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quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2016

16 architects discuss the "boom" of museums in China. --- 16 arquitetos discutem o "boom" de museus na China. --- 16建筑师讨论在中国博物馆“繁荣”。

Currently on display at the Aedes Architecture Forum Berlin, "Zai Xing tǔ Mu: Sixteen Chinese Museums, Fifteen Chinese Architects" offers an in-depth look in relation to the recent boom of museums in China and its effects on the socio-political landscape and culture of the country.

As part of the exhibition, the director Moritz Dirks met with 16 renowned Chinese architects, among them Wang Shu, Dang Qun MAD Architects and Zhu Pei Studio Pei-Zhu, to discuss the challenges of creating cultural spaces that relate both contexts global and digital contemporary world, and with the strong heritage and Chinese cultural identity.

Zai Xīng tǔ mU. Sixteen Chinese Museums, Fifteen Chinese Architects

An exhibition by ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory in collaboration with Zumtobel China is an outstanding example of a new boom museum '. The sheer number of new projects is overwhelming, and citizens, the international public as well as visitors wonder about the long-term effects on society and public urban space.

Cultura e conhecimento são ingredientes essenciais para a sociedade.

A cultura e o amor devem estar juntos.

Vamos compartilhar.

O tempo voa, obras de arte são para a eternidade, sem rugas!

16 arquitetos discutem o "boom" de museus na China.

Atualmente à mostra no Aedes Architecture Forum Berlin, "ZÀI XĪNG TǓ MÙ: Sixteen Chinese Museums, Fifteen Chinese Architects" oferece um olhar aprofundado em relação ao recente boom de museus na China e seus efeitos na paisagem sócio-política e cultura do país. 

Como parte das exposição, o cineasta Moritz Dirks se reuniu com 16 renomados arquitetos chineses, entre eles Wang Shu, Dang Qun do MAD Architects e Zhu Pei do Studio Pei-Zhu, para discutir os desafios de criar espaços culturais que se relacionem tanto com contextos globais e digitais do mundo contemporâneo, quanto com a forte herança e identidade cultural chinesas. 

Zài Xīng Tǔ Mù. Sixteen Chinese Museums, Fifteen Chinese Architects
An exhibition by ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory in collaboration with Zumtobel China is an outstanding example of a new 'museum boom'. The sheer number of new projects is overwhelming, and citizens, the international public as well as visitors wonder about the long-term effects on society and public urban space.

--chines via tradutor do google





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