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terça-feira, 18 de agosto de 2015

Visit the Museum Jamu Nyonya Meneer, Jamu First Legendary Indonesia -- Mengunjungi Museum Jamu Nyonya Meneer, Jamu Legendaris Asli Indonesia

Herbal medicine is a traditional medicine native to Indonesia. Beverages made from natural ingredients such as herbs, roots, leaves and fruits have properties that can cure various diseases.

One of the famous Indonesian herbal medicine is herbal stamp Nyonya Meneer. A traditional herbal medicine in the beginning there is an herbal concoction of a woman who called groats. Born to a mother who in her pregnancy cravings residual taste of rice that has been filtered or Javanese people know him as groats.

From cravings the rest of this rice the mother gives her child a name for groats. Born in the town of Sidoarjo, East Java, in 1893, groats is a child born during the Dutch colonial still in power. Groats original name later changed to Meneer because the pronunciation of the Dutch people often called him Meneer.

Meneer were married while he was still young ie 17 years moved to the capital city of Central Java with her husband who came from Semarang. They walk like a normal wedding couples in general. When her husband suffered a serious illness, various doctors brought in to cure him, but none were successful. Meneer panicked initiate obtained herbal concoction handed down from his family.

With patience, Meneer trying to combine plants, roots and herbs to be used as a herbal medicine and is given to the husband. Hope that awaited was proved, health slowly began to gradually recover husband and healthy again.

Heard of herbs that made Meneer has healing properties of her husband, the neighbors are curious to try the efficacy of herbal concoction Nyonya Meneer. At first, Nyonya Meneer able to serve the demand of people nearby and its neighbors. But when demand is increasing, Nyonya Meneer was not able to serve many requests herbal racikannya results.

Then made of herbs are packed into plastic wrap. This plan initially did not go smoothly, because people want the herbs directly from Nyonya Meneer own. Then came the idea that initiated solely by the lady of Meneer, by showing her face on the packaging of herbs. This idea proved successful and the people there can receive medicinal packaging with photo cap Nyonya Meneer.

Jamu Nyonya Meneer has become a legend that is still alive despite the absence of the figure of the owner of the name. Nyonya Meneer medicinal plants located in Semarang capable of producing a variety of herbs with the efficacy of treating various diseases. Not only famous in Indonesia, Jamu Nyonya Meneer able to penetrate the international market. Countries such as Malaysia, Singapore to Australia has felt the pride of Indonesia's medicinal properties.

Trail history of making herbal medicine can also be seen in the Museum Jamu Nyonya Meneer which is an area with medicinal plants Nyonya Meneer. The Museum Jamu Nyonya Meneer, you can see how the process of making herbal medicine available in a diorama at the museum.

Profile and history of Nyonya Meneer herbal decorate one corner of the museum. Mortar and pestle is a tool to grind herbs mistress Meneer is part of a collection of objects existing in herbal Museum Nyonya Meneer. Botekan (drawers for storing recipes), dacin (traditional scales) farrago botanicals (dried plants are ready to be formulated into herbal medicine), to the various kinds of medicinal herbs you can see in this museum.

Enjoy the history of the development of herbal medicine Meneer hostess really fun. You will carry a comfortable atmosphere accompanied by steeping herbs that is given manager Nyonya Meneer Museum. After visiting the museum, you also will be given a souvenir in the form of herbs that you can take home. [Riky / IndonesiaKaya]

Jamu merupakan obat tradisional asli Indonesia. Minuman yang terbuat dari bahan-bahan alami berupa tumbuhan, akar, daun dan buah-buahan ini memiliki khasiat yang mampu mengobati berbagai macam penyakit. 

Salah satu jamu yang terkenal di Indonesia adalah jamu cap Nyonya Meneer. Sebuah jamu tradisional yang pada awal mulanya merupakan jamu hasil racikan seorang wanita yang bernama Menir. Lahir dari seorang ibu yang di masa kehamilannya merasakan ngidam sisa beras yang telah disaring atau orang Jawa lebih mengenalnya dengan sebutan menir.

