Grad Zaprice
Muzej ima svoje upravne, razstavne in depojske prostore v gradu Zaprice. Grad leži na majhni vzpetini nad Kamnikom oz. kamniškima predmestjema Šutno in Zapricami. Na tem mestu je stal že v 14. stoletju grajski stolp, v virih omenjen kot dvor, ki je bil sprva last ministerialov Andeških, vitezov Zapriških (Diengerji z Zapric), pozneje je bil v lasti kamniških meščanov. Morda je veliki potres leta 1511 ta grad porušil, tako da je na mestu starejšega objekta leta 1550 grof Jurij Lamberg dal postaviti nov dvorec, ki ga vidimo na Valvasorjevih grafikah (foto).
To je bil poseben rezidencialni tip podeželskega dvorca z ogelnimi pomoli, ki presegajo dve nadstropji še s tretjo etažo, in brez notranjega dvorišča. Takih gradov, kot so Zaprice, je pozneje zraslo še nekaj v bližnji in daljni okolici.
Zrasel je še s poznogotskimi formami, ki so delno še danes vidne (konzole balkona, spodnja okenca kot poznogotsko obrezane line, elementi v notranjščini pritličja in v stranskem traktu), kot celota pa je z arhitekturnimi masami že docela renesančna stavba. Zaradi turške nevarnosti so ga morali utrditi z utrjenima šesterostranima stolpoma na obeh vogalih, pozneje spremenjenima v paviljone, in z obzidjem, ki je dvorec že od začetka obdajal v obliki trikotnika.
Ogelni pomoli na osrednji stavbi so bili torej bolj simbolični in plastični dodatki, kot jih je terjala renesančna moda, kot obrambna funkcija. Zato so se meščani neupravičeno bali in so nasprotovali gradnji, kot poroča Valvasor, češ, da bi lahko Turki, če bi zavzeli Zaprice, od tu napadali mesto. Grad je imel tudi grajsko kapelo, v kateri so se v času protestantizma zbirali protestantje (verjetno kar nad vhodom na zahodnem pročelju ali v najstarejšem južnem stranskem traktu). Danes vidno podobo je grad dobil šele v času poznega baroka, v tretji četrtini 18. stoletja za časa Antona Medarda Wiederkehrja, ki ga je povečal in barokiziral.
Svojo dokončno podobo pa šele v 19. stoletju z zgraditvijo vhodnega severovzhodnega trakta, ki podobno kot jugozahodni trakt grad omejuje na trikotni talni ploskvi.
Grad ima t. i. renesančno obokano pritličje, medtem ko je prvo in drugo nadstropje, ki je povezano z poznobaročnim zrcalnim stopniščem z odprtim jaškom, ravnostropno. V gradu je bil obnovljen grajski salon, ki so ga do konca druge svetovne vojne krasile slikane tapete iz časa barokizacije gradu, in jih danes hrani Narodni muzej Slovenije v Ljubljani. Skoraj ves inventar pa je bil, žal, po drugi svetovni vojni raznesen in uničen. Danes vodi do najmlajšega vhodnega trakta gradu tudi cesta, ki pelje v mesto. Ob njej stoji več starejših eksotičnih dreves, kar daje gradu Zaprice tudi bolj romantični videz zadnjih dveh stoletij.
Zadnji zasebni lastniki gradu so bili do leta 1945 baroni Schneid-Rechbach. Po nacionalizaciji je bil v gradu zbirni repatriacijski center za begunce. V njem so bila tudi stanovanja, dokler ga leta 1961 niso namenili za muzej. V naslednjih letih je muzej stavbo temeljito raziskal, našel in ohranil marsikateri starejši arhitekturni element, ter jo prenovil za muzejsko dejavnost.
fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti
Zaprice Castle
The Museum and its administrative, exhibition and storage premises are housed in the Zaprice Castle. The castle lies on a hill above Kamnik and Kamnik suburbs Šutna and Zaprice.
According to the written sources, a court stood at this place in the 14thcentury, first owned by the knights of Zaprice (the Dienger von Apecz family from Zaprice) and later by the citizens of Kamnik. It is possible that the court had been destroyed in 1511, during a big earthquake, and in 1550 Jurij Lamberg built a new mansion at its place, as it could be seen in the Valvasor’s graphics (photo). The building was a special residential type of a country mansion with corner prominences, having three floors and no inner yard.
The same types of castles were built latter in the nearby area. The castle was built with late-Gothic formations, which could be seen even today (balcony consoles, Gothic windows with bevelled edges, elements inside the floor ground and in the side wing), whereas as a whole it has more of a Renaissance appearance. Because of the threat of Turks, the castle had to be fortified with fortified hexagonal turrets on both corners, later turned to pavilions, and with defence walls, which had surrounded the castle from the beginning in the form of a triangle.
The corner prominences were more or less symbolic and plastic ornaments, required by a Renaissance fashion, and did not have any protecting function. The citizens were rebelling against building of a new mansion because they were afraid that Turks could destroy the town if they were to gain control over the castle. The castle had also its own chapel, and during the time of the Protestant Reformation, it was a place of Lutherans from Kamnik (who gathered probably above the entrance portal of the west side or in the oldest southern side wing).
The castle acquired present appearance not earlier than in time of late Baroque, in the third quarter of the 18th century in time of Anton Medard noble Wiederkehr, who enlarged and decorated it in Baroque style. The castle’s present form has been maintained from the 19th century, when the entering north-eastern wing was built, bordering the castle’s triangle ground floor in the same way as the south-western wing.
In the ground floor of the castle, there is the so-called Renaissance arcaded ground floor, whereas the first and the second floor, which is linked to the late-Gothic mirror staircase with an opened shaft, have flat ceilings. In the castle, there is a renewed castle salon, which had walls till the end of World War II, decorated with Baroque painted wall papers, now being kept in the National Museum of Slovenia in Ljubljana. Unfortunately after World War II almost all the interior equipment has been carried around or destroyed.
Today a path leads from the youngest entering wing to the town. By the path old exotic trees grow, giving the Zaprice Castle a romantic appearance of the last two centuries.
Last private owners of the castle until 1945, were the Rechbach family. After nationalization when the castle was used as a collecting repatriate centre for refugees and also as an apartment building, it was in 1961 assigned to a purpose of museum which in the following years explored the building, found many architectural elements and preserved them, and renovated the building.
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