O muzeju
Muzej narodne osvoboditve Maribor je začel delovati kot samostojna muzejska ustanova 1. maja 1958. Ustanovil ga je takratni Okrajni ljudski odbor Maribor. Njegovi zametki pa segajo že v leto 1947, ko je bila v Pokrajinskem muzeju v Mariboru odprta zbirka o narodnoosvobodilnem boju. To je bila prva tovrstna zbirka v slovenskih kompleksnih muzejih. Vsebinski koncept muzeja je bil natančno opredeljen ob njegovi ustanovitvi. Gre za zgodovinski muzej, ki se ukvarja z muzeološko in historiografsko obravnavo novejše zgodovine severovzhodne Slovenije.
Muzej ima svoje prostore v meščanski vili na vogalu Mladinske in Ulice heroja Tomšiča, ki jo je sredi devetdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja dal zgraditi mariborski podjetnik Scherbaum. Med prvo svetovno vojno je v njej nekaj časa delovalo avstroogrsko vrhovno poveljstvo soške fronte, v dvajsetih letih mariborska oblast, po letu 1930 gozdarska šola, po drugi svetovni vojni najprej mariborska OZNA, nato mestne politične organizacije in od leta 1954 muzej.
Glavna naloga muzeja je zbiranje, hranjenje, proučevanje in prezentacija muzejskega gradiva za obravnavano obdobje. Poleg zanimivih in bogatih muzejskih zbirk, ki štejejo že več deset tisoč muzealij, je zelo bogata tudi muzejska fototeka, ki hrani veliko dokumentarnih fotografij in negativov, pa tudi precej video in avdio gradiva. Posebnost muzeja je arhiv z nad 120 tekočimi metri prvovrstnega gradiva okupatorjevega in partizanskega izvora. Muzej pridobiva gradivo z odkupi in donacijami.
Naš muzej je bil tudi med prvimi v Sloveniji, ki je uvedel delovno mesto kustosa pedagoga. Tudi danes je muzejska pedagoška služba s svojimi raznovrstnimi oblikami dela z obiskovalci eden od stebrov muzejske dejavnosti, saj s svojo pestro paleto aktivnosti - od klasičnih ogledov muzejskih razstav do številnih otroških in andragoških delavnic, ki so v zadnjem času še posebno aktualne, pa preko priprav dijakov na maturo, izvajanja obveznih izbirnih vsebin za srednješolce, organizacije kulturnih dnevov ter številnih drugih, obiskovalcem privlačnih, oblik predstavitve dela muzeja ter našega kulturnega bogastva, privlači v muzej vsako leto veliko število obiskovalcev.
V muzeju upravlja tudi s fondom industrijske dediščine. Maribor je bil med prvo in drugo svetovno vojno, pa tudi takoj po drugi svetovni vojni eno izmed največjih industrijskih središč v takratni Jugoslaviji. Konec 20. stoletja pa je s seboj prinesel propadanje številnih industrijskih obratov, zapiranje delovnih mest in tovarn in s tem številne stiske ljudi. V tovarnah, ki so zapirale svoja vrata so ostali stroji, ki so v 20. stoletju pomagali ime Maribora ponesti v svet. Z ustanovitvijo oddelka za industrijsko dediščino jih poskušamo rešiti pred popolnim propadom.
Muzej narodne osvoboditve Maribor
Poleg rednega muzejskega dela posvečamo veliko pozornost raziskovanju novejše zgodovine. Bibliografija muzejskih delavcev je izredno bogata, od zloženk, razstavnih katalogov, samostojnih monografij, znanstvenih razprav in člankov, do ocen in poročil.
fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti http://www.muzejno-mb.si/
The National Liberation Museum Maribor
About museum
The National Liberation Museum Maribor started operating as an independent museum institution on 1 May 1958. It was founded by the then District People's Committee of Maribor. Its beginnings can be traced back to 1947 when it was at the Regional Museum Maribor outstanding collection of national liberation struggle. This was the first collection of its kind in the Slovenian museums complex. The substantive concept of the museum has been well defined on its creation. It is a historical museum that deals with the museological and historiographical reading recent history of northeastern Slovenia.
The museum has its premises in a bourgeois villa on the corner of Youth and Streets hero Tomšiča by the mid-nineties built Maribor businessman Scherbaum. During the First World War it some time to work Austro-Hungarian High Command of the Isonzo Front, in twenty years, Maribor oblast, after 1930 forestry school, after World War II first Maribor OZNA, then urban political organization and since 1954 a museum.
The main task of the museum is the collection, preservation, study and presentation of museum material for the period. In addition to interesting and rich museum collections, which are considered already tens of thousands of museum exhibits, the museum also very rich photo archive, which keeps a lot of documentary photographs and negatives, as well as much video and audio material. Specialty museum has an archive of over 120 running meters of first-class material occupying forces and partisan origin. Museum acquires material with purchases and donations.
Our museum was also among the first in Slovenia, which introduced the post of curator pedagogue. Even today, the museum educational service to its diverse forms of work with the visitors one of the pillars of museum activities, thanks to its wide range of activities - from classic hits to numerous museum exhibitions of children's and adult education workshops, which have recently been particularly topical, but through preparation students at the baccalaureate, the implementation of compulsory elective subjects for high school students, the organization of cultural days, and many other visitors attractive, presentation forms part of the museum and our cultural riches, the museum attracts every year a large number of visitors.
The museum also manages the fund from the industrial heritage. Maribor was during the First and Second World War, as well as immediately after the Second World War, one of the largest industrial centers in Yugoslavia. At the end of the 20th century brought with it the decline of many industrial plants, jobs and closing factories and thus many hardships people. The factories were imprisoned its doors to the rest of the machines in the 20th century helped bring the name of Maribor in the world. With the establishment of the Department of industrial heritage by trying to save him from complete ruin.
The National Liberation Museum Maribor
In addition to the regular museum work we pay great attention to research recent history. Bibliography of museum workers is extremely rich, from brochures, exhibition catalogs, monographs independent, scientific papers and articles to reviews and reports.
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