginei Elisabeta. Clădirea este o îmbinare a stilurilor clasic și baroc, monumentala sa intrare ducând în faimoasa "Sală a Pașilor Pierduți", decorată cu picturi realizate de către Sabin Bălașa.
Fiind cea mai veche Universitate din România, este o instituție de învățământ superior cu tradiție și în același timp o Universitate modernă care, prin realizările înfăptuite în plan educațional și științific, a căpătat recunoaștere atât pe plan național cât și internațional.
Fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti
colaboração:Gabriela Mangirov„Alexandru_Ioan_Cuza”_din_Iași
Museum "Al. I. Cuza" was designed by reference to a dual tradition. The first of these relates to the scientist Orest Tafrali initiative, the establishment of the Antiquities Museum, which opened in 1916. This ensured preservation of historic objects held by the University of Iaşi, while becoming a space for practicals.
A second tradition dates from a more recent period. In 1960, the University Centenary, was organized an exhibition in the "Old Palace" and in 1985, when we celebrated the 125th anniversary of the founding of the first modern institution of higher education in the country, it opened a small museum in space Rector. Its purpose was to preserve the main pieces symbolic value for the institution's history.
The current museum of the University "Alex. I. Cuza" recovered within Cucuteni Civilization Museum, discovered in archaeological objects, materials representative of the history of university life in the Academic Museum.
Academic Museum has adequate space, organized as thematic criteria and by reference to various historical stages it went through higher education Iasi. Thus, it was possible to arrange a replica of the Rector's Office, where, besides the furniture, you can admire some of the symbols of the University, such as the hammer and trowel used on May 23, 1893, the Solemnity of the settlement foundation stone of the palace university Copou first decorations and various seals.
A space is allocated consistent historical evolution of the institution and are highlighted using representative exhibits (flags premiums faculties, paintings with figures, official documents, medals, photographs, publications), the inauguration and anniversaries of 1910/1911, 1960, 1985 and 2010. Most of the space is devoted to the evolution of academic disciplines, aiming to illustrate achievements in terms of scientific knowledge and personalities throughout flagship. The various laboratories, Natural History Museum, Botanical Garden and the Central University Library has a proper exposure, the research plan marked importance of each of these components of academic space.
A special place is reserved for those who in time were students of this university, which is depicted both in terms of academic training activities circumscribed and the events that have overwhelmed the formal. Also, international relations of the oldest Romanian institutions of higher education are evoked in a distinctive setting. In addition to the furniture, designed to create an academic environment, the atmosphere is maintained in terms of audio-visual films showing in Romanian and English institution's history.
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" (UAIC) or Iasi University is a state university for advanced research and education in Iasi, Romania. It is the first modern university in Romania.
In 2011, it was classified by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport and the European University Association in the first category the universities of advanced research and education.
University of Iasi, as modern educational institution, was founded on October 26, 1860. University is the successor of the ancient symbolic Vasiliene Academies, founded by Vasile Lupu, 1640, followed, in 1707, the Royal Academy, founded by Antiochus Cantemir .
Directly, University of Iaşi comes from Mihaileanu Academy, founded in 1834 by Gheorghe Asachi. In its new form, it was inaugurated on November 7, 1860 (October 26 Old Style), in the presence of Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza, whose name it bears since 1960.
The foundation has three faculties: Law, Philosophy (letters) and theology. Faculty of Law was established since 24 February / March 7, 1856. In 1864, the university was formed in the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Faculty of Law, Faculty of physical, mathematical and natural, and in 1879 appeared Faculty of Medicine . In the years 1890-1900, Faculty of Science has developed: in 1892, Department of Chemistry appeared in 1906, the Agricultural Chemistry, and in 1910 appeared Electricity School.
A current body of the university, the University Palace, was built between 1893 and 1897 (and extended in the interwar period) after architect Louis Blanc and inaugurated in the presence of King Carol I and Queen Elizabeth. The building is a combination of classical and baroque styles, monumental entrance leading to the famous "Hall of Lost Steps", decorated with paintings by Sabin Balasa.
