O Muzeju
Tada novootvorena ustanova definirana je kao kompleksan muzej zavičajnog tipa, što je i danas. Od samih početaka sakupljačka politika povezana je isključivo s područjem Međimurja, a karakter muzeja definiran je kao kulturno-prosvjetni. Muzej je u začetku imao samo dva zaposlenika – direktora i kustosa Aleksandra Schulteisa, akademskog kipara te Stjepana Leinera, administrativnog službenika koji je ujedno radio i poslove prepariranja i fotografiranja građe. Obojica su bili veliki entuzijasti koji se nisu libili ni fizički zahtjevnih poslova uređenja muzejskih prostora i premještanja namještaja i kamene građe, niti obilaska čitavog Međimurja biciklima kako bi prikupili umjetnički i povijesno vrijednu građu za fundus Muzeja.
U svrhu poticanja građana na darivanje ili prodaju predmeta za budući muzej postavljena je u travnju 1954. godine Kulturno-historijska izložba u Domu sindikata. Namjera ove izložbe bila je upoznavanje građanstva s budućom djelatnošću muzeja. Najveći dio predmeta za izložbu bio je posuđen, a kasnije i otkupljen od građana za muzejski fundus u nastajanju.
Muzejska uprava preselila je u prostore utvrde Staroga grada u rujnu 1954. godine te je napokon, nakon rješavanja problema sa stanarima i određenog perioda adaptiranja prostora, muzej otvoren za javnost 29. svibnja 1955. godine. Već s 1. srpnjem 1955. godine čitav kompleks Starog grada stavljen je pod zaštitu i dobiva status kulturno-historijskog spomenika Rješenjem Konzervatorskog zavoda Hrvatske u Zagrebu. Iduće, 1962. godine, Muzej postaje vlasnik cijelog objekta Staroga grada, a 1965. donošenjem Statuta, Gradski muzej Čakovec mijenja naziv u Muzej Međimurja Čakovec. Muzejski je stalni postav prvo desetljeće i pol obitavao u manjoj zgradi utvrde, a nakon iseljenja Gimnazije 1967. godine iz centralne palače Starog grada, postepeno i planski seli na prvi i drugi kat centralnog zdanja gdje je smješten i danas. Muzej je također vlasnik arheološkog lokaliteta bivšeg pavlinskog samostana s kapelom Svete Jelene u Šenkovcu i rodne kuće našeg najpoznatijeg slikara 20. stoljeća Ladislava Kralja Međimurca koja je od 1979. godine pretvorena u Memorijalnu zbirku Ladislava Kralja Međimurca, sa stalnim i galerijskim postavom otvorenim za javnost.
Trg Republike 5
40 000 Čakovec
Trg Republike 5
40 000 Čakovec
fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti
About the Museum
Cakovec Museum of Medimurje was founded as the City Museum Cakovec 19 February 1954, and work commenced on 15 March of that same year.
Then the newly created institution is defined as a complex native museum type, which is today. From the very beginning gatherers policy is associated exclusively with the area of Međimurje and the character of the museum is defined as culture and education. The museum is in the beginning had only two employees - director and curator Alexander Schulteisa, a sculptor and Stephen Leiner, administrative officer who is also a radio and taxidermy work and photographic material. Both were great enthusiasts who did not hesitate nor physically demanding jobs decorating museum space and moving furniture and stone materials, or tour the whole Medjimurje bicycles to collect art and historically valuable material for the collections of the Museum.
In order to encourage citizens of the donation or sale of objects for the future museum was set in April 1954. The cultural and historical exhibition in the House of Trade Unions. The intention of this exhibition was to introduce the citizens to the future activities of the museum. Most of the objects for the exhibition was borrowed and later purchased by the citizens of the collections in the making.
The museum's administration has moved to a space fortress of Old Town in September 1954, and finally, after solving the problems with tenants and certain period of adaptation of space, the museum opened to the public on May 29, 1955. Already 1 July 1955, the entire complex of the Old City was placed under protection and is given the status of cultural and historical monuments of the Decision of Croatian Conservation Institute in Zagreb. Next, in 1962, the museum becomes the owner of the entire building of the Old Town, and in 1965 the adoption of the Statute, the City Museum Cakovec changed its name to Museum of Čakovec. The museum's permanent exhibition of the first decade and a half lived in a small building works and after the eviction Gymnasium in 1967 from the central Old Town mansion, gradually and deliberately moving the first and second floor of the central building where it is located today. The museum is also the owner of the archaeological site of the former Pauline monastery with the chapel of St. Helen in Senkovec and the birth house of our most famous painters of the 20th century Ladislav Kralj of Medimurje which has since 1979 turned into a memorial collection Ladislav Kralj of Medimurje, with a permanent exhibition and gallery open to the public.
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