Wicepremier, minister kultury prof. Piotr Gliński zapowiedział, że muzeum zostanie powołane prawdopodobnie w styczniu. Zaznaczył, że „są pewne trudności z obecnym dysponentem tej nieruchomości, (…) ale my jesteśmy cierpliwi, będziemy to realizowali” - podkreślił. Szef resortu kultury poinformował, że MKiDN chce w formie dzierżawy uzyskać prawo do budynku, który funkcjonował w okresie getta oraz wcześniej jako szpital, a w którym ma się mieścić muzeum. To według niego odpowiednie miejsce.
polski odpowiednik Muzeum Holokaustu
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Mur getta dzielący plac Żelaznej Bramy
Gliński powiedział, że idea powołania Muzeum dotarła do niego od dyrektora Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego im. Emanuela Ringelbluma prof. Pawła Śpiewaka.
Będziemy to we współpracy z ŻIH-em organizowali. Chcemy, żeby to była instytucja kultury niezależna, instytucja państwowa – Muzeum Getta Warszawskiego, które będzie opowiadało nie tylko o tym większym getcie, ale także o wszystkich innych; będzie także takim warszawskim, polskim odpowiednikiem Muzeum Holokaustu.
Warszawskie getto było największym spośród założonych przez Niemców na okupowanych przez nich terenach. Według spisu dokonanego na rozkaz władz niemieckich przez Judenrat w październiku 1939 r. w Warszawie przebywało ok. 360 tys. Żydów. Ich liczba zwiększyła się po zarządzeniu wydanym 30 października 1939 r. przez Heinricha Himmlera, które nakazywało przesiedlenie ludności polskiej i żydowskiej do Generalnego Gubernatorstwa z ziem włączonych do Rzeszy. W jego wyniku od listopada 1939 r. do października 1940 r. do Warszawy przybyło ok. 90 tys.
Żydów. Mimo iż liczba mieszkańców getta na skutek wysokiej śmiertelności i ucieczek pozornie malała, to kolejne migracje wciąż zagęszczały getto, którego terytorium kurczyło się. W marcu 1941 r. liczba mieszkańców getta osiągnęła maksimum i wynosiła ok. 460 tys.
22 lipca 1942 r. Niemcy rozpoczęli likwidację – 254 tys. Żydów wywieziono do obozu zagłady w Treblince, 11 tys. skierowano do obozów pracy, na miejscu rozstrzelano ok. 6 tys. W getcie pozostało ok. 60 tys. osób, blisko połowa nielegalnie.
fonte: @edisonmariotti #edisonmariotti
Cultura não é o que entra pelos olhos e ouvidos,
mas o que modifica o jeito de olhar e ouvir.
A cultura e o amor devem estar juntos.
Vamos compartilhar.
Culture is not what enters the eyes and ears,
but what modifies the way of looking and hearing.
--br via tradutor do google
O Museu do Gueto de Varsóvia deve ser criado -
Vice-Primeiro-Ministro, Ministro da Cultura prof. Piotr Gliński anunciou que o museu provavelmente será estabelecido em janeiro. Ele observou que "há algumas dificuldades com o atual proprietário desta propriedade, (...), mas somos pacientes, vamos implementá-la" - sublinhou. O chefe do Ministério da Cultura informou que o Ministério da Cultura e Patrimônio Nacional queria obter um direito na forma de arrendamento de um edifício que funcionasse durante o período do gueto e anteriormente como um hospital e no qual o museu deve ser alojado. Este é o lugar certo para ele.
Equivalente polaco ao Museu do Holocausto
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A parede do gueto que divide a praça de Żelazna Brama
Gliński disse que a idéia de estabelecer o Museu chegou até o diretor do Jewish Historical Institute. Emanuela Ringelblum prof. Paweł Śpiewak.
Vamos organizar isso em cooperação com o Jewish Historical Institute. Queremos que seja uma instituição cultural independente, uma instituição estadual - o Museu do Gueto de Varsóvia, que informará não só o gueto maior, mas também todos os outros; Também será o equivalente polonês baseado em Vóvia do Museu do Holocausto.
O gueto de Varsóvia foi a maior das zonas estabelecidas pelos alemães nas áreas ocupadas por eles. De acordo com o censo feito pela ordem das autoridades alemãs pelo Judenrat em outubro de 1939, havia Varsóvia cerca de 360.000. Judeus. Seu número aumentou após a ordem emitida em 30 de outubro de 1939 por Heinrich Himmler, que ordenou o reassentamento da população polonesa e judaica ao Governo Geral das terras anexadas ao Reich. Como resultado, de novembro de 1939 a outubro de 1940, cerca de 90 mil chegaram em Varsóvia.
