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terça-feira, 18 de agosto de 2015

WORKSHOP: MÍDIAS DIGITAIS PARA MUSEUS, COM MAR DIXON 10 de setembro de 2015, quinta-feira - das 14 horas às 17h30 - Escola do Olhar – Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR - Praça Mauá, nº 5 – Centro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

O Programa Transform de Museus traz ao Brasil a especialista em mídias digitais.

Idealizadora de inúmeros projetos como o MuseomixUK e o MuseumCamp, Mar está por trás de diversas campanhas digitais no setor cultural e de museus que definem tendências mundiais. Algumas dessas ações estão entre as mais aclamadas do segmento, como #MuseumSelfie, #AskACurator, #MuseumWeek e #LoveTheatre. 

Voltado para profissionais de museus e instituições culturais que atuam em funções de marketing, comunicação e educativo, o workshop apresentará estratégias em mídias digitais para a promoção de exposições, programações culturais e atração de público.

As inscrições são gratuitas e estão abertas até 28 de agosto. Para se candidatar a uma das vagas, preencha o formulário online clicando aqui.

Os selecionados serão informados por e-mail até o dia 4 de setembro. 

Este workshop será realizado pelo British Council, em parceria com o Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR, Museums Showoff:Rio e Museum Camp e o apoio do Arts Council England e da campanha GREAT do Governo Britânico.

-- fonte: @edisonmarioti  #edisonmariotti   http://www.mardixon.com/

Passionate about culture. Champion for the next generation of Cultural visitors. Defender of Libraries. Digital, Wearable Tech Enthusiast. Sharing knowledge. Troublemaker and/or advocate, depending on what you need.

Really hate starting off with such a cliché title but I can’t think of any other words that explains what I witnessed last week at Young Rewired State in Birmingham UK.

For those who don’t know, Young Rewired State Festival of Code is:

Young Rewired State is a worldwide community of digital makers aged 18 and under. We introduce them to like-minded peers, and expert mentors, at free events around the world, where they use freely available open data to build apps, websites and algorithms to solve real world challenges.

Young Rewired State aims are to (from their website):
Find and foster a community of young coders and digital makers
Get them ‘civic hacking’ together: using their skills, to improve their communities
Promote peer to peer learning

Provide a fun, inclusive and supportive environment
Equip these young people with the skills to become the tech stars of tomorrow

I’ve heard and followed YRS for a few years but it always seemed like I was travelling during the events. But this year Emma and Ruth caught me early in the planning and I was able to put it pride and place in my calendar. I was honoured to be asked to be a judge even though I had no idea what that meant….

When I arrived at ICC in Birmingham, a place I have been to many times, I felt an electric vibe I have never felt before. I walked up the to the main floor of the event and BAM! The explosion of excitement hit an elevation I didn’t know possible. Kids coding, excitedly, happily – with a splash of annoyance when it wasn’t working. 

Full disclosure: I’m working on the social media for the ILoveMuseums.com campaign.

The concept behind the campaign is to get enough signatures on a petitions to show government that we care about museums and can’t afford any more cuts to funding and budgets and still survive. I Love Museums is a campaign led by the National Museum Directors’ Council with support from: Arts Council England, Association of Independent Museums, Culture24, Museums Association, The Art Fund, University Museums Group, Army Museums Ogilby Trust.

I Love Museums launched in June, after the elections with a day of trending and people worldwide filling in the statement #ILoveMuseums because _______. There were over 1200 signatures in one day.

Since then, not much. We’ve have had people sharing visits with #ILoveMuseums but the support has seemed to wean off.

Last week I attended a debate at Parliament as MP Robert Jenrick asked for a ballot on Regional support for the arts. I went representing I Love Museums to live tweet (see Storify here). The #artsfunding debate is similar to #ILoveMuseums: stop the cuts and support museums and galleries outside of London as much as those in London.

Much of the public money that goes into the arts is channelled through Arts Council England (ACE), which receives a direct grant from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), as well as distributing Lottery grants. As part of the general squeeze on public finances, the last Parliament saw significant reductions in the funds set aside for the arts. Some people feel that ‘prestige’, London-based organisations – galleries and museums, theatre, opera and ballet companies, orchestras, etc – continue to get preferential treatment from funders.
With the launch of its investment plans for 2015-18 in July 2014, ACE signalled its determination to rectify historic imbalances between London and the rest of England. There were specific initiatives to build capacity outside London, to encourage cultural communities to grow and to encourage touring.

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