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segunda-feira, 9 de outubro de 2017

Aracy Guimarães Rosa. Known as the "Angel of Hamburg", she was honored at the Holocaust museums in Jerusalem and Washington. - Aracy Guimarães Rosa Conhecida como “Anjo de Hamburgo”, foi homenageada nos museus do Holocausto de Jerusalém e de Washington.

Aracy Guimarães Rosa (1908-2011) was the second wife of the diplomat and writer Guimarães Rosa. The Itamaraty employee in Hamburg helped countless Jews flee Nazism. Known as the "Angel of Hamburg", she was honored at the Holocaust museums in Jerusalem and Washington.

Aracy Moebius de Carvalho Guimarães Rosa (1908-2011) was born in Rio Negro, Paraná, on December 5, 1908. Daughter of a Brazilian father and a German mother, she still lived with her parents in São Paulo. In 1930, he married the German Johann Eduard Ludwig Tess, from whom he separated five years later. A victim of the stigma that marked the separated, fearless, polyglot and educated women, she embarked with her five-year-old son on a ship bound for Germany. Installed in an aunt's house, she was deprived.

Fluent in Portuguese, German, English and French, in 1936 he found work at Itamarati, as head of the passport section of the Brazilian consulate in Hamburg. While adapting to the country, he witnessed the expulsion of Jews from the civil service, witnessed their banishment from schools and universities and saw them lose their rights and property.

Challenging anti-Semitism in the backstage of the Getúlio Vargas government, which restricted the entry of Jews into Brazil, was responsible for granting visas in Hamburg, Aracy went on to omit from the superiors any information that would identify an applicant as a Jew. Even at serious risk if discovered, she helped countless families of Jews escape from death in the Adolf Hitler concentration camps.

In 1938 Aracy de Carvalho met Guimarães Rosa, who later became one of the greatest Brazilian writers, and had been transferred to Hamburg. She fell in love with him, even knowing of the transgression of the head of the passport section, gave him full support. Aracy and Guimarães Rosa were investigated by the authorities of Brazil and Germany.

In 1942, when Brazil broke diplomatic relations with Germany and allied itself to the United States, England and the Soviet Union, against Hitler, the couple was held for 100 days in a hotel owned by the Gestapo, until exchange of diplomats between the two countries.

When they returned to Brazil, they officially unified the union at the Embassy of Mexico in Rio de Janeiro in 1947. The novelist dedicated him "Grande Sertão: Veredas" (1956), a central work in modern Brazilian literature.

In 1982, Aracy Guimarães Rosa was honored with the highest honor for "non-Jews" who took the risk of protecting victims of the Holocaust - it was declared "Righteous among the Nations" by the Israeli government. He was also honored at the Holocaust Museum in Washington and Jerusalem.

Aracy Guimarães Rosa died in the city of São Paulo on March 3, 2011, as a result of Alzheimer's disease.

Early life
Born to a German mother in Rio Negro, Paraná, Aracy de Carvalho was able to speak German, English, French and her native Portuguese. She moved to São Paulo. She lived there with her German first husband Johannes Edward Ludwig Tess and their child until 1935, when they separated.

Humanitarian Work
In 1936, she was appointed to the Brazilian Consulate in Hamburg, Germany, where she was made the Chief of the Passport Section. She started to help Jewish people during Kristallnacht, on November 9, 1938. 

She handed out visas to Jews without the red "J" that identified them as such, since Brazilian Dictator Getúlio Vargas non-officially denied visas to Jews. She was in very close relations with underground activists in Germany and would even grant visas to Jews she knew that had forged passports. In 1938 she met fellow diplomat and assistant- 

Consul João Guimarães Rosa, who would later become her second husband, and one of the most important Brazilian writers. 

With his help, she intensified her humanitarian activity, saving a great number of Jews from imprisonment and death. 

She remained in Germany until 1942, when Brazil broke relations with Germany and joined the Allied Forces.

On July 8, 1982, Aracy de Carvalho became one of the two Brazilians honoured by the Yad Vashem with the Righteous Among the Nations award, 

together with Ambassador Luiz Martins de Souza Dantas.

Cultura não é o que entra pelos olhos e ouvidos,
mas o que modifica o jeito de olhar e ouvir. 

A cultura e o amor devem estar juntos.
Vamos compartilhar.

Culture is not what enters the eyes and ears, 

but what modifies the way of looking and hearing.

