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terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2016

The exhibition and tour of "100 years of fashion in Russia. --- Выставка и экскурсия «100 лет моды в России. --- A exposição e turnê de "100 anos de moda na Rússia

1915-2015. From the collection of Alexander Vassiliev "

It is a large-scale retrospective of the models of women's and men's clothing and accessories, which clearly demonstrate the changes in the Russian fashion from 1915 to 2015.

It is difficult to name another country in which the last 100 years there has been so much social upheaval and change. Two of the revolution, in 1905 and 1917, two world wars, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the events of the next years, associated with the restructuring.

This social upheaval and change was accompanied by changes in household structure, and in fashion, because fashion - a mirror of history. The exhibition "100 years of fashion in Russia" show and tell how fashion has changed in Russia in a period not so extended in terms of history, but a huge saturation events of historical importance.

100 specially manufactured dummies are very different patterns for men and women over the past 100 years. The exhibition "100 years of fashion in Russia" at ENEA demonstrates the breadth and diversity of the collection of the Foundation Alexander Vassiliev.

Clothing pre-revolutionary years, with its simplistic cut and style emansipe, short dresses with low waist - the card of the NEP, in the style of dress of the Soviet film stars 30s, captured the postwar dresses and masterpieces ODMO on Kuznetsky Most, form-fitting dresses with wide Petticoat in the spirit of the new look 50's fashion and business 80s suite dashing 90 and zero glamor - all ages and all styles found their place in this exhibition.The exhibition and tour of "100 years of fashion in Russia: 1915-2015. From the collection of Alexander Vassiliev "

It is a large-scale retrospective of the models of women's and men's clothing and accessories, which clearly demonstrate the changes in the Russian fashion from 1915 to 2015.

It is difficult to name another country in which the last 100 years there has been so much social upheaval and change. Two of the revolution, in 1905 and 1917, two world wars, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the events of the next years, associated with the restructuring.

This social upheaval and change was accompanied by changes in household structure, and in fashion, because fashion - a mirror of history. The exhibition "100 years of fashion in Russia" show and tell how fashion has changed in Russia in a period not so extended in terms of history, but a huge saturation events of historical importance.

100 specially manufactured dummies are very different patterns for men and women over the past 100 years. The exhibition "100 years of fashion in Russia" at ENEA demonstrates the breadth and diversity of the collection of the Foundation Alexander Vassiliev.

Clothing pre-revolutionary years, with its simplistic cut and style emansipe, short dresses with low waist - the card of the NEP, in the style of dress of the Soviet film stars 30s, captured the postwar dresses and masterpieces ODMO on Kuznetsky Most, form-fitting dresses with wide Petticoat in the spirit of the new look 50's fashion and business 80s suite dashing 90 and zero glamor - all ages and all styles found their place in this exhibition.


A exposição e turnê de "100 anos de moda na Rússia: 1915-2015. Da coleção de Alexander Vassiliev "

É uma retrospectiva em larga escala dos modelos de roupas e acessórios para mulheres e homens do que demonstram claramente as mudanças na moda russa 1915-2015.

É difícil nomear outro país em que os últimos 100 anos, tem havido tanta agitação social e mudança. Dois da revolução, em 1905 e 1917, duas guerras mundiais, o colapso da União Soviética e os eventos dos próximos anos, associados à reestruturação.

Esta agitação social e da mudança foi acompanhada por mudanças na estrutura familiar e na forma, porque a moda - um espelho da história. A exposição "100 anos de moda na Rússia" show e dizer como moda mudou na Rússia em um período não tão alargado em termos de história, mas um enorme eventos de saturação de importância histórica.

100 manequins especialmente fabricados são muito diferentes padrões para homens e mulheres ao longo dos últimos 100 anos. A exposição "100 anos de moda na Rússia" no ENEA demonstra a amplitude e diversidade da coleção da Fundação Alexander Vassiliev.

Roupa anos pré-revolucionários, com sua corte e estilo simplista emansipe, vestidos curtos com cintura baixa - o cartão do NEP, no estilo de vestir dos soviéticos estrelas de cinema dos anos 30, capturou os vestidos do pós-guerra e obras ODMO em Kuznetsky maioria, vestidos do formulário-encaixe com ampla Petticoat no espírito do novo visual 50 da moda e business Suite 80 arrojado 90 e de zero glamour - todas as idades e estilos encontrado o seu lugar nesta exposição.

Выставка и экскурсия «100 лет моды в России: 1915–2015. Из коллекции Александра Васильева»

Она представляет масштабную ретроспективу моделей женской и мужской одежды, а также аксессуаров, которые ярко демонстрируют изменения в российской моде с 1915 по 2015 год. 

Трудно назвать другую страну, в которой за последние 100 лет произошло столько социальных потрясений и перемен. Две революции, 1905 и 1917 годов, две мировые войны, распад СССР и события последующих лет, связанные с перестройкой. 

Этим социальным потрясениям и переменам сопутствовали изменения как в бытовом укладе, так и в моде, ведь мода — это зеркало истории. Выставка «100 лет моды в России» покажет и расскажет, как менялась мода в России в период, не столь протяженный с точки зрения истории, но огромный по насыщенности событиями исторической важности. 

100 специально изготовленных манекенов представляют самые разные образцы мужской и женской одежды за последние 100 лет. Выставка «100 лет моды в России» на ВДНХ демонстрирует широту и разнообразие коллекции из Фонда Александра Васильева.

Одежда предреволюционных лет с ее упрощенным кроем и стилем эмансипе, укороченные платья с заниженной талией — визитная карточка нэпа, платья в стиле советских кинодив 30-х годов, трофейные послевоенные платья и шедевры ОДМО на Кузнецком Мосту, приталенные платья с широкими подъюбниками в духе new look 50-х и деловая мода 80-х, люкс лихих 90-х и гламур нулевых — все времена и все стили нашли свое место в этой экспозиции.

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