As the oldest university in Romania, is a higher education institution with tradition and at the same time a modern university which, by the achievements accomplished in an educational and scientific, has gained recognition both nationally and internationally.
Museum "Al. I. Cuza" was designed by reference to a dual tradition. The first of these relates to the scientist Orest Tafrali initiative, the establishment of the Antiquities Museum, which opened in 1916. This ensured preservation of historic objects held by the University of Iaşi, while becoming a space for practicals.
A second tradition dates from a more recent period. In 1960, the University Centenary, was organized an exhibition in the "Old Palace" and in 1985, when we celebrated the 125th anniversary of the founding of the first modern institution of higher education in the country, it opened a small museum in space Rector. Its purpose was to preserve the main pieces symbolic value for the institution's history.
The current museum of the University "Alex. I. Cuza" recovered within Cucuteni Civilization Museum, discovered in archaeological objects, materials representative of the history of university life in the Academic Museum.
Academic Museum has adequate space, organized as thematic criteria and by reference to various historical stages it went through higher education Iasi. Thus, it was possible to arrange a replica of the Rector's Office, where, besides the furniture, you can admire some of the symbols of the University, such as the hammer and trowel used on May 23, 1893, the Solemnity of the settlement foundation stone of the palace university Copou first decorations and various seals.
A space is allocated consistent historical evolution of the institution and are highlighted using representative exhibits (flags premiums faculties, paintings with figures, official documents, medals, photographs, publications), the inauguration and anniversaries of 1910/1911, 1960, 1985 and 2010. Most of the space is devoted to the evolution of academic disciplines, aiming to illustrate achievements in terms of scientific knowledge and personalities throughout flagship. The various laboratories, Natural History Museum, Botanical Garden and the Central University Library has a proper exposure, the research plan marked importance of each of these components of academic space.
A special place is reserved for those who in time were students of this university, which is depicted both in terms of academic training activities circumscribed and the events that have overwhelmed the formal. Also, international relations of the oldest Romanian institutions of higher education are evoked in a distinctive setting. In addition to the furniture, designed to create an academic environment, the atmosphere is maintained in terms of audio-visual films showing in Romanian and English institution's history.
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" (UAIC) or Iasi University is a state university for advanced research and education in Iasi, Romania. It is the first modern university in Romania.
In 2011, it was classified by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport and the European University Association in the first category the universities of advanced research and education.
University of Iasi, as modern educational institution, was founded on October 26, 1860. University is the successor of the ancient symbolic Vasiliene Academies, founded by Vasile Lupu, 1640, followed, in 1707, the Royal Academy, founded by Antiochus Cantemir .
Directly, University of Iaşi comes from Mihaileanu Academy, founded in 1834 by Gheorghe Asachi. In its new form, it was inaugurated on November 7, 1860 (October 26 Old Style), in the presence of Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza, whose name it bears since 1960.
The foundation has three faculties: Law, Philosophy (letters) and theology. Faculty of Law was established since 24 February / March 7, 1856. In 1864, the university was formed in the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Faculty of Law, Faculty of physical, mathematical and natural, and in 1879 appeared Faculty of Medicine . In the years 1890-1900, Faculty of Science has developed: in 1892, Department of Chemistry appeared in 1906, the Agricultural Chemistry, and in 1910 appeared Electricity School.
A current body of the university, the University Palace, was built between 1893 and 1897 (and extended in the interwar period) after architect Louis Blanc and inaugurated in the presence of King Carol I and Queen Elizabeth. The building is a combination of classical and baroque styles, monumental entrance leading to the famous "Hall of Lost Steps", decorated with paintings by Sabin Balasa.
As the oldest university in Romania, is a higher education institution with tradition and at the same time a modern university which, by the achievements accomplished in an educational and scientific, has gained recognition both nationally and internationally.
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