Dari ngidam sisa beras inilah sang ibu memberikan nama untuk anaknya Menir. Lahir di kota Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, pada tahun 1893, menir adalah seorang anak yang terlahir pada saat kolonial Belanda masih berkuasa. Nama yang semula Menir kemudian berubah menjadi Meneer karena pelafalan para orang-orang Belanda yang sering memanggilnya Meneer.

Meneer yang menikah disaat usianya masih belia yakni 17 tahun pindah ke Ibukota Jawa tengah bersama suaminya yang berasal dari Semarang. Pernikahan mereka berjalan normal layaknya pasangan pada umumnya. Suatu ketika sang suami mengalami sakit keras, berbagai dokter didatangkan untuk menyembuhkan penyakit suaminya, namun tidak ada satu pun yang berhasil. Meneer yang panik berinisiatif membuat racikan jamu yang diperolehnya turun temurun dari keluarganya. 

Dengan penuh kesabaran, Meneer mencoba memadukan tumbuhan, akar dan tumbuh-tumbuhan untuk dijadikan jamu dan diberikan kepada sang suami. Harapan yang dinantikan pun terbukti, perlahan kesehatan sang suami mulai berangsur pulih dan sehat kembali.

Mendengar kabar jamu yang dibuat Meneer mempunyai khasiat menyembuhkan suaminya, para tetangga pun penasaran ingin mencoba keampuhan jamu racikan Nyonya Meneer. Pada awalnya, Nyonya Meneer mampu melayani permintaan orang terdekat dan para tetangganya. Namun ketika permintaan semakin banyak, Nyonya Meneer merasa tidak sanggup melayani banyaknya permintaan jamu hasil racikannya. 

Kemudian dibuatlah jamu yang dikemas ke dalam bungkus plastik. Rencana ini awalnya tidak berjalan mulus, dikarenakan orang-orang menginginkan jamu langsung dari Nyonya Meneer sendiri. Lalu munculah ide yang digagas sendiri oleh nyonya Meneer, dengan menampilkan wajahnya pada kemasan jamu. Ide ini ternyata terbukti berhasil dan masyarakat disana dapat menerima jamu kemasan dengan cap foto Nyonya Meneer.

Jamu Nyonya Meneer telah menjadi sebuah legenda yang tetap hidup walaupun tanpa adanya sosok dari sang pemilik nama. Pabrik jamu Nyonya Meneer yang berada di Semarang mampu memproduksi berbagai jamu dengan khasiat mengobati berbagai macam penyakit. Tidak hanya terkenal di Indonesia, Jamu Nyonya Meneer mampu menembus pasar internasional. Negara seperti Malaysia, Singapura hingga Australia telah merasakan khasiat jamu kebanggaan Indonesia ini.

Napak tilas sejarah pembuatan jamu ini juga dapat dilihat di Museum Jamu Nyonya Meneer yang berada satu kawasan dengan pabrik jamu Nyonya Meneer. Di Museum Jamu Nyonya Meneer, Anda bisa melihat bagaimana proses pembuatan jamu dalam diorama yang tersedia di museum ini. 

Profil dan sejarah berdirinya jamu Nyonya Meneer menghiasi salah satu pojok museum ini. Lumpang dan alu yang merupakan alat untuk menumbuk jamu nyonya Meneer adalah bagian benda koleksi yang ada di Museum jamu Nyonya Meneer. Botekan (laci untuk menyimpan resep), dacin (alat timbang tradisional) aneka rupa simplisia (tanaman kering yang siap diracik menjadi jamu), hingga berbagai macam tumbuh-tumbuhan obat dapat Anda lihat di museum ini.

Menikmati sejarah perkembangan jamu nyonya Meneer sungguh menyenangkan. Anda akan terbawa suasana yang nyaman ditemani seduhan jamu yang di berikan pengelola Museum Nyonya Meneer. Usai mengunjungi museum, Anda juga akan diberikan suvenir berupa jamu yang bisa Anda bawa pulang. [Riky/IndonesiaKaya]

Visite o Museu Jamu Nyonya Meneer, Jamu Primeira Legendary Indonésia
Fitoterapia é um nativo da medicina tradicional para a Indonésia. Bebidas à base de ingredientes naturais, como ervas, raízes, folhas e frutos têm propriedades que podem curar várias doenças.

