Nanoart is a contemporary art form that fuses science and technology to produce unique visual works.
Nanoart refers to the creation of works of art using nanotechnology, which operates at a nanometer scale (a nanometer is one billionth of a meter).
It is a constantly evolving field that reflects the convergence between scientific and artistic disciplines.
Here are some techniques and concepts related to nanoart:
Manipulation at the Atomic and Molecular Scale:
Uses techniques to manipulate and assemble atoms and molecules individually to create specific structures.
Scanning Probe Microscopy:
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM):
It allows you to visualize and manipulate nanoscale structures using an extremely fine probe.
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM):
Measures the electrical current between the probe and the surface, creating images of the topography of the sample at the atomic level.
Nanopaint and Nanobrushes:
Instruments that allow you to apply or "paint" materials at a nanometric scale.
Electron Lithography:
Uses beams of electrons to carve or modify nanometer-level structures on substrates.
Molecular Autensassembly:
Allows molecules to organize and form three-dimensional structures spontaneously.
Nanoparticles and Nanotubes:
Metallic Nanoparticles:
Small metallic particles that exhibit unique optical properties and are used in the creation of nanometric colors and patterns.
Carbon Nanotubes:
Cylindrical carbon structures with special mechanical and electrical properties.
Virtual Reality and Computational Modeling:
Computational Simulation:
Use of software to model and simulate nanoscale structures before their physical creation.
Biological Inspiration:
Inspired by biological structures and processes to create art at the nanometric level.
Nanoart not only explores the aesthetics of the extremely small, but also challenges conventional perceptions of art by incorporating science and technology into the creation of works.
Microscopic view
, from Pesquisa FAPESP Magazine
<img src="" class="attachment-post- thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy" srcset=" de-formiga-2024-02-1140.jpg 1140w, .jpg 250w, 700w,
https://revistapesquisa 120w" sizes="(max-width: 1140px) 100vw, 1140px" ><p>
When science and art meet, the effect can be surprising and inspiring.
This is what chemist Márcio de Paula bets on when he shows the scanning electron microscope to students in school groups.
“They are amazed to see something that they constantly encounter in their daily lives, but they never imagined it was like this”, says he, who produces images from insects, leaves, pollen grains and other small items that he collects.
Above, the eye of an ant that walked through the sugar jar in his house.
The image was colored using nanoart techniques and was awarded third place, in November, in the international Nanoartography competition, among 306 competing works from 36 countries.
</p><p><em>Image sent by Márcio de Paula, electron microscopy technician at the Chemistry Institute of the University of São Paulo in São Carlos (IQSC-USP)</em></p><p class= "bibliography tab-bibliography">Does your research yield pretty photos?
Send it to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>.
His work may be published in the magazine. </ P> <br> <p>
This text was originally published by <a href='
'>Pesquisa FAPESP</a> in accordance with <a href=' nd/4.0/'> Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-ND</a>.
Read the <a href='' target='_blank'>original here</a>.</p><script>var img = new Image(); img.src='' + window.location.href;</script>
Nanoarte é uma forma de arte contemporânea que funde ciência e tecnologia para produzir obras visuais únicas.
Nanoarte refere-se à criação de obras de arte utilizando a nanotecnologia, que opera em escala nanométrica (um nanômetro equivale a um bilionésimo de metro).
É um campo em constante evolução que reflete a convergência entre disciplinas científicas e artísticas.
Aqui estão algumas técnicas e conceitos relacionados à nanoarte:
Manipulação em Escala Atômica e Molecular:
Utiliza técnicas para manipular e montar átomos e moléculas individualmente para criar estruturas específicas.
Microscopia de Varredura por Sonda:
Microscopia de Força Atômica (AFM):
Ele permite visualizar e manipular estruturas em nanoescala usando uma sonda extremamente fina.
Microscopia de Varredura por Tunelamento (STM):
Mede a corrente elétrica entre a sonda e a superfície, criando imagens da topografia da amostra em nível atômico.
Nanopintura e Nanopincéis:
Instrumentos que permitem aplicar ou “pintar” materiais em escala nanométrica.
Litografia Eletrônica:
Usa feixes de elétrons para esculpir ou modificar estruturas de nível nanométrico em substratos.
Montagem molecular de Autens:
Permite que as moléculas se organizem e formem estruturas tridimensionais espontaneamente.
Nanopartículas e Nanotubos:
Nanopartículas Metálicas:
Pequenas partículas metálicas que exibem propriedades ópticas únicas e são utilizadas na criação de cores e padrões nanométricos.
Nanotubos de carbono:
Estruturas cilíndricas de carbono com propriedades mecânicas e elétricas especiais.
Realidade Virtual e Modelagem Computacional:
Simulação Computacional:
Uso de software para modelar e simular estruturas em nanoescala antes de sua criação física.
Inspiração Biológica:
Inspirado em estruturas e processos biológicos para criar arte em nível nanométrico.
A nanoarte não apenas explora a estética do extremamente pequeno, mas também desafia as percepções convencionais da arte, incorporando ciência e tecnologia na criação de obras.
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