Judeus. Apesar do fato de que o número de habitantes do gueto devido a alta mortalidade e fugas aparentemente diminuiu, as migrações subseqüentes continuaram a engrossar o gueto, cujo território estava diminuindo. Em março de 1941, o número de habitantes do gueto atingiu um máximo de cerca de 460 mil.
Em 22 de julho de 1942, os alemães começaram a liquidar - 254,000 Judeus foram deportados para o campo de extermínio de Treblinka, 11.000 enviado para campos de trabalho, cerca de 6.000 foram filmados no local Cerca de 60 mil pessoas permaneceram no gueto pessoas, quase metade ilegalmente.
--in via tradutor do google
The Warsaw Ghetto Museum is to be created.
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Culture prof. Piotr Gliński announced that the museum will probably be established in January. He noted that "there are some difficulties with the current owner of this property, (...) but we are patient, we will implement it" - he stressed. The head of the Ministry of Culture informed that the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage wanted to obtain a right in the form of a lease to a building that functioned during the ghetto period and previously as a hospital, and in which the museum is to be housed. This is the right place for him.
Polish equivalent of the Holocaust Museum
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The ghetto wall dividing the square of Żelazna Brama
Gliński said that the idea of establishing the Museum reached him from the director of the Jewish Historical Institute. Emanuela Ringelblum prof. Paweł Śpiewak.
We will organize this in cooperation with the Jewish Historical Institute. We want it to be an independent cultural institution, a state institution - the Warsaw Ghetto Museum, which will tell not only the larger ghetto, but also all others; it will also be the Warsaw-based Polish equivalent of the Holocaust Museum.
The Warsaw ghetto was the largest of the zones established by the Germans in the areas occupied by them. According to the census made at the order of the German authorities by the Judenrat in October 1939, there were about 360,000 in Warsaw. Jews. Their number increased after the order issued on October 30, 1939 by Heinrich Himmler, which ordered the resettlement of the Polish and Jewish population to the General Government from the lands annexed to the Reich. As a result, from November 1939 to October 1940, about 90,000 arrived in Warsaw.
Jews. Despite the fact that the number of ghetto inhabitants due to high mortality and escapes apparently decreased, subsequent migrations continued to thicken the ghetto, whose territory was shrinking. In March 1941, the number of the ghetto inhabitants reached a maximum of about 460,000.
On July 22, 1942, the Germans began liquidation - 254,000 Jews were deported to the Treblinka extermination camp, 11,000 sent to labor camps, about 6,000 were shot on the spot About 60,000 people remained in the ghetto people, almost half illegally.
--in via tradutor do google
The Warsaw Ghetto Museum is to be created.
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Culture prof. Piotr Gliński announced that the museum will probably be established in January. He noted that "there are some difficulties with the current owner of this property, (...) but we are patient, we will implement it" - he stressed. The head of the Ministry of Culture informed that the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage wanted to obtain a right in the form of a lease to a building that functioned during the ghetto period and previously as a hospital, and in which the museum is to be housed. This is the right place for him.
Polish equivalent of the Holocaust Museum
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The ghetto wall dividing the square of Żelazna Brama
Gliński said that the idea of establishing the Museum reached him from the director of the Jewish Historical Institute. Emanuela Ringelblum prof. Paweł Śpiewak.
We will organize this in cooperation with the Jewish Historical Institute. We want it to be an independent cultural institution, a state institution - the Warsaw Ghetto Museum, which will tell not only the larger ghetto, but also all others; it will also be the Warsaw-based Polish equivalent of the Holocaust Museum.
The Warsaw ghetto was the largest of the zones established by the Germans in the areas occupied by them. According to the census made at the order of the German authorities by the Judenrat in October 1939, there were about 360,000 in Warsaw. Jews. Their number increased after the order issued on October 30, 1939 by Heinrich Himmler, which ordered the resettlement of the Polish and Jewish population to the General Government from the lands annexed to the Reich. As a result, from November 1939 to October 1940, about 90,000 arrived in Warsaw.
Jews. Despite the fact that the number of ghetto inhabitants due to high mortality and escapes apparently decreased, subsequent migrations continued to thicken the ghetto, whose territory was shrinking. In March 1941, the number of the ghetto inhabitants reached a maximum of about 460,000.
On July 22, 1942, the Germans began liquidation - 254,000 Jews were deported to the Treblinka extermination camp, 11,000 sent to labor camps, about 6,000 were shot on the spot About 60,000 people remained in the ghetto people, almost half illegally.
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