Um dos famosos medicina herbal indonésia é herbal stamp Nyonya Meneer. A medicina tradicional à base de plantas no início há uma mistura de ervas de uma mulher que chamou grumos. Nascido de uma mãe que em sua gravidez ânsias sabor residual de arroz que foi filtrada ou javaneses conhecê-lo como grumos.

De ânsias o resto desta arroz a mãe dá à sua criança um nome para grumos. Nascido na cidade de Sidoarjo, East Java, em 1893, grumos é uma criança nascida durante o colonial holandês ainda no poder. Grumos nome original mais tarde alterado para Meneer porque a pronúncia do povo holandês muitas vezes o chamou Meneer.

Meneer se casaram, enquanto ele ainda era jovem ou seja 17 anos mudou-se para a capital de Central Java com o marido que veio de Semarang. Andam como casais normais de casamento em geral. Quando seu marido sofreu uma doença grave, vários médicos trazido para curá-lo, mas nenhuma foi bem sucedida. Meneer em pânico iniciar mistura de ervas obtido transmitida de sua família.

Com paciência, Meneer tentando combinar plantas, raízes e ervas para ser usado como uma medicina herbal e é dado ao marido. Espero que a aguardava foi provado, saúde lentamente começou a se recuperar gradualmente marido e saudável novamente.

Ouviu falar de ervas que fizeram Meneer tem propriedades de cura de seu marido, os vizinhos estão curiosos para experimentar a eficácia da mistura de ervas Nyonya Meneer. Na primeira, Nyonya Meneer capaz de atender a demanda de pessoas próximas e seus vizinhos. Mas quando a demanda está aumentando, Nyonya Meneer não foi capaz de servir a muitos pedidos de ervas racikannya resultados.

Em seguida, feitos de ervas são embalados em filme plástico. Este plano inicialmente não correram bem, porque as pessoas querem as ervas diretamente do Nyonya Meneer possui. Então veio a idéia de que iniciou exclusivamente pela dona da Meneer, mostrando seu rosto na embalagem de ervas. Esta ideia foi bem sucedida e as pessoas de lá pode receber embalagens de medicamentos com tampa foto Nyonya Meneer.

Jamu Nyonya Meneer tornou-se uma lenda que ainda está vivo, apesar da ausência da figura do proprietário do nome. Plantas medicinais nyonya Meneer localizados em Semarang capaz de produzir uma variedade de ervas com a eficácia para o tratamento de várias doenças. Não só famosa na Indonésia, Jamu Nyonya Meneer capaz de penetrar no mercado internacional. Países como a Malásia, Cingapura para a Austrália sentiu o orgulho de propriedades medicinais da Indonésia.

Trail história de fazer fitoterapia também pode ser visto no Museu Jamu Nyonya Meneer que é uma área com plantas medicinais Nyonya Meneer. O Museu Jamu Nyonya Meneer, você pode ver como o processo de fazer medicina herbal disponíveis em um diorama no museu.

Perfil e história da Nyonya Meneer herbal decorar um canto do museu. Almofariz e pilão é uma ferramenta para moer ervas amante Meneer é parte de uma coleção de objetos existentes no herbário do Museu Nyonya Meneer. Botekan (gavetas para armazenar receitas), Dacin (escalas tradicionais) botanicals farrago (plantas secas estão prontos para serem formulados em fitoterapia), para os vários tipos de ervas medicinais que você pode ver neste museu.

Aproveite a história do desenvolvimento da medicina herbal Meneer anfitriã muito divertido. Você vai levar uma atmosfera confortável acompanhados por maceração ervas que é dado gerente Nyonya Meneer Museum. Depois de visitar o museu, você também vai ser dada uma lembrança em forma de ervas que você pode levar para casa. [Riky / IndonesiaKaya]

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