Aracy Guimarães Rosa
Aracy Guimarães Rosa (1908-2011) foi a segunda esposa do diplomata e escritor Guimarães Rosa. Funcionária do Itamaraty em Hamburgo ajudou inúmeros judeus a fugir do nazismo. Conhecida como “Anjo de Hamburgo”, foi homenageada nos museus do Holocausto de Jerusalém e de Washington.

Aracy Moebius de Carvalho Guimarães Rosa (1908-2011) nasceu em Rio Negro, Paraná, o dia 5 de dezembro de 1908. Filha de pai brasileiro e mãe alemã, ainda criança foi morar com os pais em São Paulo. Em 1930, casou-se com o alemão Johann Eduard Ludwig Tess, de quem se separou cinco anos depois. Vítima do estigma que marcavam as mulheres separadas, destemida, poliglota e culta, embarcou com o filho de cinco anos em um navio rumo à Alemanha. Instalada na casa de uma tia, passou privações.

Fluente em português, alemão, inglês e francês, em 1936 encontrou trabalho no Itamarati, como chefe da seção de passaportes do consulado brasileiro em Hamburgo. Enquanto se adaptava ao país, assistiu a expulsão dos judeus do funcionalismo público, testemunhou seu banimento das escolas e das universidades e os viu perderem seus direitos e propriedades.

Desafiando o antissemitismo encampado nos bastidores do governo de Getúlio Vargas, que restringiu a entrada de judeus no Brasil, foi responsável pela concessão de vistos em Hamburgo, Aracy passou a omitir dos superiores qualquer informação que identificasse um requerente como judeu. Mesmo correndo sérios riscos se fosse descoberta, ajudou incontáveis famílias de judeus a escapar da morte nos campos de concentração de Adolf Hitler.

Em 1938 Aracy de Carvalho conheceu Guimarães Rosa, que depois se tornaria um dos maiores escritores brasileiros, e havia sido transferido para Hamburgo. Ela se apaixonou por ele, mesmo sabendo da transgressão da chefe da seção de passaporte, lhe deu total apoio. Aracy e Guimarães Rosa foram investigados pelas autoridades do Brasil e da Alemanha.

Em 1942, quando o Brasil rompeu relações diplomáticas com a Alemanha e aliou-se aos Estados Unidos, à Inglaterra e à União Soviética, contra Hitler, o casal foi mantido por 100 dias em um hotel, em poder da Gestapo, até se estabelecer a troca de diplomatas entre os dois países.

De volta ao Brasil, como eram desquitados, só oficializaram a união na Embaixada do México, no Rio de Janeiro, em 1947. O romancista dedicou-lhe “Grande Sertão: Veredas” (1956), obra central na moderna literatura brasileira.
Em 1982, Aracy Guimarães Rosa foi laureada com a mais alta honraria para os “não judeus” que se arriscaram para proteger vítimas do Holocausto – foi declarada “Justa entre as Nações”, pelo governo de Israel. Recebeu homenagens também no Museu do Holocausto de Washington e Jerusalém.

Aracy Guimarães Rosa faleceu na cidade de São Paulo, no dia 3 de março de 2011, em consequência do Mal de Alzheimer.

--chines simplificado
AracyGuimarãesRosa 的传记


Aracy Moebius de CarvalhoGuimarãesRosa(1908-2011)于1908年12月5日在Paraná的Rio Negro出生。巴西父亲和德国母亲的女儿,她仍然和父母在圣保罗住。在1930年,他与德国的约翰·爱德华·路德维希·苔丝结婚,五年后从中分离出来。她是一名羞辱的受害者,标志着分离,无畏,多元化和受过教育的妇女,她与五岁的儿子一起前往一艘前往德国的船只。安装在阿姨的房子里,她被剥夺了。



1938年,Aracy de Carvalho会见了GuimarãesRosa,后来他成为巴西最伟大的作家之一,并被转移到了汉堡。她爱上了他,甚至知道护照部门头部的过犯,给了他充分的支持。 Aracy和GuimarãesRosa被巴西和德国当局调查。



1982年,AracyGuimarãesRosa荣幸地荣幸地接受了保护大屠杀受害者风险的“非犹太人” - 以色列政府宣布“在国家中是正义的”。他也荣幸地在华盛顿和耶路撒冷的大屠杀博物馆。


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